Thesaurus Term/Concept: MOUND

Identifier 70382
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A natural or artificial elevation of earth or stones, such as the earth heaped upon a grave. Use more specific type where known.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (3)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (10)

Instances/Examples (244)

Context Record
Monument Type MSO7061 19th Century field boundary and undated mound southwest of Blue Gate (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10982 19th Century sheepfold at East Pinford (Monument)
Monument Type MMO485 A circular turf-covered mound measuring 4.3m in di... (Monument)
Monument Type MDE13269 A mound was noted on aerial photographs, but was n... (Monument)
Monument Type MDE13270 A mound was noted on aerial photographs, but was n... (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3344 A small rectangular mound is visible on aerial pho... (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7001 Alleged earthworks east of Setta Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6991 An alleged large round mound could not be found du... (Monument)
Monument Type MDE12835 Bronze Age barrow north of Weirs Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2184 Bronze Age barrow or burial cairn north of Shoulsbarrow Common (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2186 Bronze Age barrow or burial cairn north of South Regis Common (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2183 Bronze Age barrow or burial cairn on South Regis Common (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2187 Bronze Age barrow or burial cairn on South Regis Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7121 Bronze Age burial cairn above Long Chains Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE12865 Disputed Bronze Age barrow on Furzehill Common (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MSO11426 Disputed mound on Exford Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20329 Disputed prehistoric hut circle next to the West Lyn River (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MMO713 Earthworks surrounding Lower and Higher Cowlings (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7378 Group of mounds of various dates on Tarr Ball Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10127 Late prehistoric and modern cairns north of Goat Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22522 Linear mound of unknown date on Deer Park (Monument)
Monument Type MMO678 Medieval and post-medieval earthworks at Cophole Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12359 Medieval or post-medieval clearance mounds on Worth Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15498 Medieval or post-medieval earthworks in Ashwick Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MDE790 Medieval Silver Mines at Combe Martin [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7427 Modern mound to northeast of Joaney How (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7398 Modern mound to the west of Robin How on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9351 Mound in Newgate Plantation (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7006 Mound of uncertain date located east of Kinsford (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12631 Mound of unknown date in Winstitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22512 Mound of unknown date located on Deer Park (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22513 Mound of unknown date on Deer Park (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22518 Mound of unknown date on Deer Park (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22525 Mound of unknown date on Deer Park (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22533 Mound of unknown date on Deer Park (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7083 Mound of unknown date on Deer Park (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10411 Mound on Hoar Moor (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11363 Mound, Aldermans Barrow Allotment, Luccombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11417 Mound, Darlick Moor, Exmoor (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10917 Natural mound at western end of Elsworthy (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21771 Natural mound south of Croscombe Lane (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MDE12843 Natural spring mound north of stone setting (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MSO8093 Possible 20th Century stone mound north of target railway B (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3335 Possible Bronze Age barrow on Bampfylde Hill [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20481 Possible Bronze Age barrow on North Molton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20483 Possible Bronze Age barrow on North Molton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24387 Possible Bronze Age barrow on North Twitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2256 Possible Bronze Age barrow or cairn southeast of Dunkery Beacon (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20300 Possible Bronze Age barrow or natural mound on Ilkerton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7037 Possible Bronze Age barrow southwest of Alderman's Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3587 Possible Bronze Age barrow west of Barton Wood [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3403 Possible Bronze Age barrow west of Kimbland Cross [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO71 Possible Bronze Age barrows on Cosgate Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9337 Possible Bronze Age barrows on Varle Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2783 Possible Bronze Age burial cairn or barrow on Whitefield Down (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2377 Possible Bronze Age burial cairn or World War Two mound on Hoccombe Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11340 Possible Bronze Age burial cairn southeast of Joaney How (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11341 Possible Bronze Age burial cairn southeast of Joaney How (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11342 Possible Bronze Age burial cairn southeast of Joaney How (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24397 Possible Bronze Age burial or post-medieval clearance cairn on North Twitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3248 Possible Bronze Age cairn on North Molton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3249 Possible Bronze Age cairn on North Molton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3250 Possible Bronze Age cairn on North Molton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3251 Possible Bronze Age cairn on North Molton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21760 Possible Bronze Age round barrow north of Wistlandpound (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2556 Possible Bronze Age round barrow on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2557 Possible Bronze Age round barrow on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3432 Possible Bronze Age round barrow west of Stoodleigh Down [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7343 Possible enclosure mounds on Stoke Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10464 Possible late prehistoric standing stone south of Pinkworthy Pond (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3031 Possible medieval building platform south of Landacre Bridge (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7111 Possible natural feature on the Exe Plain (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MSO10459 Possible natural mound southwest of Chains Barrow (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MDE20858 Possible natural mound west of White Ladder (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MSO10463 Possible natural mounds north of Pinkworthy Farm (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MEM24483 Possible Post Medieval Mound on Verney's Allotment. (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8925 Possible post-medieval building platform north of Bessom Bridge (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1711 Possible post-medieval clearance cairn on Shilstone Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15448 Possible post-medieval earthworks near Winsley Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23789 Possible post-medieval mining activity north of Chibbet's Post (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15660 Possible post-medieval mining remains at Long Holcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23967 Possible Post-Medieval Mound on Burcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24370 Possible post-medieval mound on the east of Alderman's Barrow Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MDE14958 Possible post-medieval mounds [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE12816 Possible post-medieval or modern mound on Brendon Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7143 Possible post-medieval peat drying platforms near White Ladder Stone Row (Monument)
