Source/Archive record SMO7322 - Field Investigators Comments

Type Unpublished document
Title Field Investigators Comments

Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record .


Individual observations made on site during field survey.

External Links (0)

Referenced Monuments (248)

  • 18th Century gardens at Dunster Castle (Monument)
  • 18th Century pottery kiln in Dunster Park (Building)
  • 18th Century summerhouse in the grounds of Dunster Castle (Building)
  • 19th Century boundary stone on Mill Hill (Monument)
  • 19th Century boundary stone on Mill Hill (Monument)
  • 19th Century boundary stones at Outer Alscott (Monument)
  • 19th Century reservoir at Dunster Castle (Building)
  • 20th Century agricultural building remains northeast of Higher Combe (Monument)
  • 20th Century boathouse at Ashley Combe (Monument)
  • 20th Century building remains north of Broad Lane (Monument)
  • 20th Century coastguard station on Hurlestone Point (Monument)
  • 20th Century kennel block north of Dunster Castle (Building)
  • 20th Century pet cemetery at Dunster Castle (Monument)
  • 20th Century ponds northeast of Halscombe Farm (Monument)
  • Alleged Bronze Age barrow on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
  • Ashley Combe House, Porlock (Monument)
  • Ashley Combe Lodge, Ashley Combe (Building)
  • Bat's Castle, in Dunster Park (Monument)
  • Bougham deserted farmstead (Monument)
  • Bowl barrow north of Elworthy Barrows (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn and two clearance mounds southeast of Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Mill Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn near Lang Combe (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn northeast of Joaney How (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Bossington Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age Burial Cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Hawkcombe Head (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Luccombe Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Mill Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Porlock Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Stoke Ridge (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Tarr Ball Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Tarr Ball Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn south of Kit Barrows (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn south of Rex Stile Head (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn southwest of North Furzehill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age cairn on Porlock Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age cairn southeast of the Whit Stones (Monument)
  • Bronze Age cairn southwest of White Barrow (Monument)
  • Bronze Age field clearance east of the West Lyn River (Monument)
  • Bronze Age round cairn at Bat's Castle on Croydon Hill (Monument)
  • Burrowhead Field, north of Exton (Monument)
  • Caratacus Stone, Winsford Hill (Monument)
  • Castle Mill, Mill Lane, Dunster (Building)
  • Cold War ROC post on Bratton Ball (Monument)
  • Conygar Tower, Dunster (Building)
  • Disproved prehistoric standing stones east of Oare Post (Non-antiquity)
  • Dunster Castle (Building)
  • Early 19th Century stone archway and adjoining lime storage building in Priory Green (Building)
  • Early 20th Century tree-ring enclosure east of Croydon Hall (Monument)
  • Early 20th Century tree-ring enclosure northeast of Croydon Hall (Monument)
  • Fishponds at Nettlecombe Court (Monument)
  • Flint Piece field, Brompton Regis (Monument)
  • Folly, north of Spire Cross (Building)
  • Ford Gate Barn, Exton (Monument)
  • Four Barrows, The Allotment (Monument)
  • Furzehill Common I: Prehistoric stone setting above Warcombe Water (Monument)
  • Gallox Well (Monument)
  • Grabbist Hillfort (Monument)
  • Great Rowbarrow (Monument)
  • Group of mounds of various dates on Tarr Ball Hill (Monument)
  • Higher Leigh, Winsford (Monument)
  • Iron Age crossridge outwork and field banks southeast of Bat's Castle (Monument)
  • Iron Age enclosure at Ley Hill (Monument)
  • Joaney How Burial Cairn, Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Kit Barrows (Monument)
  • Late 19th or early 20th Century building south of Culver Cliff Wood (Monument)
  • Late prehistoric burial cairn near Bat's Castle (Monument)
  • Late prehistoric cairn west of Furzehill Common (Monument)
  • Late prehistoric linear earthwork in Dunster Deer Park (Monument)
  • Late prehistoric mound southwest of Warcombe Water (Monument)
  • Late prehistoric mound southwest of Warcombe Water (Monument)
  • Late prehistoric oval enclosure north of Higher Dumbledeer (Monument)
  • Little Rowbarrow (Monument)
  • Long Stone, a possible post-medieval parish boundary marker (Monument)
  • Longcombe Farmstead (Monument)
  • Lovelace, Porlock (Building)
  • Medieval and post-medieval activity west of Red Door Farm (Monument)
  • Medieval castle tower (later folly) at Dunster Castle (Building)
