Site Event/Activity record EMO6851 - 1998: AP - Brendon Hills National Mapping Project
RCHME Swindon
January/September 1998
The Brendon Hills Mapping Project forms part of the RCHME National Mapping Programme (NMP). It was undertaken by Aerial Survey in the Swindon office at the request of the Exeter Field Office who carried out a programme of field survey in the area. The project started in January 1998. The mapping phase was completed in October 1998, a report was produced shortly thereafter. The project aim was to interpret and transcribe, at a scale of 1:10000, all archaeological features visible on air photographs, dating from prehistoric to twentieth century features (industrial and military sites). The area comprises 7 1:10000 Ordnance Survey maps. All data is recorded in the National Monuments Record, AMIe database. The archive, which consists of the transcription pencil and inked overlays, paper records ( including Map Note Sheets and MORPH Record Sheets) and the specification and management reports, are held in the English Heritgae Archive in Swindon (Collection UID 1109080). "National Recording Project" applied to Associated Event Addresses to aid retrieval 2018.
Sources/Archives (14)
- <1> SEM7355 Report: Dyer, C.A.. 1998. National Mapping Programme: The Brendon Hills Mapping Project, Devon and Somerset. RCHME Swindon.
- <2> SMO7523 Archive: 1998-1998. RCHME: Brendon Hills Mapping Project, SS 93 SW. AF1133201.
- <3> SMO7521 Archive: Dyer, C.A.. 1998. RCHME: Brendon Hills Mapping Project, SS 93 NW. AF1129721.
- <4> SMO7522 Archive: RCHME: Brendon Hills Mapping Project, SS 92 NW. AF1131882.
- <5> SMO8405 Archive: RCHME: Brendon Hills Mapping Project, SS 92 NE. AF1133292.
- <6> SMO7525 Archive: Small, F.. 1998. RCHME: Brendon Hills Mapping Project, SS 93 NE. AF1133887.
- <7> SMO6671 Collection: Dyer, C. and Winton, H.. 1998. RCHME: Brendon Hills Mapping Project, SS92NE.
- <8> SMO6669 Collection: Winton, H.. 1998. RCHME: Brendon Hills Mapping Project, SS92NW.
- <9> SMO6673 Collection: RCHME: Brendon Hills Mapping Project, SS93NE.
- <10> SMO6667 Collection: RCHME: Brendon Hills Mapping Project, SS93NW.
- <11> SMO6666 Collection: Dyer, C.. 1998. RCHME: Brendon Hills Mapping Project, SS93SE.
- <12> SMO6670 Collection: RCHME: Brendon Hills Mapping Project, SS93SW.
- <13> SMO6672 Collection: RCHME: Brendon Hills Mapping Project, ST 03 SW.
- <14> SEM7987 Digital archive: Historic England. Various. National Record of the Historic Environment (NRHE) entry. 1109083, Enhanced 13 October 2021.
Location | Brendon Hills, Devon and Somerset |
Grid reference | Centred SS 975 325 (15000m by 15000m) (33 map features) |
Map sheet | SS93SE |
Related Monuments/Buildings (436)
- MSO8874 19th Century farmstead northwest of Smarmoor Barn (Monument)
- MSO9064 19th Century spoil tips south of Northbrook Station (Monument)
- MMO909 19th Century water meadow south of North Hawkwell Farm (Monument)
- MSO9211 Ackland Farmstead (Monument)
- MSO9258 Alledged undated enclosures north of Cutcombe (Monument)
- MSO8968 Baker's Pit (Monument)
- MSO8971 Betsy Mine / New Langham Mine (Monument)
- MMO655 Blagdon Cottages, Cutcombe (Monument)
- MSO11392 Bronze Age barrow or cairn at Monkham Hill (Monument)
- MSO8855 Bronze Age barrows at Sminhays Corner (Monument)
- MSO9204 Bronze Age bowl barrow at Lype Hill (Monument)
- MSO11393 Bronze Age bowl barrow at Monkham Hill (Monument)
- MSO7705 Bronze Age bowl barrow at Ralegh's Cross (Monument)
- MSO8856 Bronze Age bowl barrow on King's Brompton Common (Monument)
- MSO7443 Bronze Age bowl barrow on Monkham Hill (Monument)
- MSO9209 Bronze Age round barrow at Lype Hill (Monument)
- MSO8859 Burrow Farm Engine House (Building)
- MSO8858 Burrow Farm Mine (Monument)
- MSO7159 Burrowhead Field, north of Exton (Monument)
- MSO8841 Bury Castle, Brompton Regis (Monument)
- MMO802 California Iron Mine / Higher Goosemoor Mine (Monument)
- MSO8864 Carnarvon Mine New Pit (Monument)
- MMO434 Carnarvon Old Pit (Monument)
- MSO8845 Cutcombe Barrow (Monument)
- MSO8366 Disputed deserted medieval settlement south of Upton Church (Monument)
- MMO728 Extensive post-medieval earthworks to east of Woolcotts Farm (Monument)
