Site Event/Activity record EMO13728 - 1986: OTH - NAR/SMR Data Exchange Pilot



National Monuments Record (RCHME)




Pilot project for the exchange of data between the NAR and county SMRs. Monument location data applied to aid retrieval 2018.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Digital archive: Historic England. Various. National Record of the Historic Environment (NRHE) entry. 973344, Enhanced 25 May 2021.


No mapped location recorded.


Location West Somerset
Grid reference
Map sheet

Related Monuments/Buildings (249)

  • 19th Century building platform at Elsworthy (Monument)
  • 19th Century icehouse at Glenthorne (Building)
  • 19th Century iron mine on southeast side of Elsworthy (Monument)
  • 19th Century leat above Allcombe Water (Monument)
  • 19th Century leat on Tom's Hill (Monument)
  • 19th Century leat southeast of Warren Farm (Monument)
  • 19th Century sheepfold at East Pinford (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow at Coombe Farm (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow at Great Ash Farm (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow at Great Staddon (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow at Higher House (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow at Larkbarrow (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow at North Higher Combe Farm (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow south and east of Newlands Farm (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow south of Higher Thorne (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow south of Prescott Farm (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow south of Wellshead Farm (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow southeast and southwest of Newland Farm (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow southeast of Ashcombe (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow southeast of Codsend (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow southeast of Cutthorne Farm (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow southwest of Lower Kemps Farm (Monument)
  • 19th or 20th Century waterwheel at Pitsworthy Farm (Monument)
  • 20th Century sheep dip on Swap Hill (Monument)
  • 20th Century sheepfold on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
  • 20th Century sheepfold on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
  • Alledged enclosures north of Cutcombe (Monument)
  • Alleged Bronze Age barrow on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
  • Almsworthy settlement (Monument)
  • Blackland Iron Mine (Monument)
  • Blackwell Farmstead (Monument)
  • Brendon Hill Cottage (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Elsworthy (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Elsworthy (Monument)
  • Bronze Age cairn on Withypool Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age cairn on Withypool Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age round barrow north of Landacre Bridge, Withypool (Monument)
  • Bronze Age round barrow on Withypool and Exford Parish boundary (Monument)
  • Carnarvon Mine New Pit (Monument)
  • Carnarvon Old Pit (Monument)
  • Castle Farm, Hawkridge (Monument)
  • Corn mill, Roadwater (Monument)
  • Corneford Mill (Monument)
  • Deserted buildings south of Combeshead (Monument)
  • Deserted farm at South Hill (Monument)
  • Deserted farm of Higher Week, Exton (Monument)
  • Deserted farm of Lancecombe (Monument)
  • Deserted farmstead southwest of Colton Farm (Monument)
  • Deserted medieval village at Colton Farm (Monument)
  • Disputed Bronze Age barrow on Withypool and Exford Parish boundary (Non-antiquity)
  • Dorniford Farmstead (Monument)
  • Downside Farm (Monument)
  • Early 20th Century tree-ring enclosure east of Croydon Hall (Monument)
  • Early 20th Century tree-ring enclosure northeast of Croydon Hall (Monument)
  • East Pit, Newland Quarry (Monument)
  • Edgcott Mill, Exford (Monument)
  • Eyreland Farmstead (Monument)
  • Farm water wheel at Colton Farm (Monument)
  • Farm water wheel at Huish Barton (Monument)
  • Field system at Treborough Common (Monument)
  • Fishpond east of Luckwell's Wood (Monument)
  • Fishpond northeast of Kersham (Monument)
  • Fishponds at Nettlecombe Court (Monument)
  • Garliscombe Mill, Withypool (Building)
  • Great Park; post-medieval deer park southwest of Nettlecombe Court (Monument)
  • Higher Linhay, Exford (Monument)
  • Higher Pitsworthy or Pittsworthy Farm, Allcombe Water (Monument)
  • Highley deserted farm and mill (Monument)
  • Hill Farm (Monument)
  • Honeymead Mine, northwest of Red Deer Farm (Monument)
  • Horse Parks Farm (Monument)
  • Horsecombe Farm (Building)
  • Iron mine southwest of Beggearn Huish (Monument)
  • Ison Mine, Winsford (Monument)
  • Kits Well (Monument)
  • Kittuck Meads Sheepfold (Monument)
  • Langridge Mills (Monument)
  • Larkbarrow Cottage and associated structures (Monument)
  • Larkbarrow Farm, Larkbarrow (Monument)
  • Late medieval or post-medieval field system at Withypool Common (Monument)
  • Late prehistoric or Romano-British field system at Wellshead Allotment (Monument)
  • Leigh mill, Broadfield Wood (Monument)
