What is it?
This is a cross mount made of copper alloy. It features a gilded engraving of the eagle of St John, which sits within two gilded borders. Areas of the item were also filled with a blue or green enamel. The mount includes four rivet holes, allowing it to be fixed to the end of the upper arm of a processual cross. The cross would have had four such mounts, one on each terminal and all depicting different winged animals signifying an evangelist. The mount is thought to date to c. AD 1200-1300 and is a product of the Limoges style, popular in England from around 1200.
Where was it found?
It was discovered in Brompton Regis parish, near the site of St Nicholas Priory (or Barlynch Priory). It is almost certainly associated with this site, which helps to date the item.
Why is it important?
Few artefacts are known from Barlynch Priory, the remains of which are now in private residences, gardens and meadows. This item therefore contributes to our understanding of the site and of the people who lived and worshipped there.
Where can I see it?
The item has been recorded by the Portable Antiquities Scheme (or PAS) with the unique identifier SOM-D7A414. You can view the full record for the item on the PAS database. This webpage has been created using information derived from this database record, with permission.
Part of the site of Barlynch Priory is occasionally made accessible to the public by kind permission of the owners. If you would like to be notified of future open days, together with other events run by the Historic Environment Team, please follow the link to sign up to the Exmoor National Park e-mail newsletter, selecting "News about Exmoor's historic environment" to opt in. You can also keep track of what's happening across the National Park by using our Events Calendar.