- MMO911 Field boundary west of Trottsway Cross (Monument)
- MMO1061 Five post-medieval extractive pits north of Edbrooke Hill Gate (Monument)
- MMO1030 Five post-medieval ironstone pits north of Hone Lane (Monument)
- MMO1126 Guerney Level (Monument)
- MSO8961 Gupworthy New Pit (Monument)
- MSO8962 Gupworthy Old Pit (Monument)
- MSO8345 Hazelry Farmstead, Treborough (Monument)
- MSO11642 Herepath or Harepath (Monument)
- MMO672 Higher Ditch deserted farmstead, Brompton Regis (Monument)
- MMO551 Higher Week Farmstead, Exton (Monument)
- MMO554 Highley deserted farm and mill (Monument)
- MMO945 Hole Combe Mine, Winsford (Monument)
- MEM15217 Hollow way to the east of Woodlands Farmstead (Monument)
- MSO8850 Hurscombe Deserted Farmstead, Brompton Regis (Monument)
- MSO8657 Iron Age oval enclosure on Rodhuish Common (Monument)
- MSO8595 Ison Mine, Winsford (Monument)
- MMO594 Kents Mill, Brompton Regis (Monument)
- MSO7476 Langham Hill Pit (Monument)
- MSO8344 Leather Barrow (Monument)
- MSO8867 Lime Kilns at Brendon Hill (Monument)
- MMO650 Limestone quarry southeast of Luckwell Bridge (Monument)
- MMO982 Linear feature at Weatherham Farm (Monument)
- MSO8627 Linear group of Bronze Age barrows at Black Hill (Monument)
- MSO9269 Lower and Higher Kiln Fields, Cutcombe (Monument)
- MMO561 Luckyard Wood Mine (Monument)
- MMO992 Medieval and post-medieval activity at Shircombe, Brompton Regis (Monument)
- MMO651 Medieval and post-medieval activity west of Red Door Farm (Monument)
- MMO678 Medieval and post-medieval earthworks at Cophole Farm (Monument)
- MMO720 Medieval and post-medieval settlement remains at Brompton Regis (Monument)
- MMO894 Medieval or later ironstone pits northeast of Huccombe (Monument)
- MMO978 Medieval or later ridge and furrow overlain by post-medieval water meadow west of Oatway (Monument)
- MMO887 Medieval or later trackways and possible ironstone pits at South Quarme Allotment (Monument)
- MMO729 Medieval or post-medevial deserted farmstead at Woolcotts (Monument)
- MMO994 Medieval or post-medieval activity near Howetown Farm (Monument)
- MMO892 Medieval or post-medieval banked field system northwest of Vinnicombe (Monument)
- MMO737 Medieval or post-medieval deserted settlement west of Leigh Farm (Monument)
- MMO753 Medieval or post-medieval earthworks near Hurscombe Barn (Monument)
- MMO840 Medieval or post-medieval earthworks surrounding East Nurcott and Great Nurcott Farms (Monument)
- MMO749 Medieval or post-medieval earthworks surrounding Ford Farm (Monument)
- MMO713 Medieval or post-medieval earthworks surrounding Lower and Higher Cowlings (Monument)
- MMO1026 Medieval or post-medieval earthworks to the south of Red Door Farm (Monument)
- MMO683 Medieval or post-medieval farm or cottages west of Withiel Farm (Monument)
- MMO689 Medieval or post-medieval field bank and ditches southwest of Mill Cross (Monument)
- MMO893 Medieval or post-medieval field bank northeast of Huccombe farmstead (Monument)
- MMO890 Medieval or post-medieval field bank northwest of Week Farmstead (Monument)
- MSO9296 Medieval or post-medieval field bank south of Timber Wood (Monument)
- MMO842 Medieval or post-medieval field bank southwest of Upcott Farm (Monument)
- MMO910 Medieval or post-medieval field bank west of Luckwell Bridge (Monument)
- MMO917 Medieval or post-medieval field banks or lynchets southeast of Sniffwells Cottage (Monument)
- MMO937 Medieval or post-medieval field boundaries and ridge and furrow on White Moor (Monument)
- MMO741 Medieval or post-medieval field boundaries north and east of Leigh Farm (Monument)
- MSO7185 Medieval or post-medieval field boundaries southwest of Springfield (Monument)
- MMO931 Medieval or post-medieval field boundary at western end of Kersham Hill (Monument)
- MMO712 Medieval or post-medieval field boundary northeast of Venn (Monument)
- MMO1001 Medieval or post-medieval field boundary southeast of Rock Close Copse (Monument)
- MMO1099 Medieval or post-medieval field boundary southwest of Gupworthy Farm (Monument)
- MMO766 Medieval or post-medieval field lynchets northwest of Swansea Farm (Monument)
- MMO885 Medieval or post-medieval field system at Quarme Hill (Monument)
- MMO721 Medieval or post-medieval field system east of Brompton Regis (Monument)
