Thesaurus Term/Concept: FARMSTEAD

Identifier 68622
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note The homestead of a farm consisting of a farmhouse and working farm buildings, with yards, other working areas and usually a garden to the house.

Broader Terms/Concepts (2)

Related Terms/Concepts (3)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (7)

Instances/Examples (582)

Context Record
Monument Type MSO11690 19th Century agricultural remains northwest of West Nethercote (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8874 19th Century farmstead northwest of Smarmoor Barn (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9211 Ackland Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23144 Aclands Farm, Exmoor (Building)
Monument Type MEM24848 Adams's Farmstead, Tivington (Building)
Monument Type MEM24844 Aller Farm, Carhampton (Building)
Monument Type MEM23911 Allercott Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO8331 Allers Farmstead, Timberscombe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO119 Anstey Farmstead [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7964 Ash Farm, Porlock (Building)
Monument Type MSO12590 Ashcombe deserted farmstead, Winsford (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23749 Ashott Barton, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MEM23137 Ashton Farm, Countisbury (Building)
Monument Type MEM15190 Ashway Farmstead, Dulverton (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23392 Ashwick Manor Farm, Dulverton (Building)
Monument Type MEM24822 Avill Farm, Dunster (Building)
Monument Type MSO7338 Bagley Farmstead, Luccombe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20420 Barham (Building)
Monument Type MEM23248 Barkham Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23143 Barn Farm, Brendon (Building)
Monument Type MEM23054 Barton Town Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23105 Beara, North Molton (Building)
Monument Type MEM23910 Beasley Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO7439 Beer Barn, Luccombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7467 Beerland Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7896 Berry Castle, Luccombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22879 Bickham Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23177 Birchanger Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO11320 Blackford deserted farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8354 Blackwell Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23874 Blagdon Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO8117 Blindwell Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23258 Blindwell Farm, Twitchen (Building)
Monument Type MEM15265 Bossington Farmhouse and outbuildings (Building)
Monument Type MSO8308 Bougham deserted farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22460 Bowden Cottage, Withycombe (Building)
Monument Type MDE20550 Brakebrook Farmstead, Parracombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23153 Brendon Barton Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23154 Brendon Manor Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23264 Brightworthy Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM23666 Brimclose Farm, Winsford (Building)
Monument Type MEM23256 Brinsworthy Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM24867 Broadwood Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23066 Brockenbarrow Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23865 Brockwell Farm, Wootton Courtenay (Building)
Monument Type MEM23744 Broford Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23194 Bromham Farm, Porlock (Building)
Monument Type MSO11497 Broomstreet Farm, Oare (Building)
Monument Type MEM23196 Buckethole Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23735 Buckworthy Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MDE20487 Building remains associated with small enclosures ... (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24765 Burrow Farm, Wootton Courtenay (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23707 Burrowhayes Farm (Building)
Monument Type MDE7913 Burston Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22290 Butcher's Farm, Luxborough (Building)
Monument Type MEM23171 Caffyns Heanton Farm, Lynton (Building)
Monument Type MEM23180 Castle Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MSO8738 Castle Farm, Hawkridge (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23843 Chapmans Farm, Treborough (Building)
Monument Type MSO10433 Chapple Farm, Skilgate (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23733 Chibbet Farmstead, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MEM24750 Churches Barn and Barton, Wootton Courtenay (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8302 Clicket Farm, Timberscombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23260 Cloggs Farm, Hawkridge (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23130 Cloud Farm, Oare (Building)
Monument Type MMO301 COLES CROSS FARM (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11036 Coles Cross farm site, NW of Barkham, Exmoor (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8339 Combe Farm, Timberscombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23160 Combe Park Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23770 Combeland (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7642 Combeshead deserted farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM25012 Combeshead Farm, Cutcombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23140 Coombe (or Combe) Farm, Countisbury (Building)
Monument Type MEM23754 Coombe (or Combe) Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MEM24348 Cophole Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23061 Cornham Farm, Exmoor (Building)
Monument Type MEM24801 Court Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MEM23101 Court Farm, Parracombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23394 Court Place Farm, Churchtown, Parracombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23241 Crangs Heasleigh Farm (Building)
Monument Type MDE20878 Cranscombe Farm, Brendon (Building)
Monument Type MDE20413 Croscombe Barton Farm, Lynton (Building)