  • Medieval field system west of Little Hill Plantation (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval boundary stones north of Winaway, Thorn Hill and Benjamy (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval coastal fish weir at The Gore [marine] (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval coastal fish weir at The Gore [marine] (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval coastal fish weir at The Gore [marine] (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval coastal fish weir at The Gore [marine] (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval coastal fish weir at The Gore [marine] (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval coastal fish weir on Gore Point [marine] (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field system northwest of Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field system on Bossington Hill (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field system on Varle Hill and Ashway Side (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval peat cutting remains south of Warcombe Water (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval quarry west of Furzehill Common (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval routeways on Hopcott Common (Monument)
  • Modern and possibly prehistoric cairn at Bossington Hill (Monument)
  • Modern cropmarks north of Redcross Farm (Monument)
  • Modern mound to northeast of Joaney How (Monument)
  • Mortuary enclosure east of the Chapman Barrows (Monument)
  • Mousehanger Farmstead, Exton (Monument)
  • Nettlecombe deserted village (Monument)
  • Old Frackford Bridge, Dunster (Building)
  • Porlock Common Stone Row (Monument)
  • Possible 19th Century boundary markers on Mill Hill (Monument)
  • Possible Bronze Age barrow beside road on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Possible Bronze Age barrow or undated ditch east of Crossacre Plantation (Monument)
  • Possible Bronze Age barrows on Varle Hill (Monument)
  • Possible Bronze Age burial cairn on Black Hill (Monument)
  • Possible Bronze Age burial cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Possible Bronze Age burial cairn southeast of Joaney How (Monument)
  • Possible Bronze Age burial cairn southeast of Joaney How (Monument)
  • Possible Bronze Age cairn or modern enclosure southeast of Alderman's Barrow Allotment (Monument)
  • Possible Iron Age hillfort in Whits Wood (Monument)
  • Possible late prehistoric burial cairn east of Furzehill Common (Monument)
  • Possible late prehistoric burial cairn east of Furzehill Common (Monument)
  • Possible late prehistoric burial cairn west of Furzehill Common (Monument)
  • Possible late prehistoric cairn west of Warcombe Water (Monument)
  • Possible late prehistoric circular enclosure on Varle Hill (Monument)
  • Possible late prehistoric hut circle east of West Lyn River (Monument)
  • Possible late prehistoric mound on Thorn Hill (Monument)
  • Possible late prehistoric or post-medieval cairn east of Furzehill Common (Monument)
  • Possible medieval farmstead and post-medieval linhay and barn, Knaphindham Rocks (Monument)
  • Possible medieval or post-medieval field system on Ilkerton Ridge (Monument)
  • Possible medieval or World War two rectangular enclosure west of Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Possible post-medieval building and field system on Tarr Ball Hill (Monument)
  • Possible post-medieval charcoal burners' shelters in Embelle Wood (Building)
  • Possible post-medieval field system and enclosures on Luccombe Hill (Monument)
  • Possible post-medieval house platform on Tarr Ball Hill (Monument)
  • Possible prehistoric standing stones above the West Lyn River (Monument)
  • Possible prehistoric stone row on Warcombe Water (Monument)
  • Possible undated cairn on Croydon Hill (Monument)
  • Possible undated circular enclosures on Mounsey Hill (Monument)
  • Possible World War Two ammunition store on Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Possible World War Two mound on Tarr Ball Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval boat house above Glenthorne Beach (Monument)
  • Post-medieval boundary stone at Rex Stile Head (Monument)
  • Post-medieval boundary stone on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval boundary stone on Luccombe Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval bridge over River Avill in Dunster Old Park (Building)
  • Post-medieval building north of Spire Cross (Monument)
  • Post-medieval building platforms north of Mousehanger (Monument)
  • Post-medieval cottages at Yellowcombe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval enclosure and ruined building in Embelle Wood (Building)
  • Post-medieval enclosure on Wootton Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval enclosures on Hurlstone Point (Monument)
  • Post-medieval farmstead at Little Shircombe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field system at Inner Alscott (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field system at Mill Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field system on Porlock Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field system on Porlock Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field system on Spangate Land (Monument)
  • Post-medieval fish weirs at Culver Cliff Sand (Monument)
  • Post-medieval fishponds in Pond Wood (Monument)