- MMO833 Medieval or post-medieval field system south and east of Oldrey (Monument)
- MMO717 Medieval or post-medieval field system south of Holworthy Lane (Monument)
- MMO725 Medieval or post-medieval field system surrounding Rugg's Farm (Monument)
- MMO746 Medieval or post-medieval field system to north and west of Blagdon Farm (Monument)
- MMO886 Medieval or post-medieval ironstone pit and trackway at Quarme Hill (Monument)
- MMO914 Medieval or post-medieval ironstone pits south of Luckwell Bridge (Monument)
- MSO8982 Medieval or post-medieval leat at Barlynch Priory (Monument)
- MMO718 Medieval or post-medieval linear bank and ditch south of Storridge Lane (Monument)
- MMO757 Medieval or post-medieval mineral extraction site southwest of St Mary Magdalene's Church (Monument)
- MSO10064 Medieval or post-medieval ridge and furrow north of Bury Hill (Monument)
- MMO1022 Medieval or post-medieval ridge and furrow north of Chapple Farm (Monument)
- MSO10059 Medieval or post-medieval ridge and furrow north of Old Shute (Monument)
- MSO10061 Medieval or post-medieval ridge and furrow northwest of Perry (Monument)
- MMO935 Medieval or post-medieval ridge and furrow on southwest slopes of Lype Hill (Monument)
- MSO9063 Medieval or post-medieval ridge and furrow remains at Gupworthy (Monument)
- MSO10063 Medieval or post-medieval ridge and furrow south of Bury Hill (Monument)
- MSO10062 Medieval or post-medieval ridge and furrow south of Dyehouse Corner (Monument)
- MSO10066 Medieval or post-medieval ridge and furrow south of Halscombe Farm (Monument)
- MSO10058 Medieval or post-medieval ridge and furrow south of Marshbridge Cross (Monument)
- MMO755 Medieval or post-medieval ridge and furrow southeast of Swansea Farm (Monument)
- MSO10065 Medieval or post-medieval ridge and furrow southwest of Hele Bridge (Monument)
- MSO8919 Medieval or post-medieval ridge and furrow west of Higher Woolcotts (Monument)
- MSO10057 Medieval or post-medieval ridge and furrow west of Northcombe Farm (Monument)
- MMO877 Medieval or post-medieval shrunken settlement north of West Howetown (Monument)
- MMO748 Medieval or post-medieval trackway and field boundaries south of Blagdon Farm (Monument)
- MEM25176 Medieval or post-medieval trackway on Withycombe Common (Monument)
- MMO975 Medieval or post-medieval trackway southeast of Kents Farm (Monument)
- MMO675 Medieval or post-medieval water meadow and ridge and furrow at Kings Brompton Farm (Monument)
- MMO1074 Medieval ridge and furrow at Highercombe or Higher Combe (Monument)
- MMO974 Medieval ridge and furrow at Kents Farm (Monument)
- MMO980 Medieval ridge and furrow east of Lyddon's Hill (Monument)
- MSO8952 Medieval ridge and furrow to east of Withiel Farm (Monument)
- MSO7233 Medieval ridge and furrow west of Limingclose (Monument)
- MMO1077 Medieval ridge and furrow with post-medieval water meadow north and east of Halscombe Farm (Monument)
- MMO936 Medieval trackway south of Highley Plantation (Monument)
- MSO8358 Military Camp on Treborough Common (Monument)
- MMO841 Modern agricultural marks southwest of Upcott Cross (Monument)
- MSO11112 Modern cropmarks north of Redcross Farm (Monument)
- MSO7158 Mousehanger Farmstead, Exton (Monument)
- MSO8957 Narrow ridge and furrow system on Withiel Hill (Monument)
- MSO9326 Oldberry (or Oldbury) Castle, Dulverton (Monument)
- MSO9334 Pixton Park, Dulverton (Monument)
- MSO12625 Possible adit east of South Quarme (Monument)
- MSO10072 Possible Bronze Age barrow east of Hele Bridge (Monument)
- MSO9266 Possible deserted farmstead at Luckwell (Monument)
- MMO740 Possible deserted settlement around St Mary Magdalene's Church (Monument)
- MSO8628 Possible Iron Age hillslope enclosure at Monkslade Common (Monument)
- MSO9210 Possible Iron Age suboval enclosure northwest of Trottsway Cross (Monument)
- MMO583 Possible medieval farmstead and post-medieval linhay and barn, Knaphindham Rocks (Monument)
- MMO745 Possible medieval or post-medieval enclosure northeast of Leigh Farm (Monument)
- MSO8361 Possible medieval or post-medieval farmstead enclosure at Brown Cottage (Monument)
- MSO8925 Possible post-medieval building platform north of Bessom Bridge (Monument)