Monument Type MEM24051 Culverwell Farm (Building)
Monument Type MDE13263 Darlick Farmstead, North Molton (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23849 Daws Farmstead, Brompton Regis (Building)
Monument Type MEM23170 Dean Farm (Building)
Monument Type MMO664 Deserted farm at Cuckolds Combe [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO556 Deserted farm at South Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO551 Deserted farm of Higher Week, Exton (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11221 Deserted farm of Lower Marsh, Marshbridge Cross, Dulverton (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11715 Deserted farm, Higher Rodhuish Road, Withycombe [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11101 Deserted farm, Little Pixton, Brompton Regis (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11183 Deserted farm, mill and leat, Bankdown, Codsend Moor (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9318 Deserted farmstead at Anstey [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO444 Deserted farmstead east of Hill Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO598 Deserted farmstead of Higher Twitchen Ball, Twitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7719 Deserted farmstead southwest of Colton Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO671 Deserted medieval farm of Thorn (Monument)
Monument Type MMO213 Deserted medieval farmstead on western side of Bramble Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11750 Deserted medieval farmstead southwest of Three Waters (Monument)
Monument Type MDE13279 Deserted medieval or post-medieval farmstead south of Darlick (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8370 Deserted medieval village at Lowtrow [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6250 Deserted post-medieval farmstead of Sloecombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7146 Deserted post-medieval farmstead on Woolcombe Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23541 Desolate Farmstead (Building)
Monument Type MEM24021 Ditch Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO7470 Ditch farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24621 Dogsworthy Farmstead (Building)
Monument Type MSO7847 Dorniford Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23187 Downscombe Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MSO8202 Downside Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23393 Draydon Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM24119 Driver Farm, Exmoor (Building)
Monument Type MEM24899 Druids Combe Farm, Withycombe (Building)
Monument Type MMO663 Duddridge Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9129 Duddridge Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23848 Dulbridge Farmstead (Building)
Monument Type MEM23060 Duredon Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO7210 Earthworks of field banks, field gutters, a trackw... (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23117 East Bredwick (Building)
Monument Type MEM23080 East Challacombe Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23861 East Harwood Farm, Timberscombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23071 East Hill Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM15205 East Hollowcombe Farm, Hawkridge (Building)
Monument Type MEM23074 East Ilkerton Farm (Building)
Monument Type MDE7791 East Liscombe Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE7792 East Liscombe Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE7793 East Liscombe Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE7794 East Liscombe Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE7795 East Liscombe Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE7796 East Liscombe Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23217 East Lucott Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM15274 East Lynch Farm, Selworthy (Building)
Monument Type MEM23070 East Middleton Farm, Parracombe (Building)
Monument Type MMO215 East Myne farmstead, Minehead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24601 East Nurcott Farmstead (Building)
Monument Type MEM23227 East Yard Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23178 Eastcott Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23254 Eastern Ball Farm (Building)
Monument Type MDE20417 Eastern Buttery Medieval Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23751 Edgcott Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MEM24886 Elsworthy Farm, Wootton Courtenay (Building)
Monument Type MSO7459 Everards Ball Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3278 Eworthy [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23087 Exmoor Angus Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8642 Eyreland Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23150 Farley Water Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23135 Fellingscott Farm, Brendon (Building)
Monument Type MEM24563 Felons View (Building)
Monument Type MEM23388 Ferny Ball Farmstead, Exmoor (Building)
Monument Type MEM24888 Ford Farm, Cutcombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM24783 Ford Farmstead, Wootton Courtenay (Building)
Monument Type MEM24052 Fowlwell Farmstead (Building)
Monument Type MMO254 Furzeland [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8372 Furzeland [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23079 Girt Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM24654 Glasses Farm, Tacker Street (Building)
Monument Type MEM23063 Glebelands Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO11606 Goodleys deserted farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24615 Goosemoor Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM15210 Great Bradley Farm, Winsford (Building)
Monument Type MEM23695 Great Nurcott Farmstead (Building)
Monument Type MSO11046 Greenburrow, Exmoor (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23762 Gupworthy Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM24159 Gupworthy Farm, Withycombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23142 Hall Farm, Brendon (Building)
Monument Type MEM24863 Hall Farm, Kingsbridge (Building)