Monument Type MDE13247 Possible post-medieval shooting butt on Triss Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23348 Possible prehistoric cairn on Challacombe Common (Monument)
Monument Type MEM25024 Possible prehistoric cairn on Wilmersham Common (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22437 Possible prehistoric mound on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22611 Possible prehistoric mound on The Chains (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22654 Possible prehistoric mound on The Chains (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22658 Possible prehistoric mound on The Chains (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12161 Possible prehistoric stone alignment at Bill Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6886 Possible prehistoric stone setting southwest of Black Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3245 Possible undated agricultural mound northwest of Kensall Cross (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11207 Possible undated cairn or spoil heap northeast of Caffyns Heanton Down (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10865 Possible undated mound at Titchcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE13239 Possible undated mound north of Anstey's Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11198 Possible undated mound on Martinhoe Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20849 Possible undated mound on Moorhouse Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10864 Possible undated mound south of Chains Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15489 Possible undated natural features in Ashwick Wood (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MMO3192 Possible World War Two military earthwork on Withypool Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3191 Possible World War Two military training site on Withypool Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3190 Possible World War Two military training site on Withypool Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE12821 Possible World War Two mound northwest of Badgworthy Cottage (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7438 Possible World War Two mound on Tarr Ball Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20783 Possible World War Two remains on Great Black Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20784 Possible World War Two remains on Great Black Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3189 Possible World War Two training site at Withypool Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23966 Post Medieval Mound on Burcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23341 Post-medieval agricultural mound near Pinkery Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO985 Post-medieval boundaries and mounds at Sunny Nook, Brompton Regis (Monument)
Monument Type MMO988 Post-medieval features north of Gutterhole Barn (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1033 Post-medieval field system south of Hone Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23364 Post-Medieval low mound on East Pinford (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22595 Post-medieval mound and pit near Pinkworthy (or Pinkery) Pond (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22596 Post-medieval mound and pit near Pinkworthy (or Pinkery) Pond (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22598 Post-medieval mound and pit near Pinkworthy (or Pinkery) Pond (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22599 Post-medieval mound and pit near Pinkworthy (or Pinkery) Pond (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22609 Post-medieval mound and pit on The Chains (Monument)
Monument Type MDE9002 Post-medieval mound east of Moorland View (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23965 Post-Medieval Mound on Burcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22509 Post-medieval mound on Deer Park (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7086 Post-medieval mound on Long Holcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10216 Post-medieval mound on Mill Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10299 Post-medieval mound on Porlock Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7952 Post-medieval mound on Porlock Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7955 Post-medieval mound on Porlock Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7958 Post-medieval mound on Porlock Common (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22549 Post-medieval mound on The Chains (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22594 Post-medieval mound on The Chains (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22601 Post-medieval mound on The Chains (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22676 Post-medieval mound on The Chains (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23936 Post-Medieval Mound on the Eastern Edge of Burcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24188 Post-medieval mound to the south of Old Barrow Plantation (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24309 Post-medieval mounds northwest of Winstitchen Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE13235 Post-medieval mounds on Black Ball (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8997 Post-medieval mounds on Haddon Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7437 Post-medieval mounds on Tarr Ball Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8083 Post-medieval or 20th Century mound southwest of West Myne (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20934 Post-medieval or modern drainage systems on Kentisbury Down (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7021 Post-medieval or modern mound at Beckham (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7022 Post-medieval or modern mound at Beckham (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6876 Post-medieval or modern mound southeast of Beckam Hill Stone Setting (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7387 Post-medieval peat cutting at Lucott Moor (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10994 Post-medieval peat cutting earthwork on Verney's Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7954 Post-medieval peat cutting on Porlock Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10938 Post-medieval pillow mound at Warren Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15443 Post-medieval pit and mound at Sherracombe Ford (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1057 Post-medieval quarries or ponds at Kilnmoor Copse [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2236 Post-medieval quarrying, field clearance or peat cutting activity on east of South Regis Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7085 Post-medieval spoil heap on Long Holcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2097 Post-medieval tree mound south of Arlington [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22552 Prehistoric burial mound on Deer Park (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1204 Prehistoric clearance cairns on Fyldon Common (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22602 Prehistoric mound on The Chains (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10922 Prehistoric or post-medieval mound at Elsworthy (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10920 Prehistoric or post-medieval mound east of Elsworthy (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10921 Prehistoric or post-medieval mound on Elsworthy (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12219 Prehistoric stone setting on Squallacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20240 Probable post-medieval spoil heap at Kinsford Cross (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20475 Round mound south-east of tabor hill. Good on 1947... (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20476 Round mound south-east of tabor hill. Good on 1947... (Monument)