- MMO1028 Possible post-medieval ironstone pits north of Broad Lane, Exton (Monument)
- MMO1031 Possible post-medieval pillow mounds north of Hone Lane, Bridgetown (Monument)
- MSO9041 Possible post-medieval water meadow west of Bryant's Bridge (Monument)
- MSO9065 Possible trackway northeast of Gupworthy Farm (Monument)
- MEM24227 Possible undated enclosure southwest of Butcher's Farm (Monument)
- MMO756 Possible undated mineral extraction site south of Swansea Farm (Monument)
- MMO1094 Possible undated subcircular enclosure southeast of Cophole Cottage (Monument)
- MMO1163 Possible undated trackway at Lype Common (Monument)
- MMO1091 Possible water meadow system northeast of Lyddons Cottage (Monument)
- MMO1080 Post-medieval agricultural remains around Higher Broford (Monument)
- MSO8881 Post-medieval and modern fishponds to the west of Withiel Florey (Monument)
- MSO9047 Post-medieval and undated features south of Ford Plantation (Monument)
- MMO985 Post-medieval boundaries and mounds at Sunny Nook, Brompton Regis (Monument)
- MMO1020 Post-medieval boundary at Hadborough Plantation (Monument)
- MMO1021 Post-medieval boundary on Hadborough Hill (Monument)
- MMO1019 Post-medieval boundary on Hadborough Hill (Monument)
- MSO9272 Post-medieval buildings south of Combeshead (Monument)
- MMO1127 Post-medieval dam and ponds east of Buckland Farm (Monument)
- MEM24839 Post-medieval ditch north of Great Nurcott Farm (Monument)
- MMO1119 Post-medieval earthworks east of Galloping Bottom Lane (Monument)
- MSO8554 Post-medieval earthworks east of Upcott Farm (Monument)
- MMO726 Post-medieval earthworks north of Bessom Cross (Monument)
- MMO743 Post-medieval earthworks on Blagdon Hill (Monument)
- MSO9021 Post-medieval earthworks south of Gutterhole Barn (Monument)
- MMO924 Post-medieval enclosure southwest of South Wheddon Farm (Monument)
- MSO10067 Post-medieval enclosures west of Hele Bridge (Monument)
- MMO3783 Post-medieval extraction pit northwest of Hurscombe Plantation (Monument)
- MMO765 Post-medieval extraction pits northwest of Swansea Farm (Monument)
- MMO732 Post-medieval extractive pit east of Higher Foxhanger (Monument)
- MSO7222 Post-medieval extractive pit east of Howetown Copse (Monument)
- MMO3784 Post-medieval extractive pit east of the Pulham river (Monument)
- MSO7223 Post-medieval extractive pit north of Weirside (Monument)
- MMO3781 Post-medieval extractive pit northwest of Withiel Farm (Monument)
- MMO1060 Post-medieval extractive pit northwest of Yellowcombe Cottage (Monument)
- MMO735 Post-medieval extractive pit on Blagdon Hill (Monument)
- MSO7215 Post-medieval extractive pit on Exton Hill (Monument)
- MMO981 Post-medieval extractive pit south of Weatherham Farm (Monument)
- MSO9297 Post-medieval extractive pit south of Wood Close Plantation (Monument)
- MMO1003 Post-medieval extractive pit southeast of Widlake (Monument)
- MSO9397 Post-medieval extractive pit west of Higher Broford (Monument)
- MMO3782 Post-medieval extractive pit west of Higher Eastcott Farm (Monument)
- MMO744 Post-medieval extractive pits at Blagdon Hill (Monument)
- MMO1000 Post-medieval extractive pits northeast of Widlake (Monument)
- MMO997 Post-medieval extractive pits on south side of Exton Hill (Monument)
- MMO839 Post-medieval extractive pits south of East Nurcott (Monument)
- MSO8621 Post-medieval extractive pits south of Redcleeve Plantation (Monument)
- MMO915 Post-medieval extractive pits southeast of Luckwell (Monument)
- MMO1064 Post-medieval extractive pits west of Rock Close Copse (Monument)
- MMO556 Post-medieval farm at South Hill, Cutcombe (Monument)
- MMO562 Post-medieval farmstead south of Triscombe Wood (Monument)
- MMO913 Post-medieval features at Luckwell Bridge (Monument)
- MMO988 Post-medieval features north of Gutterhole Barn (Monument)
- MMO874 Post-medieval features south of North Quarme (Monument)
- MMO989 Post-medieval field bank and extractive pit south of Little Shircombe (Monument)
- MMO1070 Post-medieval field bank east of South Hill Cottage (Monument)
- MMO976 Post-medieval field bank east of Stags Head Cross (Monument)
- MMO1002 Post-medieval field bank east of Widlake (Monument)