  • Lime Kilns at Brendon Hill (Monument)
  • Limekiln and quarry east of Higher Rodhuish Farm (Monument)
  • Limekiln northwest of Roadwater Farm (Monument)
  • Limekiln, Beggearn Huish (Monument)
  • Limekilns at Treborough quarry (Building)
  • Lower and Higher Kiln Fields (Monument)
  • Lower Thorne Farm, Exford (Building)
  • Luckyard Wood Mine (Monument)
  • Manor Mill, Monksilver (Monument)
  • Medieval boundary stone south of Black Barrow (Monument)
  • Medieval field system at Culver Lane (Monument)
  • Medieval lynchets south of Moor Barn (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval church house at Church Gate, Exford (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval enclosure on Worth Hill (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field boundary on Ware Ball (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field system above Sparcombe Water and River Exe confluence (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field system on Kitnor Heath (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field system on Varle Hill and Ashway Side (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval hollow way on Exe Cleave (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval site of Redbrooks or Orchard House (Monument)
  • Merrycoombe or Muddicombe Farm (Monument)
  • Mill at Combe Sydenham (Monument)
  • Mill Barrow (Non-antiquity)
  • Mill, Beggearn Huish (Monument)
  • Modern sheepwash on Bye Hill (Monument)
  • Natural features south of Court Plantation (Non-antiquity)
  • Nethercott's Adit (Monument)
  • New Barn, Ashcott Barton (Building)
  • North Newland Farm, Exford (Monument)
  • Pitt Mill (Monument)
  • Possible 19th Century boundary stones on Stowey Allotment (Monument)
  • Possible Bronze Age barrow southwest of Alderman's Barrow (Monument)
  • Possible deserted farm of Lower Wellshead (Monument)
  • Possible deserted farmstead at Luckwell (Monument)
  • Possible deserted farmstead northwest of Great Ash Farm (Monument)
  • Possible late prehistoric enclosure on Room Hill (Monument)
  • Possible mining remains above Orchard Bottom (Monument)
  • Possible post-medieval bridge in Longcombe (Monument)
  • Possible post-medieval enclosures at Elworthy Combe (Monument)
  • Possible post-medieval farm in Uppington Plantation (Monument)
  • Possible post-medieval mill at Northern Mill Cottage (Monument)
  • Possible prehistoric burial cairn east of Combe Gate (Monument)
  • Possible prehistoric hut circle on Aldermans Barrow Allotment (Monument)
  • Possible prehistoric standing stones at Room Hill (Monument)
  • Possible prehistoric stone setting south of Coley Water (Monument)
  • Possible rectilinear enclosure south of Court Plantation (Monument)
  • Possible standing stone west of Aldermans Barrow (Monument)
  • Possible undated enclosure on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
  • Possible undated rectangular enclosure north of Thorne Lane (Monument)
  • Post-medieval adit northwest of Newland (Monument)
  • Post-medieval adit on south side of Elsworthy (Monument)
  • Post-medieval barn north of West Nethercote (Monument)
  • Post-medieval bridge abutment between Pinford and Beckham (Monument)
  • Post-medieval building remains east of Bigmoor (Monument)
  • Post-medieval contour leat above Long Combe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval contour leat at Long Combe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval deer park at Combe Sydenham (Monument)
  • Post-medieval deserted farmstead at Ludslade Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval enclosures of Withypool (Monument)
  • Post-medieval farm southsoutheast of Colton Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval farm southwest of West Stowey (Monument)
  • Post-medieval farmstead south of Higher Hawkington (Monument)
  • Post-medieval farmstead south of Triscombe Wood (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field boundaries south of South Higher Combe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field gutter system at Stone Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field system northwest of Holcombe Water Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field system on Bye Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field system on Winsford Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field systems along the River Exe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval fish ponds west of Cutcombe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval fishponds in Pond Wood (Monument)
  • Post-medieval hollow way south of Holloway Lane (Monument)
  • Post-medieval iron mine southwest of Sellbed Cross (Monument)
  • Post-medieval ironstone mine south of Long Barrow (Monument)
  • Post-medieval limekilns and quarries on Harpers Lane (Monument)
  • Post-medieval lynchets on Church Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval mill at Higher Mill Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval or modern drainage channels at Barcombe and Litton (Non-antiquity)
  • Post-medieval or modern mound at Beckham (Monument)
  • Post-medieval or modern mound at Beckham (Monument)