  • Post-medieval gravel pit on Porlock Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval gravel pits at Bat's Castle on Croydon Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval landscape gardens at Ashley Combe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval lime kiln and quarry west of Quarry Field (Monument)
  • Post-medieval lime kiln on Worthy Beach (Building)
  • Post-medieval lime kilns above Glenthorne Beach (Building)
  • Post-medieval linhay with associated water meadow at Howtown Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval mound on Mill Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval mound on Porlock Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval mound on Porlock Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval mound on Porlock Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval mound on Porlock Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval mounds on Tarr Ball Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval opencast haematite mine at Brockwell (Monument)
  • Post-medieval peat cutting on Porlock Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval pond on Hadborough Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarries at East Combe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry on Furzehill Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry pit east of West Lyn River (Monument)
  • Post-medieval shelter near Henners Combe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval shelter on Black Hill (Building)
  • Post-medieval stone quarry on Bossington Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval stone quarry on Bossington Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval stone working site east of Hoaroak Water (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow at Elworthy Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow at Westcott Farm (Monument)
  • Prehistoric burial cairn on Porlock Common (Monument)
  • Prehistoric cairn southwest of Little Hill Combe (Monument)
  • Prehistoric enclosure with field system on Porlock Common (Monument)
  • Prehistoric hut platform on Bossington Hill (Monument)
  • Prehistoric or medieval field boundary east of the outwork of Bat's Castle (Monument)
  • Prehistoric settlement and field system on Withycombe Hill (Monument)
  • Prehistoric standing stone on Porlock Common (Monument)
  • Prehistoric stone setting at the north end of Codsend Moor (Monument)
  • Prehistoric submerged forest and flint finds at Porlock Weir (Monument)
  • Purported beacon and cairn on Withycombe Hill (Monument)
  • Road deserted farmstead, Winsford (Monument)
  • Roadwater Railway Station (Building)
  • Robin How Cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Royal Ordnance Corps observation post north of Porlock (Building)
  • Second World War pillbox, West Porlock (Building)
  • Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Siderfin deserted farm north of South Hill, Winsford (Monument)
  • Simonsbath to Porlock Railway (Monument)
  • Tank training circuit B on Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Tank training circuit C on Bossington Hill (Monument)
  • The Arches, Conygar Wood (Building)
  • The Incline, West Somerset Mineral Railway (Monument)
  • Three fish weirs to the east of Porlock Weir Harbour [marine] (Monument)
  • Three modern mounds south of Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Two Bronze Age burial cairns on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Two Bronze Age burial cairns southwest of Dunkery Beacon (Monument)
  • Undated building platforms at Timberscombe Quarry (Monument)
  • Undated cairn on parish boundary on Croydon Hill (Monument)
  • Undated earthwork in Langridge Wood (Monument)
  • Undated mound south of Comer's Cross (Monument)
  • Undated mound south of Great Wood (Monument)
  • Undated mounds on the Wootton Courtenay and Cutcombe Parish boundary (Monument)
  • Undated subcircular enclosure on Knowle Hill (Monument)
  • Undated trackways on Winsford Hill (Monument)
  • Whit Stones (Monument)
  • White Barrow, a Bronze Age barrow or cairn north of Codsend Moors (Monument)
  • World War One building, Porlock Ford Community Hall (Building)
  • World War Two buildings and quarry near Hill Road (Monument)
  • World War Two gun emplacement or winch dugout between East Combe and Henners Combe (Monument)
  • World War Two military training features south of Warcombe Water (Monument)
  • World War Two mortar position on Hadborough (Monument)
  • World War Two mound on Stoke Ridge (Monument)
  • World War Two mounds east of Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • World War Two observation post above Henners Combe (Monument)
  • World War Two observation post above Henners Combe (Monument)
  • World War Two observation post on Bossington Hill (Monument)
  • World War Two observation post on Bossington Hill (Monument)
  • World War Two observation post on Bossington Hill (Monument)
  • World War Two observation post on Bossington Hill (Monument)
  • World War Two observation post south of Tank Circuit B (Monument)
  • World War Two observation post west of Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • World War Two pillbox at Porlock Weir (Monument)
  • World War Two structure above Henners Combe (Monument)
  • Yearnor Mill Bridge (Building)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

May 9 2022 8:54PM