- MMO977 Post-medieval field bank north of Exepark Cottage (Monument)
- MMO996 Post-medieval field bank northwest of Howetown Farm (Monument)
- MMO688 Post-medieval field bank northwest of Venn (Monument)
- MMO1072 Post-medieval field bank southwest of Beech Park Farm (Monument)
- MMO1027 Post-medieval field banks east of Exton (Monument)
- MSO7196 Post-medieval field boundaries and water meadow at Quarme Coombe Farm (Monument)
- MMO1079 Post-medieval field boundaries north of Broford (Monument)
- MSO8625 Post-medieval field boundaries north of Ison Mine workings (Monument)
- MSO9393 Post-medieval field boundaries north of Rookery (Monument)
- MMO1218 Post-medieval field boundaries northeast of Beatland Plantation (Monument)
- MMO1224 Post-medieval field boundaries northwest of Ruglands Farm (Monument)
- MMO875 Post-medieval field boundaries west and southwest of Battleton Brake (Monument)
- MMO869 Post-medieval field boundary and leat south of Triscombe Gate (Monument)
- MEM25178 Post-medieval field boundary northeast of Gupworthy Farm (Monument)
- MMO1097 Post-medieval field boundary northwest of Higher Eastcott Farm (Monument)
- MMO1219 Post-medieval field boundary northwest of Hole Farm (Monument)
- MMO870 Post-medieval field boundary northwest of Quarme Combe Farm (Monument)
- MMO1225 Post-medieval field boundary west of Henstown (Monument)
- MSO7181 Post-medieval field gutter system at Stone Farm (Monument)
- MMO986 Post-medieval field gutters at Sunny Nook (Monument)
- MSO7519 Post-medieval field system on edge of Withycombe Common (Monument)
- MSO7503 Post-medieval field system on Lype Common (Monument)
- MSO7489 Post-medieval field system on Monkslade Common (Monument)
- MMO1063 Post-medieval field system on Summerway and The Allotments (Monument)
- MSO8622 Post-medieval field system on Winsford Hill (Monument)
- MMO806 Post-medieval field system on Withiel Hill (Monument)
- MMO1033 Post-medieval field system south of Hone Lane (Monument)
- MMO552 Post-medieval fish ponds west of Cutcombe (Monument)
- MMO584 Post-medieval hollow way and field boundary to east of Siderfin (Monument)
- MSO12624 Post-medieval iron pit east of Luckyard Farm (Monument)
- MMO888 Post-medieval ironstone pit close to Lancecombe Iron Mine (Monument)
- MSO8601 Post-medieval ironstone pit north of Exford Road (Monument)
- MSO7197 Post-medieval ironstone pit northwest of Quarme Hill Cross (Monument)
- MSO10093 Post-medieval ironstone pit south of Ashcott Quarries (Monument)
- MMO884 Post-medieval ironstone pit southwest of Quarme Hill Cross (Monument)
- MMO891 Post-medieval ironstone pit west of Week farmstead (Monument)
- MSO9301 Post-medieval ironstone pits east of Brendon Farm (Monument)
- MMO834 Post-medieval ironstone pits south of Oldrey (Monument)
- MMO1029 Post-medieval leat east of Bridgetown (Monument)
- MMO1018 Post-medieval leat west of Hartford (Monument)
- MSO9223 Post-medieval lime kiln and quarry west of Kersham (Monument)
- MMO764 Post-medieval linear bank and ditched feature north of Higher Eastcott Farm (Monument)
- MMO934 Post-medieval linear ditches at Little Hartcleeve Plantation (Monument)
- MMO585 Post-medieval linhay with associated water meadow at Howtown Farm (Monument)
- MMO759 Post-medieval mineral extraction site east of Withiel farm (Monument)
- MSO8928 Post-medieval mineral extraction site on west-facing slope of Blagdon Hill (Monument)
- MSO8838 Post-medieval or modern ditched boundaries north of Hartford (Monument)
- MMO956 Post-medieval pond on Hadborough Hill (Monument)
- MSO7515 Post-medieval quarries northwest of Luxborough (Monument)
- MMO1125 Post-medieval quarries west of Sminhays Cottages (Monument)
- MMO750 Post-medieval quarry northeast of Ford Farm (Monument)
- MSO8617 Post-medieval quarry on northern edge of Summerway (Monument)
- MSO8623 Post-medieval quarry southwest of Mousehanger (Monument)
- MSO10056 Post-medieval ridge and furrow northwest of Northcombe Farm (Monument)
- MSO8359 Post-medieval steam ploughed rig at Treborough Common (Monument)
- MMO955 Post-medieval stone or ballast quarry southeast of Hadborough (Monument)
- MSO12671 Post-medieval stone or ballast quarrying at Haddon Hill (Monument)