Monument Type MEM23152 Hallslake Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM24229 Halscombe Farmstead (Building)
Monument Type MEM23660 Halse Farmstead, Winsford (Building)
Monument Type MEM23736 Halsgrove Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM23868 Hantons, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MSO7463 Haydon Mill / Beckham Mill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8345 Hazelry Farmstead, Treborough (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23102 Heale Farm, Parracombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23270 Higher Blackland Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM23049 Higher Bodley farmstead, Parracombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23743 Higher Broford (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23098 Higher Bumsley, Parracombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23814 Higher Combe or Highercombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23159 Higher Combe Park Farm or Lower Combe Park Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23092 Higher Cowley Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23091 Higher Dean Farm, Trentishoe (Building)
Monument Type MMO672 Higher Ditch deserted farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23161 Higher East Lyn Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO8895 Higher Eastcott deserted farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20422 Higher Fyldon Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23100 Higher Heale Farm, Parracombe (Building)
Monument Type MDE21833 Higher Holwell Farmstead (Building)
Monument Type MEM24018 Higher Holworthy Farm (Building)
Monument Type MDE20575 Higher Holworthy, Parracombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11696 Higher Kemps Farm, Winsford (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24824 Higher Kitswall (Building)
Monument Type MEM24648 Higher Knaplock Farm, Winsford (Building)
Monument Type MSO8587 Higher Leigh (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23121 Higher Mannacott Farm, Martinhoe (Building)
Monument Type MEM24962 Higher Marsh, Dulverton (Building)
Monument Type MEM22644 Higher Moor Farm, Minehead (Building)
Monument Type MEM23242 Higher North Heasley Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23238 Higher North Radworthy (Building)
Monument Type MSO11275 Higher Pitsworthy or Pittsworthy Farm, Allcombe Water (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11929 Higher Slocombeslade Farm, Brendon (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23245 Higher South Radworthy (Building)
Monument Type MEM15209 Higher Spire, Dulverton (Building)
Monument Type MEM23149 Higher Tippacott Farm, Brendon (Building)
Monument Type MEM23116 Higher Week (Building)
Monument Type MMO3409 Higherland deserted settlement [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO554 Highley deserted farm and mill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20577 Highley Farm, Parracombe (Building)
Monument Type MSO8652 Hill Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23185 Hill Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MEM23223 Hill Farm, Hawkridge (Building)
Monument Type MEM23269 Hillway Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM23589 Hinam Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO7635 Hindon Farm, Bratton (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24643 Hoe Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23081 Holdstone Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23118 Hollacombe Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23176 Holmbush (Building)
Monument Type MMO156 Holmoor deserted farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15279 Holt Ball Farm, Luccombe (Building)
Monument Type MDE20576 Holworthy Farm, Parracombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23050 Honeymead Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM15280 Horner Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO8195 Horse Parks Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11175 Horsecombe Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23048 Horsen Farm, Exmoor (Building)
Monument Type MSO9317 Hunckerwell, Wreck [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8687 Huntercombe, Hawkridge (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24781 Huntscott Farm, Wootton Courtenay (Building)
Monument Type MSO8850 Hurscombe Deserted Farmstead, Brompton Regis (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21004 Kedworthy Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23120 Kemacott Farm, Martinhoe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23127 Kemps Farm, Oare (Building)
Monument Type MEM24907 Kemps Farm, Winsford (Building)
Monument Type MEM24861 Kendal Farm, Exton (Building)
Monument Type MSO7482 Kennisham Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23115 Kentisbury Barton Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23166 Kibsworthy Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23119 Killington Farm, Martinhoe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23267 King's Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM22301 Kings Brompton Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23147 Kinsford Farm, Exmoor (Building)
Monument Type MDE21850 Kipscombe Farm, Countisbury (Building)
Monument Type MEM24823 Kitswall Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM24433 Knaplock Farm, Winsford (Building)
Monument Type MEM23265 Knighton Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM23737 Lanacre or Landacre Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MMO511 Langcombe, a 19th Century deserted farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24798 Langham Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM24612 Langham Farm, Cutcombe (Building)
Monument Type MSO7018 Larkbarrow Farm, Larkbarrow (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23141 Leeford Farm, Brendon (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11683 Leigh Deserted Farmstead, Winsford (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24951 Leighland Farm, Leighland Chapel (Building)
