Websites that provide access to different collections and information online.
National Heritage List For England
The official up to date register of all nationally protected historic buildings and sites in England, including listed buildings, scheduled monuments, protected wrecks, registered parks and gardens, and battlefields.
Heritage Gateway
A website allowing you to search over 60 resources offering local and national information relating to England's heritage. This includes other Historic Environment Records, the National Trust's HBSMR and the Church Heritage Record.
Aerial Archaeology Mapping Explorer
A tool that displays archaeology that has been identified, mapped and recorded using aerial photographs and other aerial sources across England.
Archaeology Data Service
An accredited digital depositry for heritage data, providing a variety of digital resources online for free.
Art UK
Makes available digital images of art in UK public collections accessible to everyone.
BBC Archaeology pages
A group of resources provided by the BBC.
British Archaeological Jobs and Resources
A website providing employment, training and industry news, as well as resources such as guidance documents.
Corpus of Anglo Saxon Stone Sculpture
The corpus identifies, records and publishes in a consistent format, English sculpture dating from the 7th to the 11th centuries.
Council for British Archaeology - books and publications
Includes free digital copies of their research reports.
Devon County Council Historic Environment Team
Includes access to Devon's HER and school resources.
Devon County Council Tithe Map and Apportionment resources
Digital copies of the Tithe Map and Apportionment data for Devon.
Digital Digging
Displaying the results of blending archaeology with emerging web technologies.
England's Places
A collection of over 600,000 photographic prints of cities, towns and villages around England.
Heritage Digital
A project aiming to increase the amount of free digital skills training and support available to heritage organisations.
Heritage Lottery Fund - Archaeology guidance
For applicants whose heritage project either has archaeology as its focus or if it involves the practice of archaeology in some way.
Historic Bridges of Britain
A compendium of photographs and information on almost 1,000 bridges built before 1700.
Historic England Research Report Series
A searchable catalogue of research reports undertaken or funded by Historic England (previously English Heritage).
Historic Environment Image Resource (HEIR)
Digitised historic photographic images from all over the world dating from the late 19th Century onwards.
Historical Directories of England and Wales
A digitised collection of trade directories covering England and Wales from the 1760s to the 1910s.
Know Your Place
Provides access to georeferenced historic maps for much of the South West (although currently doesn't include Exmoor HER data).
Provides a split screen view of Digital Terrain or Surface Modelling data against mapping data for England and Wales.
Metropolitan Collection
Collection of 5,00 years of art work from around the world, including Exmoor examples.
Military Aircraft Crash Sites
Information from Historic England about their protected status
National Archives
Includes content from the National Register of Archives (NRA), Access to Archives (A2A), Directory of Archives (ARCHON) and the Manorial Documents Register (MDR).
National Library of Scotland
Includes online digital historic mapping resource.
National Trust Heritage Records Online
A database of the archaeology cared for by the National Trust.
Ordnance Survey late 18th to early 19th Century 1" drawings
Hosted by the British Library
A networking resource for the Pleistocene and Palaeolithic records of the British Isles.
Somerset Historic Environment Record (HER)
The Historic Environment Record for the Somerset area outside the National Park.
South West Archaeological Resource Framework
Describes the current state of knowledge of the archaeolgical resource in the historic counties of Gloucestershire, Somerset, Wiltshire, Dorset, Devon and Cornwall, identifying gaps in our knowledge to inform research priorities for the future.
The Stone Rows of Great Britain
Work undertaken to investigate and document the stone alignments of Britain by Dr Sandy Gerrard.
Victoria County History Explore - Explore England's Past
Providing free access to local history materials produced by academics and volunteers.
Watercolour World
A free database of pre-1900 documentary watercolours from private as well as public collections around the world.