- MMO1059 Post-medieval trackway along north of Edbrooke Hill (Monument)
- MSO9398 Post-medieval trackway at Halscombe Cottage (Monument)
- MSO9029 Post-medieval trackway northwest of Combeshead Farm (Monument)
- MSO7485 Post-medieval trackway west of Bakers Farm (Monument)
- MMO1123 Post-medieval trackways at Sminhays Corner (Monument)
- MMO1121 Post-medieval trackways northeast of Burrow Farm (Monument)
- MMO437 Post-medieval trackways on King's Brompton Common (Monument)
- MMO1088 Post-medieval trackways southwest of Langham (Monument)
- MEM23808 Post-medieval water management features north of Rookery (Monument)
- MMO1176 Post-medieval water meadow around Nurcott Quarry (Monument)
- MMO961 Post-medieval water meadow around Pixton Farm (Monument)
- MMO1174 Post-medieval water meadow associated with Clicket (Monument)
- MMO586 Post-medieval water meadow at Armoor Farm (Monument)
- MMO571 Post-medieval water meadow at Ashwell Farm (Monument)
- MSO9375 Post-medieval water meadow at Barns Close (Monument)
- MMO574 Post-medieval water meadow at Blagdon Farm (Monument)
- MMO578 Post-medieval water meadow at Brendonhill Farm (Monument)
- MMO813 Post-medieval water meadow at Courts Farm (Monument)
- MMO979 Post-medieval water meadow at Daws Farm (Monument)
- MSO10050 Post-medieval water meadow at Dyehouse Cross (Monument)
- MMO962 Post-medieval water meadow at Haddon Farm, Brompton Regis (Monument)
- MMO714 Post-medieval water meadow at Harewood Farm (Monument)
- MMO925 Post-medieval water meadow at Higher Clammer (Monument)
- MMO762 Post-medieval water meadow at Higher Eastcott Farm (Monument)
- MSO11892 Post-medieval water meadow at Higher Foxhanger, Brompton Regis (Monument)
- MMO592 Post-medieval water meadow at Higher Week Farm (Monument)
- MMO590 Post-medieval water meadow at Hollam (Monument)
- MMO575 Post-medieval water meadow at Honeywell Farm (Monument)
- MMO993 Post-medieval water meadow at Knaphindam Rocks (Monument)
- MSO7493 Post-medieval water meadow at Langham Farm (Monument)
- MMO676 Post-medieval water meadow at Leigh Farm (Monument)
- MMO588 Post-medieval water meadow at Lower Broford (Monument)
- MSO7468 Post-medieval water meadow at Luxborough (Monument)
- MMO809 Post-medieval water meadow at Newcombe Farm (Monument)
- MMO719 Post-medieval water meadow at Nicholls Plantation (Monument)
- MMO812 Post-medieval water meadow at Perley barn (Monument)
- MMO930 Post-medieval water meadow at Putham (Monument)
- MMO814 Post-medieval water meadow at Slowley Farm (Monument)
- MMO569 Post-medieval water meadow at South Quarm (Monument)
- MMO680 Post-medieval water meadow at Swansea Farm (Monument)
- MSO9280 Post-medieval water meadow at Symms Combe (Monument)
- MMO920 Post-medieval water meadow at Thorne (Monument)
- MMO565 Post-medieval water meadow at Triscombe Farm (Monument)
- MMO564 Post-medieval water meadow at Upcott Farm (Monument)
- MMO572 Post-medieval water meadow at Vinnicombe Farm (Monument)
- MSO9364 Post-medieval water meadow at Weir Cleeve (Monument)
- MSO9273 Post-medieval water meadow at West Hawkwell Farm (Monument)
- MMO589 Post-medieval water meadow at Widlake Farm (Monument)
- MSO8899 Post-medieval water meadow at Woolcotts (Monument)
- MMO859 Post-medieval water meadow at Wynne Farm (Monument)
- MMO873 Post-medieval water meadow between North Quarme and Cleve Plantation (Monument)
- MMO1004 Post-medieval water meadow east of Blind Cleeve Wood (Monument)
- MSO9298 Post-medieval water meadow east of Cutcombe (Monument)
- MMO1185 Post-medieval water meadow east of Goosemoor Farm (Monument)
- MSO8946 Post-medieval water meadow east of Hurscombe Barn (Monument)
- MSO7518 Post-medieval water meadow east of Langham Farm (Monument)
- MMO850 Post-medieval water meadow east of Old Shute, Dulverton (Monument)
- MSO9292 Post-medieval water meadow east of West Hawkwell (Monument)
- MEM15218 Post-medieval water meadow east of Woodlands Farmstead (Monument)
- MSO8362 Post-medieval water meadow north of Druid's Combe (Monument)
- MMO1010 Post-medieval water meadow north of Exton (Monument)
- MMO964 Post-medieval water meadow north of Haddon Lane (Monument)
- MMO863 Post-medieval water meadow north of Hunts Farm (Monument)
- MMO736 Post-medieval water meadow north of Hurscombe Plantation (Monument)