Monument Type MEM22415 Leys Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM23746 Limingclose Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM15400 Liscombe Farm, Dulverton (Building)
Monument Type MSO11349 Little Combe Farm, Luccombe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE10949 Little Lightleigh Farmstead [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20568 Little Rowley Farm, Parracombe (Building)
Monument Type MSO8525 Little Staddon Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23253 Litton Farm (previously Crooked Post), Exmoor (Building)
Monument Type MSO9117 Longcombe Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23247 Longstone Wells (Building)
Monument Type MEM23734 Lower Blackland Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM23745 Lower Broford Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23094 Lower Cowley Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23089 Lower Dean Farmstead, Trentishoe (Building)
Monument Type MEM24691 Lower Dumbledeer Farm, Withycombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM22275 Lower Eastcott Farm, Withiel Florey (Building)
Monument Type MEM24788 Lower Foxhanger Farmstead, Brompton Regis (Building)
Monument Type MDE20421 Lower Fyldon Farm (Building)
Monument Type MMO336 Lower Hollacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24017 Lower Holworthy Farm, Brompton Regis (Building)
Monument Type MEM23980 Lower House Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23972 Lower Leigh Farmstead (Building)
Monument Type MEM23752 Lower Linhay, Exford (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15646 Lower Millbrook, North Molton [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3282 Lower Molland deserted settlement [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23243 Lower North Heasley Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23239 Lower North Radworthy Farm (Building)
Monument Type MMO3223 Lower Praunsley [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE10896 Lower Rowley (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23252 Lower Sherdon Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23173 Lower Slattenslade Farm, Martinhoe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23244 Lower South Radworthy Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO9341 Lower Spire Farm, Dulverton (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11270 Lower Thorne Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MEM23148 Lower Tippacott Farm, Brendon (Building)
Monument Type MDE14810 Lower Twitchen Ball Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3387 Lower Walscott, North Molton [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23742 Lower Wick Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24793 Lower Woolcotts Farm, Brompton Regis (Building)
Monument Type MEM23923 Luckyard Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23189 Ludslade Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MEM15647 Lyddicombe (Building)
Monument Type MSO8369 Lyddons farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23851 Lyncombe Farmstead, Brompton Regis (Building)
Monument Type MSO9206 Lype Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20862 Lyshwell Farm, Molland (Building)
Monument Type MEM23134 Malmsmead (Place)
Monument Type MEM23122 Mannacott Farm, Martinhoe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23156 Manor Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23073 Manor Farm, East Ilkerton (Building)
Monument Type MEM24748 Manor Farm, Wootton Courtenay (Building)
Monument Type MSO11759 Medieval and post-medieval deserted farmstead in Pit Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MMO678 Medieval and post-medieval earthworks at Cophole Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE8997 Medieval and post-medieval earthworks east of Girt Down Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11350 Medieval and post-medieval farmstead at Holt (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11676 Medieval and post-medieval Little Bradley Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11735 Medieval deserted farmstead southwest of Bradley Pond (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7158 Medieval farm of Mousehanger (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7583 Medieval farmstead at Grexy Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6304 Medieval farmstead at Huntsham (Monument)
Monument Type MDE10951 Medieval farmstead at Waddington [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7154 Medieval farmstead of Huccombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8118 Medieval farmstead of Leigh [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO994 Medieval or post-medieval activity near Howetown Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE12509 Medieval or post-medieval deserted farmstead north of Lyshwell (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8022 Medieval or post-medieval deserted farmstead of Mene (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9254 Medieval or post-medieval deserted settlement in Mansley Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11943 Medieval or post-medieval deserted settlement southwest of Desolate Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11746 Medieval or post-medieval farmstead north of Parsonage Down (Monument)
Monument Type MDE12508 Medieval or post-medieval farmstead northeast of Lyshwell Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE10877 Medieval or post-medieval settlement earthworks at Barton Town (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11262 Medieval or post-medieval site of Redbrooks or Orchard House (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11555 Medieval shrunken village at Yearnor (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6753 Merrycoombe or Muddicombe Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23162 Metticombe Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23090 Middle Dean Farm, Trentishoe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23125 Middle Ranscombe Farm, Lynton (Building)
