Thesaurus Term/Concept: FINDSPOT

Identifier 94296
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note The approximate location at which stray finds of artefacts were found. Index with object name.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (200)

Context Record
Monument Type MEM22069 17th Century buckle northwest of Withycombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22071 18th Century buckle northwest of Withycombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE20259 A perforated macehead of quartzite was found at pu... (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE1147 Arrowhead Found at Hummacott Farm [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO8408 Barbed-and-tanged arrowhead. [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8473 Barbed-and-tanged arrowhead... (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9082 Bat's Castle, in Dunster Park (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6796 Bracelet find on Sherdon Hill (Find Spot)
Monument Type MMO1 Bratton Fleming Barrows [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22038 Bronze Age arrowhead found on Brendon Common (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE20228 Bronze Age arrowhead found on Kentisbury Down (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7629 Bronze Age arrowheads west of Furzebury Brake (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM15213 Bronze Age aurochs, Porlock Bay (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7394 Bronze Age Axe east of Ebshill Lodge (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE20271 Bronze Age axe hammer at Tippacott (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7520 Bronze Age finds from Minehead Beach [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10185 Bronze Age flint finds east of Selworthy Beacon (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO11961 Bronze Age palstave at Luccombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO8149 Bronze Age socketed axe at Stogumber [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE1030 Bronze Age spearhead at Lee Abbey (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE20094 Bronze Age stone axe hammer from Leeball Field (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE1318 Bronze Age stone hammer or macehead on Swincombe Farm (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7795 Bronze Armlet, Roadwater (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7791 Bronze Implement Finds, Lower Hayne (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO8411 Byzantine coin [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22066 Cloth seal found at Monksilver (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22065 Copper alloy weight found at Monksilver (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22048 Flat roof tile found at Luccombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE1012 Flint at Shutscombe [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO9419 Flint finds near Dunster Station [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM23571 Flint Finds, Bossington, Holnicote Estate (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22046 Flint flake found at Luccombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO9120 Flint implements [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7876 Flint scraper found at Middle Croft, Porlock (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22054 Fragment of handmade brick found at Luccombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM15260 Fragments of animal bone on Porlock Beach (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22040 Glass Sherds Found in Dulverton (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22045 Glazed ridge tile found at Luccombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22028 Horse Carriage Brass Fittings, Heleball Lane, Dulverton (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO8150 Iron Age quern found at Capton [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO9124 Iron slag [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO9123 Iron slag near Beech Tree Cross [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22047 Jug fragments found at Luccombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM24713 Late 13th Century coin from St Mary Magdalene's Churchyard (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22087 Late prehistoric flint debitage west of Farley Water (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7580 Late prehistoric flint finds at East Myne (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE1254 Late prehistoric flint knife found at Furzehill (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO10345 Late prehistoric flint south of Westermill Farm (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM15654 Late prehistoric saddle quern west of Landacre Bridge (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22044 Lead weight found in Luccombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22103 Length of waterlogged wood from Porlock Bay [marine] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO8428 Lower Palaeolithic handaxe [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO8512 Lower Palaeolithic handaxes [Outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8459 Lower Palaeolithic lithic finds [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8427 Lower Palaeoltihic handaxes, cores and flakes, outside ENPA (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1013 Macehead or Adze found at Charles [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO8893 Medieval corbel head in Vicarage garden (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22041 Medieval floor tile fragment found in Timberscombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22052 Medieval or post-medieval floor tile found at Luccombe. (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22070 Medieval or post-medieval leg of a cooking vessel found in Dunster (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22427 Medieval pottery at Dunster (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23683 Medieval pottery southeast of Church Cottage (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22426 Medieval ridge tile at Dunster (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22072 Medieval silver halfpenny northwest of Withycombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO6803 Meolithic macehead found near Emmett's Grange (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7521 Mesolithic end scraper in Blue Anchor Bay [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7522 Mesolithic flint at Millbridge Road [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7152 Mesolithic flint at Summerhill Cross (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22085 Mesolithic flint bladelet from Squallacombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO8304 Mesolithic flint from Timberscombe Churchyard (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7811 Mesolithic flint north of Robinson's Copse [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7815 Mesolithic flint on Blue Anchor Beaches [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7812 Mesolithic flint southeast of Robinson's Copse [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO8005 Mesolithic flints found at Hurlstone Point (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO9433 Mesolithic or Neolithic hammerstone on Gallox Hill (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO11367 Mesolithic stone hammer at Luccombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM24360 Mesolithic to Neolithic Lithic flakes from Wintershead (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM24359 Mesolithic to Neolithic Lithics on Wintershead (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM24361 Mesolithic to Neolithic Lithics on Wintershead (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7449 Mining implements from unlocated mine shaft at Luxborough (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO6696 Miscelleneous finds at Brendon Hill (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE20227 Neolithic arrowheads on Kentisbury Down (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6691 Neolithic axe from Elworthy [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7407 Neolithic axehead at Luccombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO8664 Neolithic flint at Landacre (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7153 Neolithic flint at Quarme Hill (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO6795 Neolithic flint at Wintershead Farm (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7792 Neolithic flint Axe, Roadwater (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO8636 Neolithic flint from Dumbledere (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7704 Neolithic flint north of Raleigh's Cottages (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO9424 Neolithic lithic tools found west of Withycombe Hill Gate (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22086 Neolithic or Bronze Age lithics found northwest of Wintershead Farm (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7531 Neolithic scraper found off Martlett Road [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM23810 Palaeoenvironmental evidence at Comerslade (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE21180 Pebble flint core east of West Challacombe Farm (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22739 Piece of slag from Farley Water (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22461 Piscina, lavabo or stoup, Lyncombe Farm (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM23693 Possible Iron Age or Roman votive wheel at Porlock Stone Circle (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO9092 Possible late prehistoric finds at Bat's Castle (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO11964 Possible Mesolithic axe find from Ranscombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO8665 Possible Mesolithic flint at Blackland (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM23700 Possible Mesolithic flint at Durcombe Water (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO8837 Possible Roman activity at Hadborough (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7405 Possible Roman coins from Luccombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM15259 Possible Saxon timber fragment on Porlock Beach (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE21619 Possible undated pottery or iron smelting residue northwest of Venford Farm (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22404 Possible World War Two military target on Porlock Allotment (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22430 Post-medieval clay pipe at Dunster (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22431 Post-medieval cup at Dunster (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24812 Post-medieval flintlock at White Rock Cottage (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22408 Post-medieval pottery at Ash Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22428 Post-medieval pottery at Dunster (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22429 Post-medieval pottery at Dunster (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22432 Post-medieval pottery at Dunster (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24424 Post-medieval pottery in Dunster Castle Car Park (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM23572 Pot Finds, Bossington, Holnicote Estate (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM15258 Pottery found north of Porlock Vale House (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22037 Pottery sherd found at Parracombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22075 Prehistoric arrowhead west of Carhampton (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22500 Prehistoric chert adze or axe at Withiel Florey (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO12430 Prehistoric chert knife at North Hill (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7888 Prehistoric finds at Ash Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE10925 Prehistoric flint [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE10926 Prehistoric flint [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE1329 Prehistoric flint arrowheads found near Hoaroak Cottage (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO9094 Prehistoric flint at Carhampton [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO9416 Prehistoric flint at Dunster Station [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO9320 Prehistoric flint at Hawkwell [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7523 Prehistoric flint at Hopcott Common (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO8407 Prehistoric flint at Nine Elms Nursery [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6850 Prehistoric flint at Red Deer (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22083 Prehistoric flint at Tom's Hill Farm (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22696 Prehistoric flint blade found on Cheriton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15256 Prehistoric flint core from Red Sand Bay (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22077 Prehistoric flint cores west of Carhampton (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22073 Prehistoric flint debitage west of Carhampton (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM23640 Prehistoric flint east of Hollow Girt (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO11033 Prehistoric flint find at Elsworthy (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM15255 Prehistoric flint find on Porlock Beach (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM23573 Prehistoric flint finds at Selworthy Farm (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO9319 Prehistoric flint flate found north of Mounsey Castle (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22074 Prehistoric flint from west of Carhampton (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM24813 Prehistoric flint from Wintershead (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM15257 Prehistoric flint items found north of Porlockford Bridge (Monument)
Monument Type MDE10984 Prehistoric flint near Kings Nympton [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22433 Prehistoric flint on Cheriton Ridge (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM24811 Prehistoric Flint on Great Black Hill (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7530 Prehistoric flint on Minehead beach [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23278 Prehistoric flint scraper found on Cheriton Ridge (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22584 Prehistoric flint scraper found on Halscombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO11965 Prehistoric flint scraper from Wootton Courtenay (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22128 Prehistoric flint southeast of Litton Farm (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO8024 Prehistoric flint southwest of Piles Mill (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22076 Prehistoric flint west of Carhampton (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22078 Prehistoric flint west of Carhampton (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE1443 Prehistoric flints at Guphill [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7526 Prehistoric flints at Periton [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23862 Prehistoric lithic implement on Lynmouth Beach (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE1165 Prehistoric macehead found at Pulsworthy Bridge (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO9438 Prehistoric pottery [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE1042 Prehistoric pottery on Trentishoe Down (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22498 Probable Mesolithic stone hammer found on Spooners (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7804 Roman brook east of Three Acre Covert [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM24944 Roman coin at Lee Abbey (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO11404 Roman coin find at Kennisham Hill (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22064 Roman coin found at Stogumber (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7806 Roman coin found in Washford area [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO8146 Roman coin hoard [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7799 Roman coin hoard west of Raleigh's Cross (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO8015 Roman coins near Brandish Street (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO9084 Roman finds in Dunster Park (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO10905 Roman finds purportedly found at Exe Head (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM24873 Roman Jupiter figurine found in Brompton Regis parish (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE20172 Roman pottery lamp south of Lynton (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO8303 Roman quernstone near Dunkery (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO8394 Roman remains at Redgate [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8404 Romano-British bronze figure [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7802 Romano-British rotary quern at Cleeve Hill [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE1239 Saddle quern found at Lee Abbey (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22043 Several pieces of slag found in Luccombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM15251 Shaped tree trunk found on Porlock Beach (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22055 Sherds of North Devon gritted wares found at Luccombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22049 Sherds of North Somerset wares found at Luccombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22053 Sherds of Southwest Somerset wares found at Luccombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22051 Sherds of West Somerset wares found at Luccombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22056 Sherds of West Somerset wares found at Luccombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22039 Silver halfgroat coin found in Porlock (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO12736 Site of environmental sampling in Newland Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22067 Sixpence Coin Found in Dulverton (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22068 Sixpence coin found in Monksilver (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE20414 Spindle whorl at Stock Water (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE1444 Spindle whorls at Guphill [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE1436 Spindlewhorl Found at West Anstey [outside Park boundary] (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22042 Toy cannon found in Brompton Regis (Find Spot)
Monument Type MMO65 Two Bronze Age barrows on Bampfylde Hill [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15437 Undated metalworking detritus at Sherracombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO8846 Undated perforated slate found at Combland (Find Spot)
Monument Type MDE20412 Undated spindle whorl at Ranscombe (Find Spot)
Monument Type MSO7742 Undated spindlewhorls at Broomstreet Farm (Find Spot)
Monument Type MEM22557 World War Two bomb west of Madacombe Stone Row (Find Spot)