- MMO848 Post-medieval water meadow north of Jury Hill (Monument)
- MSO9365 Post-medieval water meadow north of Jury Road (Monument)
- MMO1191 Post-medieval water meadow north of Kingsbridge (Monument)
- MSO8904 Post-medieval water meadow north of Lower Eastcott Farm (Monument)
- MSO7514 Post-medieval water meadow north of Luxborough (Monument)
- MMO1069 Post-medieval water meadow north of Miltons (Monument)
- MMO856 Post-medieval water meadow north of New Bridge (Monument)
- MMO871 Post-medieval water meadow north of North Quarme (Monument)
- MMO760 Post-medieval water meadow north of St Mary Magdalene's Church (Monument)
- MMO1014 Post-medieval water meadow north of Upton Cleave (Monument)
- MMO922 Post-medieval water meadow north of Wheddon Cross (Monument)
- MMO1017 Post-medieval water meadow north of Wimbleball Wood (Monument)
- MMO819 Post-medieval water meadow north of Winsford (Monument)
- MMO832 Post-medieval water meadow northeast of Oldrey (Monument)
- MMO570 Post-medieval water meadow northwest of Kershaw (Monument)
- MMO727 Post-medieval water meadow south and east of Hills Farm (Monument)
- MMO843 Post-medieval water meadow south and southwest of Higher Marsh (Monument)
- MMO838 Post-medieval water meadow south and west of Great Nurcott Farm (Monument)
- MMO576 Post-medieval water meadow south and west of North Wheddon Farm (Monument)
- MSO9314 Post-medieval water meadow south of Allercott and Stowey Quarries (Monument)
- MSO8342 Post-medieval water meadow south of Allercott Quarries (Monument)
- MMO751 Post-medieval water meadow south of Blagdon Barn (Monument)
- MSO7512 Post-medieval water meadow south of Chargot Wood (Monument)
- MSO9277 Post-medieval water meadow south of Combeshead (Monument)
- MMO1081 Post-medieval water meadow south of Greenslade Farm (Monument)
- MMO1073 Post-medieval water meadow south of Higher Combe (Monument)
- MMO761 Post-medieval water meadow south of Lower Eastcott Farm (Monument)
- MMO845 Post-medieval water meadow south of Northcombe Farm, Dulverton (Monument)
- MMO963 Post-medieval water meadow south of South Haddon Farm (Monument)
- MSO7504 Post-medieval water meadow south of Thorne Farm (Monument)
- MMO958 Post-medieval water meadow south of Upton Farm (Monument)
- MMO723 Post-medieval water meadow south of Venne House (Monument)
- MMO1006 Post-medieval water meadow south of West Howetown (Monument)
- MEM24228 Post-medieval water meadow south of Woodland Plantation (Monument)
- MSO9313 Post-medieval water meadow southeast of Lype Farm (Monument)
- MMO965 Post-medieval water meadow southwest of Haddon Farm (Monument)
- MSO9352 Post-medieval water meadow southwest of Hollam House (Monument)
- MMO567 Post-medieval water meadow southwest of Luckyard Farm (Monument)
- MSO7517 Post-medieval water meadow southwest of Pooltown (Monument)
- MSO8902 Post-medieval water meadow southwest of Ruglands (Monument)
- MMO1093 Post-medieval water meadow southwest of Young's Linhay (Monument)
- MSO8598 Post-medieval water meadow system at East Nurcott (Monument)
- MMO855 Post-medieval water meadow system at Lyncombe Farm (Monument)
- MMO851 Post-medieval water meadow system east of Stockham Farm (Monument)
- MMO858 Post-medieval water meadow system south of Hele Bridge (Monument)
- MMO731 Post-medieval water meadow to east of Lower Foxhanger (Monument)
- MMO959 Post-medieval water meadow west and north of Rainsbury Farm (Monument)
- MMO860 Post-medieval water meadow west of Baronsdown (Monument)
- MSO9059 Post-medieval water meadow west of Burrow Farm (Monument)
- MSO7510 Post-medieval water meadow west of Chargot Wood (Monument)
- MSO7511 Post-medieval water meadow west of Collyhill Wood (Monument)
- MMO929 Post-medieval water meadow west of Dulverton (Monument)
- MMO587 Post-medieval water meadow west of Edbrooke (Monument)
- MMO566 Post-medieval water meadow west of Little Quarme Farm (Monument)
- MMO872 Post-medieval water meadow west of North Quarme (Monument)
- MMO1065 Post-medieval water meadow west of Rock Close Copse (Monument)
- MMO1078 Post-medieval water meadow west of Sale Wood (Monument)
- MMO1089 Post-medieval water meadow west of Stowey Farm (Monument)