Monument Type MSO12589 Middle Staddon deserted farmstead, Winsford (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11219 Millbrook deserted farmstead, Dulverton (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23759 Monkham Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23391 Mounsey Farm, Dulverton (Building)
Monument Type MEM23108 Muxworthy, Brayford (Building)
Monument Type MEM23111 Natsley Farm (Building)
Monument Type MDE800 Netherton (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23873 Newcombe Farm, Luxborough (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22930 Newland Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MEM23263 Newland Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM23065 North Barton Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM15399 North Batsom Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM23078 North Challacombe Farm, Combe Martin (Building)
Monument Type MSO7457 North Colly Hill Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11166 North Combe Farmstead, Cutcombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM24878 North Hill Farmstead, Cutcombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23748 North Ley Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MDE12432 North Lyshwell deserted farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11271 North Newland Farm, Exford (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20875 North Sparhanger Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23114 North Swincombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23164 North Town Farm (Building)
Monument Type MMO2177 North Twitchen Farm, Challacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24673 North Wheddon Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23106 North Whitefield, Whitefield (Building)
Monument Type MEM21933 Northmoor Farm, Dulverton (Building)
Monument Type MMO155 Nutscale Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9358 Nutsford Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9217 Oaktrow Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23128 Oareford Farm, Oare (Building)
Monument Type MEM23133 Oaremeade Farm, Oare (Building)
Monument Type MEM23850 Oatway Farmstead, Brompton Regis (Building)
Monument Type MEM23881 Old Ashway Farm, Dulverton (Building)
Monument Type MEM21945 Old Berry Farm, Dulverton (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20797 Old Close, Challacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23151 Old Scoresdown Farm, Brendon (Building)
Monument Type MEM22569 Old Shute Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM24971 Old Stowey Farm, Cutcombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM21944 Oldshute Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23124 Outovercott (Building)
Monument Type MEM23169 Park Farm, Lynton (Building)
Monument Type MEM23132 Parsonage Farm, Brendon (Building)
Monument Type MEM15206 Parsonage Farm, Hawkridge (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23758 Parsonage Farm, Luxborough (Building)
Monument Type MEM23540 Parsonage Farmstead, Culbone (Building)
Monument Type MMO438 Parswell deserted medieval farmstead [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO668 Paul Duys post-medieval farmstead [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23668 Perry Farm, Dulverton (Building)
Monument Type MEM23062 Pinkery Farm, Exmoor (Building)
Monument Type MSO11674 Pinn deserted farmstead, Winsford (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23076 Pitsworthy Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MEM15403 Pitt Farm, Porlock (Building)
Monument Type MEM23191 Pool Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23761 Pool Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO11282 Possible deserted farm of Lower Wellshead (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9266 Possible deserted farmstead at Luckwell (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8571 Possible deserted farmstead northwest of Great Ash Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24245 Possible deserted farmstead on Bird's Hill Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MDE8268 Possible deserted farmstead on northwest of North Challacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE10934 Possible farmstead at Kings Nympton [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23274 Possible former farmstead site, Mow Barton (Place)
Monument Type MDE20528 Possible medieval deserted farmstead north of Tattiscombe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2610 Possible medieval deserted farmstead south of North Combe Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11895 Possible medieval earthworks on Horner's Neck (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3754 Possible medieval farmstead overlooking Horse Parks Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11756 Possible post-medieval farm in Uppington Plantation (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8361 Possible semi-circular enclosure at Brown Cottage (Monument)
Monument Type MMO358 Possible site of settlement and field system, South Batsom or Batcham (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11760 Possible site of South Batcham (or Batsom) Farmstead, Withypool and Hawkridge (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24357 Post-medieval barn and barton north of Ford Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11360 Post-medieval deserted farm northwest of Beer Barn (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11842 Post-medieval deserted farmstead at Ludslade Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO510 Post-medieval deserted farmstead of Moorhouse (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7720 Post-medieval farm southsoutheast of Colton Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11178 Post-medieval farm southwest of West Stowey (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1055 Post-medieval farmstead [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1136 Post-medieval farmstead [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1138 Post-medieval farmstead [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9136 Post-medieval farmstead [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8875 Post-medieval farmstead at Little Shircombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11177 Post-medieval farmstead south of Higher Hawkington (Monument)
