Thesaurus Term/Concept: NATURAL FEATURE

Identifier 70383
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note Use only for natural features mistakenly assumed to be archaeological or natural features with archaeological significance.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (8)

Instances/Examples (129)

Context Record
Monument Type MSO10164 19th Century quarry south of Larkbarrow Cottage (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6259 Bronze Age burial cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6848 Bronze Age burial cairns north of Long Chains Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7159 Burrowhead Field, north of Exton (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21769 Disproved Bronze Age barrow south of Martinhoe Common (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MDE21768 Disproved late prehistoric hut circle or ring cairn west of Moorland Cottage (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MSO11848 Disputed Bronze Age barrow on Wilmersham Common (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MSO6257 Disputed Bronze Age burial cairns on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7105 Disputed Bronze Age cairn on the Exe Plain (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MMO148 Disputed Bronze Age cairn southeast of Dunkery Beacon (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MDE20245 Disputed oval enclosure near Span Head (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MDE9883 Disputed stone circle on Cheriton Ridge (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MSO7889 Hawkcombe Head and Ven Combe Mesolithic flint working sites (Monument)
Monument Type MDE8573 Holdstone Down (Place)
Monument Type MSO6855 Kittuck Barrow, or site of Kite Oak boundary marker (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1603 Late prehistoric ditched enclosure northeast of Blackford (Monument)
Monument Type MMO982 Linear feature at Weatherham Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15663 Linear features of unknown date at Long Holcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO726 Linear field bank north of Bessom Cross (Monument)
Monument Type MDE8997 Medieval and post-medieval earthworks east of Girt Down Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10192 Natural feature at Three Combes Foot (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MDE11661 Natural feature on Wallover Down (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MSO7978 Natural features northwest of West Luccombe (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MSO11285 Natural features south of Court Plantation (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MSO11487 Natural mound at Outer Alcott (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MDE9895 Natural outcrop of stone on Cheriton Ridge (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MDE1263 Natural outcrop on Cheriton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MDE8996 Natural outcrops on Trentishoe Down (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MDE8269 Natural rock shelves east of Little Hangman (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MEM23878 Natural spring north of Comer's Cross (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MDE1048 Natural stone on Higher Down (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MDE20343 Natural stoneheap on Thorn Hill (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MSO8758 Neolithic peat exposure on Halscombe Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15420 North Twitchen Springs (Landscape)
Monument Type MMO2269 Possible Bronze Age barrow on Honeycombe Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24101 Possible Bronze Age barrow remains north of Emmett's Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24103 Possible Bronze Age barrow remains north of Emmett's Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24100 Possible Bronze Age barrow remains northwest of Emmett's Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9337 Possible Bronze Age barrows on Varle Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2284 Possible Bronze Age barrows or clearance cairns above East Water Valley (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2699 Possible Bronze Age cairn northeast of Luccombe Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2700 Possible Bronze Age cairn northeast of Luccombe Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE12824 Possible Bronze Age round barrow on Badgworthy Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1265 Possible hut circle adjacent to Farley Water (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2264 Possible late prehistoric earthwork enclosure on Wilmersham Common (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2671 Possible late prehistoric enclosure above Hanny Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7359 Possible medieval hunting butts or natural peat tumps above Nutscale Water (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1831 Possible medieval or post-medieval gullies above Heddons Mouth Cleave (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24142 Possible medieval or post-medieval hollow way east of Emmett's Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MDE8270 Possible medieval or post-medieval lynchets above Blackstone Beach (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MMO2804 Possible medieval or post-medieval trackway south of Mole's Chamber (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21798 Possible medieval subcircular platform above Wild Pear Beach (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24302 Possible natural feature or quarry southeast of Thornmead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24303 Possible natural feature or quarry southeast of Thornmead (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20395 Possible natural stone on Kentisbury Down (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MDE11244 Possible post-medieval crop marks at Crock Point (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24522 Possible post-medieval hollow way south of Tom's Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24396 Possible post-medieval peat cutting on North Twitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24472 Possible post-medieval peat cutting on Roosthichen (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23828 Possible post-medieval peat cutting or natural feature on Deer Park (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23829 Possible post-medieval peat cutting or natural feature on Deer Park (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23827 Possible post-medieval peat cutting or natural feature on Hangley Cleave (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15555 Possible post-medieval quarry in Culbone Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23201 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23203 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23204 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23205 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23206 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23207 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23208 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23209 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23210 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23211 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23212 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23213 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23214 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23216 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23218 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23219 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23225 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23228 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23229 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23230 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23231 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23232 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23233 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23234 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23235 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23236 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23237 Possible prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12198 Possible prehistoric hut circle on Wilmersham Common (Monument)
Monument Type MEM25039 Possible prehistoric post holes or stone sockets on Hoccombe Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2279 Possible prehistoric rectilinear enclosure on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE13230 Possible prehistoric standing stone at Winaway (Monument)
Monument Type MDE8987 Possible prehistoric standing stone north of Ruckham Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10475 Possible prehistoric stone setting on Stoke Pero Common (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22447 Possible prehistoric trackway on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7648 Possible site of medieval Mene, north of West Myne (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12234 Possible stone row on Honeycombe Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24468 Possible Undated Boundary Stone on Roosthichen (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20538 Possible undated field system on top of Heale Down (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21776 Possible undated field system south of Woody Bay Station (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24459 Possible Undated Hollow Way on Roosthitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7764 Possible undated platform at Oldhay Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23992 Possible undated subcircular feature on Withypool Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23993 Possible undated subcircular feature on Withypool Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23994 Possible undated subcircular feature on Withypool Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6938 Post-medieval drainage channels at Barcombe and Litton (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8838 Post-medieval or modern ditched boundaries north of Hartford (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3489 Post-medieval peat cutting southwest of Yeo Mill [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15223 Post-medieval peat deposit at the mouth of Horner Water (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2974 Post-medieval pits at Rat Combe Head (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1035 Post-medieval slate quarries on Trentishoe Down (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10958 Prehistoric tree stumps northeast of Warren Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2222 Undated bank on western side of Exe Plain (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23710 Undated circular feature on Wind Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1764 Undated earthworks west of Parsonage Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24530 Undated feature on Withypool Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24531 Undated feature on Withypool Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24527 Undated features on Withypool Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24363 Undated mound on Alderman's Barrow Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24421 Undated Mound on Roosthitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24367 Undated mound on the east of Alderman's Barrow Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24422 Undated Mounds on Roostitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11652 Undated natural features west of Lower Hollacombe (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MEM24473 Undated stone on Roosthichen (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24466 Undated Stone on Roosthitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24461 Undated Stone on Roostitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24493 Undated surface stone on Kittucks Mead (Non-antiquity)