- MMO1015 Post-medieval water meadow west of Upton Farm (Monument)
- MSO7506 Post-medieval water meadow west of Well / Will (Monument)
- MSO7508 Post-medieval water meadow west of Westcott Farm (Monument)
- MMO1005 Post-medieval water meadow west of Witheridge (Monument)
- MMO591 Post-medieval water meadow with ridge and furrow at Higher Hone (Monument)
- MMO715 Post-medieval water meadows and linear banks south of Holworthy Farm (Monument)
- MMO436 Pre-enclosure trackways at Brendon Hill (Monument)
- MSO9049 Probable post-medieval features east of Kings Brompton Forest (Monument)
- MEM23566 Pulham's Mill leat (Monument)
- MSO8885 Pulham's Mill, Brompton Regis (Building)
- MSO8865 Raleigh's Cross Mine (Monument)
- MSO9024 Ridge and furrow east of Stolford Hill Cross (Monument)
- MMO983 Ridge and furrow south of Storridge Lane (Monument)
- MMO1129 Ridge and furrow southwest of Beverton Pond (Monument)
- MSO8387 Roman fort at Rainsbury, Upton (Monument)
- MMO1032 Round barrow east of Hone Cottage (Monument)
- MMO1058 Semicircular enclosure at Kents Farm (Monument)
- MMO206 Smarmoor deserted medieval farmstead, Brompton Regis (Monument)
- MSO8964 Smoky Bottom Pit (Monument)
- MMO673 Stolford deserted farmstead, Brompton Regis (Monument)
- MMO671 Thorn deserted medieval farmstead, Brompton Regis (Monument)
- MSO7502 Trackway at Kenningham Hill Plantation (Monument)
- MMO1162 Trackway northwest of Goosemoor (Monument)
- MSO7160 Two post-medieval ironstone pits north of Stone Farm (Monument)
- MSO10060 Undated banks southeast of Northcombe Farm (Monument)
- MSO10083 Undated circular enclosure on Lype Common (Monument)
- MMO1158 Undated circular enclosure on Monkham Hill (Monument)
- MMO921 Undated cropmark enclosures southeast of Barlynch Priory (Monument)
- MSO7499 Undated curvilinear enclosure at Washer's Plantation (Monument)
- MSO8936 Undated curvilinear enclosure on Blagdon Hill (Monument)
- MMO1082 Undated curvilinear enclosure west of Swansea Farm (Monument)
- MMO1165 Undated ditch following Cutcombe and Luxborough parish boundary line (Monument)
- MEM25179 Undated ditch or trackway northeast of Baker's Pit (Monument)
- MEM25177 Undated earthwork bank in Long Combe (Monument)
- MSO8393 Undated earthwork bank west of Bridge End (Monument)
- MMO876 Undated earthworks flanking West Howeton Lane and post-medieval cottage at Battleton Brake (Monument)
- MSO8844 Undated enclosure on southern bank of River Haddeo (Monument)
- MSO8606 Undated enclosure west of Great Nurcott (Monument)
- MMO1087 Undated features northwest of Broad Lane Head (Monument)
- MMO938 Undated open cast iron workings on Lype Hill (Monument)
- MSO9312 Undated quarry north of Lype deserted farmstead (Monument)
- MMO716 Undated rectilinear enclosure east of Lower Holworthy Farm (Monument)
- MMO738 Undated rectilinear enclosure west of Leigh Farm (Monument)
- MSO8941 Undated subcircular enclosure south of Gupworthy Farm (Monument)
- MSO8626 Undated subcircular enclosure south of road to Ison Iron Mine (Monument)
- MMO754 Undated subcircular enclosure to the south of Swansea Farm (Monument)
- MSO9060 Undated trackway east of Cutcombe Barrow (Monument)
- MSO9061 Undated trackway east of Gupworthy (Monument)
- MMO1124 Undated trackway near Higher Sminhays Farm (Monument)
- MMO1182 Undated trackway north of Beerland Barn (Monument)
- MSO8929 Undated trackway on Blagdon Ridge (Monument)
- MMO1178 Undated trackway south of Woodland Plantation (Monument)
- MMO1164 Undated trackways converging west of Lype Farm (Monument)
- MMO808 Undated trackways crossing Lype Common (Monument)
- MMO939 Undated trackways on Lype Hill (Monument)
- MMO889 Weekfield Trial Shaft, Exton (Monument)
- MSO9229 West Somerset Mineral Railway (Monument)
- MSO7471 Westcott Quarry and Lime Kiln (Monument)
- MSO8854 Wiveliscombe Barrow (Monument)
- MSO7453 Woodlands Farmstead, Luxborough (Monument)
- MMO1128 World War II searchlight south of Beverton Pond (Monument)
- MSO8389 World War Two military camp on Haddon Hill (Monument)
- MSO12687 World War Two mortar position on Hadborough (Monument)
Child/subsequent Site Events/Activities (1)
- EEM14906 2007-2009: AP - Exmoor National Park NMP
Record last edited
May 9 2022 9:00PM