Monument Type MMO562 Post-medieval farmstead south of Triscombe Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MDE8273 Post-medieval field system on Knap Down (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3159 Post-medieval fields, trackway and quarry west of Langcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11737 Post-medieval Hill Farm, Hawkridge (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24712 Post-medieval Ruscombe or Riscombe Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3357 Post-medieval settlement remains near Dunsley Bridge [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11675 Post-medieval Well Farmstead west of Bradley Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12252 Prehistoric coaxial landscape, Exmoor, West Somerset (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6711 Prescott Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7344 Prickslade Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23641 Putham Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM22694 Quarryhead, Withypool (Monument)
Monument Type MDE10873 Radworthy deserted settlement and field system (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20556 Ranscombe Combe, Martinhoe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23129 Rawcombe Farm, Oare (Building)
Monument Type MEM23701 Redcross Farmstead (Building)
Monument Type MSO11673 Riscombe deserted farmstead, Winsford (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23179 Riscombe Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MSO8523 Road deserted farmstead, Winsford (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23110 Rockley Farm, Brayford (Building)
Monument Type MEM15650 Rocks Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11668 Romano-British farmstead on parish boundary of Combe Martin and Kentisbury (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11687 Rowbarrow Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20868 Rowley Barton (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23069 Rowley Moor Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23634 Royal Oak farm buildings (Building)
Monument Type MEM24020 Rugg's Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM24815 Rugland Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23249 Sandyway Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23158 Scoresdown Farm, Brendon (Building)
Monument Type MDE14949 Sealakes [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1048 Sealakes [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15281 Selworthy Farm, Selworthy (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23077 Shallowford Farm, Lynton (Building)
Monument Type MSO6775 Sharcott deserted farmstead, Exford (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23250 Sherdon Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23146 Sherracombe Farm, North Molton (Building)
Monument Type MDE20853 Shilstone Farm, Brendon (Building)
Monument Type MEM22875 Shircombe Farm, Brompton Regis (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23261 Shircombe Farm, Hawkridge (Building)
Monument Type MDE13277 Shortacombe Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21829 Shoulsbury or Shoulsbarrow Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM15404 Silcombe Farm, Oare (Building)
Monument Type MEM23052 Simonsbath Barton Farm (Building)
Monument Type MDE11717 Site of Woolaway Farmstead, Hoaroak valley (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23168 Six Acre Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM15401 Slade Farm, Dulverton (Building)
Monument Type MEM24890 Slade Farm, Timberscombe (Building)
Monument Type MSO8679 Slade Farmstead, southwest of Hawkridge (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24640 Slade House (Building)
Monument Type MEM23175 Slattenslade Farm, Martinhoe (Building)
Monument Type MDE20776 Slocombeslade deserted farmstead, Brendon (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23136 Slocombeslade Farm, Brendon (Building)
Monument Type MEM23788 Slowley Farm (Building)
Monument Type MMO206 Smarmoor deserted medieval farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8695 SOUTH BATCHAM FARM (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23155 South Cheriton Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO7458 South Colly Hill Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23085 South Dean Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24999 South Furzehill Farmstead, Lynton (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24587 South Haddon Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23240 South Heasley (Building)
Monument Type MEM23691 South Hill Farmstead, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM23747 South Ley, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MEM24058 South Quarme Farmstead (Building)
Monument Type MEM23072 South Sparhanger (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20873 South Stock Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23113 South Swincombe Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM24672 South Wheddon Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23131 Southernwood Farm, Brendon (Building)
Monument Type MSO11771 Spangate Farmstead, Wootton Courtenay (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12008 Steart deserted farm, west of Perry (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24782 Stile Farm, Wootton Courtenay (Building)
Monument Type MEM23858 Stockham Farm, Dulverton (Building)
Monument Type MEM23739 Stockleigh Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MMO673 Stolford deserted farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23756 Stone Farmstead, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MEM23904 Stone Lodge and Stone Farm, Exton (Building)
Monument Type MSO9264 Stowey Mill, Putham Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23095 Stunhill Farm (Building)
Monument Type MDE20648 Sunnyside Farm, Parracombe (Building)