Monument Type MMO877 Shrunken settlement north of West Howetown (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15631 Subrectangular mound on Cloutsham Ball (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6284 Three modern mounds south of Dunkery Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6268 Three mounds were recorded from a 19th century map... (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20482 Three possible Bronze Age barrows on North Molton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2479 Turf covered mound north of Sandhill Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15567 Two 19th Century mounds in Yeanor Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MDE8976 Two undated mounds southeast of Long Stone (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10871 Undated circular enclosure south of the Chains Valley (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10866 Undated circular mound at Titchcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3088 Undated clearance cairn north of Haxton Down Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11252 Undated cropmark southwest of Pennycombe Valley (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24059 Undated earthwork feature southeast of Shilstone Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10998 Undated earthworks at Beckham (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24297 Undated enclosures and mound east of gravel pit on Porlock Common (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15632 Undated linear mounds at Cloutsham Ball (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11361 Undated mound at Aldermans Barrow Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7414 Undated Mound at Aldermans Barrow Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23767 Undated mound at Larkbarrow Corner (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10371 Undated mound at Thorn Gate (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6925 Undated mound east of Winstitchen Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24949 Undated mound in Church Close (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11415 Undated mound near Larkbarrow (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10453 Undated mound north of Driver Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10132 Undated mound northeast of Driver Farm (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MEM23957 Undated mound of unknown origin on Wester Emmetts (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24363 Undated mound on Alderman's Barrow Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10419 Undated mound on Codsend Moor (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11056 Undated mound on Exe Cleave (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20759 Undated mound on Farley Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11024 Undated mound on Great Tom's Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10412 Undated mound on Hoar Moor (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11132 Undated mound on Kittuck Meads (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24519 Undated mound on Kittuck's Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24507 Undated mound on Kittuck's Mead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24509 Undated mound on Kittuck's Mead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24510 Undated mound on Kittuck's Mead (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7786 Undated mound on Manor Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20850 Undated mound on Moorhouse Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MDE13259 Undated mound on North Molton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22448 Undated mound on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24371 Undated mound on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7943 Undated mound on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24469 Undated Mound on Roosthichen (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24421 Undated Mound on Roosthitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7436 Undated mound on Stoke Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22592 Undated mound on The Chains (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22603 Undated mound on The Chains (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MEM22616 Undated mound on The Chains (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MEM22651 Undated mound on The Chains (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MEM22673 Undated mound on The Chains (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MEM24367 Undated mound on the east of Alderman's Barrow Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11057 Undated mound on the Exe Plain (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23959 Undated mound on Wester Emmetts (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20838 Undated mound on Woodland Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20779 Undated mound or area of quarrying on Countisbury Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20780 Undated mound or area of quarrying on Countisbury Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21873 Undated mound south of Barna Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8519 Undated mound south of Comer's Cross (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8067 Undated mound south of Great Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10124 Undated mound southwest of the Chains Barrow (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MEM24121 Undated mound west of Hill Barn (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1894 Undated mound west of Kentisbury Mill [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10466 Undated mounds at Short Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20439 Undated mounds east of Common Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24422 Undated Mounds on Roostitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9216 Undated mounds on the Wootton Courtenay and Cutcombe Parish boundary (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10126 Undated mounds southwest of Chains Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10388 Undated quarry and mound at Elsworthy, Exmoor (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9245 Undated stony mound near Spangate (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7596 World War Two earthwork on North Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3195 World War Two military training earthworks on Halscombe Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20580 World War Two military training earthworks on Shilstone Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE13236 World War two mound and bank on Molland Common (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1492 World War Two mound associated with tank training activities on North Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3155 World War Two mound northeast of Ridgway Cross (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7380 World War Two mound on Stoke Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6281 World War Two mounds east of Dunkery Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24521 World War Two target mound south of Tom's Farm (Monument)