MMO1119 - Post-medieval earthworks east of Galloping Bottom Lane (Monument)


Trackways or a packhorse road of probable post-medieval date visible as levelled earthworks on aerial photographs taken in 1981.

Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record .

Type and Period (1)

Protected Status

  • None recorded

Full Description

A series of trackways in a braided pattern were seen as earthworks and mapped from aerial photographs. The trackways are centred at ST 0495 3455. [1] Trackways or a packhorse road of probable post-medieval date can be seen on aerial photographs of the 1940s as earthworks centred approximately on ST05013449, to the east of Galloping Bottom Lane. The earthworks can be interpreted as a short survival of a section of route which predates the adoption of such routes into the extant and officially recognised road network. It seems probable that the earthworks originally formed a continuation of the road which approaches from the south-east. The reason for abandonment of this section of track and the creation of the dogleg within the road network which now exists is unclear. However, it is clear that this section of track passed out of use prior to 1888 and the publication of the first edition Ordnance Survey map. It is possible the trackway is contemporary with a field system immediately to the east. Both trackway and field system have been levelled by 1976. [2-3]

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1> Aerial photograph: Various. Various. Vertical Aerial Photograph. SOC 969 9626-9627 05-NOV-1981.
  • <2> Collection: RCHME: Brendon Hills Mapping Project, ST 03 SW.
  • <3> Archive: 2007-2009. Exmoor National Park NMP: ST 03 SE. MD002179.

External Links (1)

Other Statuses/References

  • Exmoor National Park HER Number (now deleted): MSO7870
  • Local List Status (Unassessed)
  • National Monuments Record reference: ST 03 SW49
  • Pastscape HOBID (was Monarch UID): 1164996



Grid reference Centred ST 0500 3444 (300m by 341m) (Aerial Survey)
Map sheet ST03SE

Finds (0)

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Jan 21 2013 3:47PM


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