Monument Type MSO6790 Swarcombe deserted farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7346 Sweetworthy deserted farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23246 Tabor Hill (Building)
Monument Type MEM23093 Tattiscombe Farm (Building)
Monument Type MDE14811 The deserted farmstead of Higher Twitchen Ball con... (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23580 The Farm, Winsford (Building)
Monument Type MDE21884 The Homestead, East Ilkerton (Building)
Monument Type MEM23082 The Old Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM24761 The Old Parlour and Hanny Cottage, Wootton Courtenay (Building)
Monument Type MEM23405 Thorne Farmstead, Cutcombe (Building)
Monument Type MSO7460 Thorne Farmstead, Luxborough (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20874 Thornworthy (Building)
Monument Type MSO7456 Throat Farm, Luxborough (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6706 Tilsey deserted farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24932 Tivington Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO7042 Tom's Hill Farm, Great Tom's Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23844 Torre or Torr Farm, Winsford (Building)
Monument Type MSO8311 Totterdown (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23112 Town Farm, Challacombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23123 Town Farm, Martinhoe (Building)
Monument Type MEM24065 Triscombe Farmstead (Building)
Monument Type MSO11643 Tuckers Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24653 Twitchen Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO7747 Twitchen Farmstead, Oare (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23664 Upcott Farmstead, Winsford (Building)
Monument Type MEM15208 Uppington Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM23220 Venford (Building)
Monument Type MEM23221 Venford Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO8065 Venn Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23903 Vention or Invention Cottage, Parracombe (Building)
Monument Type MDE21542 Vis=20/7/1992 (bannister) deserted farmstead 'new ... (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23097 Voley Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM24887 Walland Farm, Cutcombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23099 Walner Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO10928 Warren Farm, Exmoor (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23262 Waterhouse Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM23847 Weatherham Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23738 Weatherslade Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM23741 Week Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23863 Weekfield, Exton (Building)
Monument Type MMO139 Weirwood deserted medieval farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24885 Well Farm, Timberscombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23183 Wellshead Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MEM24804 West Harwood Farm, Timberscombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23096 West Hill Farm, Parracombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM15388 West Hollowcombe Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23167 West Ilkerton Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM15283 West Luccombe Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23215 West Lucott Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23163 West Lyn Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23542 West Lynch Farm, West Lynch (Building)
Monument Type MEM23103 West Middleton Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7585 West Myne (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11272 West Newland Farm in Newland plantation (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23224 West Yard Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23126 Westcott Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23760 Westcott Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO11738 Wester Shircombe deserted farmstead, Hawkridge (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23181 Westermill Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MEM23255 Western Ball or West Twitchen Ball Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM15207 Westwater Farm, Hawkridge (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6699 White's Farm, Elworthy (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20867 Whitefield Barton (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23107 Whitefield Lodge, Whitefield (Building)
Monument Type MEM23905 Widlake, Exton (Building)
Monument Type MSO7474 Will / Well farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23259 Willingford Farm, Exmoor (Building)
Monument Type MEM15285 Wilmersham Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23139 Wilsham Farm, Countisbury (Building)
Monument Type MEM23776 Windwhistle Farm, Nettlecombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23138 Wingate Farm, Countisbury (Building)
Monument Type MEM23059 Winstitchen Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM24358 Withiel Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23064 Withycombe Farm, Challacombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23515 Withycombe Farm, Culbone (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11273 Withycombe Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MSO7746 Withycombe farmstead, Oare (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22869 Withycombe Farmstead, Winsford (Building)
Monument Type MEM15286 Woodcocks Ley Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO7453 Woodlands Deserted Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23251 Woolcombe Farm, Exmoor (Building)
Monument Type MSO10003 Woolpit / Walpit deserted settlement (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23822 Wootton Knowle Farm, Wootton Courtenay (Building)
Monument Type MEM15398 Worth Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM15287 Wydon Farm, Minehead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23750 Yealscombe Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MSO9268 Yeanicombe farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23222 Zeal Farm, Hawkridge (Building)