  • Post-medieval or modern waterwheel at Court Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval prospecting trenches at Elsworthy (Monument)
  • Post-medieval trackways on King's Brompton Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval turf stack on Swap Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water management at Ashott Barton (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow and field boundaries at Buckworthy (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow at Ashwell Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow at Blagdon Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow at Brendonhill Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow at Chibbet Post (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow at Halsgrove Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow at Honeywell Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow at Long Combe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow at South Quarm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow at Symms Combe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow at Triscombe Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow at Upcott Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow at Vinnicombe Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow northeast of Knighton Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow northwest of Kershaw (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow south and west of Great Nurcott Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow south and west of North Wheddon Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow south of Combeshead (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow south of Higher Blackland Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow south of Torre Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow southwest of Luckyard Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow system at East Nurcott (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow west of Combe Sydenham (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow west of Little Quarme Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water wheel at Coombe Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water wheel at Hawkington Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water wheel at Higher House Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water wheel at Stone Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval watermill at Westermill Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval waterwheel at Great Nurcott (Monument)
  • Post-medieval waterwheel at South Wheddon Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval waterwheel at Withycombe Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval Wesleyan Methodist chapel and burial ground at Fairview (Monument)
  • Pre-enclosure trackways at Brendon Hill (Monument)
  • Prehistoric flint find at Elsworthy (Find Spot)
  • Prehistoric settlement and field system at Codsend Moor (Monument)
  • Pump house south of Yard Farm (Monument)
  • Pumping house at Nettlecombe Court (Monument)
  • Raleigh's Cross Mine (Monument)
  • Roadwater Railway Station (Building)
  • Saw mill north of Luckwell's Wood (Monument)
  • Sharcott deserted farmstead, Exford (Monument)
  • Shrunken village at Woodford (Monument)
  • South Park; 18th Century parkland southeast of Nettlecombe Court (Monument)
  • Stetfold Rocks Farm (Building)
  • Stowey Mill, Putham Wood (Monument)
  • Tan House (Monument)
  • The Devils' Stone, east of Luckwell Bridge (Monument)
  • Timwood Adit (Monument)
  • Tom's Hill Farm, Great Tom's Hill (Monument)
  • Trackway or Parish boundary north of Rook Wood (Monument)
  • Treborough Quarries (Monument)
  • Tuckers Farmstead (Monument)
  • Undated circular cropmark at South Combe (Monument)
  • Undated circular cropmark on Wellshead Allotment (Monument)
  • Undated circular cropmark south of Dyehouse corner (Monument)
  • Undated cropmark southwest of Pennycombe Valley (Monument)
  • Undated earthwork in Langridge Wood (Monument)
  • Undated earthworks at Beckham (Monument)
  • Undated mound at Aldermans Barrow Allotment (Monument)
  • Undated Mound at Aldermans Barrow Allotment (Monument)
  • Undated mound near Larkbarrow (Monument)
  • Undated mound on Great Tom's Hill (Monument)
  • Undated mound on Kittuck Meads (Monument)
  • Undated mound on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
  • Undated platform or natural feature northeast of Ware Ball (Monument)
  • Undated rectangular enclosure northeast of Castle Farm (Monument)
  • Undated rectangular enclosures south of Lanacre (Monument)
  • Underwood Linhay (Monument)
  • Vale mill (Monument)
  • Waterwheel at Higher Rodhuish Farm (Monument)
  • Waterwheel at North Quarme Farm (Monument)
  • Waterwheel at Roadwater Farm (Monument)
  • West Mill (Monument)
  • West Newland Farm in Newland plantation (Monument)
  • West Pit, Newland Quarry (Monument)
  • Wheal Gregory Iron and Copper Mine (Monument)
  • Withycombe Farm, Exford (Building)
  • Wood Advent Farmhouse (Building)
  • World War Two observation post at Elsworthy (Monument)
  • Yarde Mill House, Yarde (Building)
  • Yeanicombe Farm (Monument)

Record last edited

Apr 11 2022 1:28PM