Source/Archive record SMO4069 - Oblique Aerial Photograph

Type Aerial photograph
Title Oblique Aerial Photograph
Date/Year Various

Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record .


Oblique aerial photographs taken by a variety of sources and in various years. See Reference against specific Monument record for precise information.

External Links (0)

Referenced Monuments (303)

  • 19th Century drainage ditches southeast of Great Ashcombe (Monument)
  • 19th Century lime kiln at Bossington Beach (Building)
  • 19th Century lime kiln at Bossington Beach (Building)
  • 19th Century miners cottages at Cornham Ford (Monument)
  • 19th Century peat cutting on Kittuck Hill (Monument)
  • 19th Century quarries southeast of Larkbarrow (Monument)
  • 19th Century quarry southeast of Larkbarrow (Monument)
  • 19th Century quarry west of Larkbarrow Farm (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow at Larkbarrow (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow north of Stetfold Rocks (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow south of Lyshwell Farm (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow south of North Batsom Farm (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow south of Prescott Farm (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow south of Prescott Farm (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow to south and west of Blindwell (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow west of Stone Farm (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow west of Stone Farm (Monument)
  • 20th Century coastguard station on Hurlestone Point (Monument)
  • Alleged undated square enclosure on North Hill (Non-antiquity)
  • Bagley Hillslope Enclosure (Monument)
  • Bagley Hillslope Enclosure (Monument)
  • Bat's Castle, in Dunster Park (Monument)
  • Bat's Castle, in Dunster Park (Monument)
  • Bat's Castle, in Dunster Park (Monument)
  • Black Ball Camp, Gallox Hill (Monument)
  • Black Ball Camp, Gallox Hill (Monument)
  • Blagdon Cottages southwest of Withiel Florey (Building)
  • Brendon Hill Village (Monument)
  • Brendon Hill Village (Monument)
  • Brendon Hill Village (Monument)
  • Brendon Hill Village (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrow and cairn, Rowbarrow Group (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow at Lype Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow on Withypool Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Bossington Hill (Monument)
  • Carnarvon Mine New Pit (Monument)
  • Coal Pits, north of Litton Farm (Monument)
  • Cow Castle, south of Winstitchen (Monument)
  • Deserted medieval farmstead on western side of Bramble Combe (Monument)
  • East Myne farmstead, Minehead (Monument)
  • Four Bronze Age burial cairns on Ilkerton Ridge (Monument)
  • Furzebury Brake/ East Myne Camp, Selworthy (Monument)
  • Grabbist Hillfort (Monument)
  • Great Rowbarrow (Monument)
  • Green Barrow (Monument)
  • Group of Bronze Age barrows on Challacombe Common (Monument)
  • Group of Bronze Age cairns at Dunkery Beacon (Monument)
  • Group of Bronze Age cairns at Dunkery Beacon (Monument)
  • Group of Bronze Age cairns at Dunkery Beacon (Monument)
  • Group of Bronze Age cairns at Dunkery Beacon (Monument)
  • Group of deserted farmsteads southwest of Dunkery Bridge (Monument)
  • Hurscombe Deserted Farmstead, Brompton Regis (Monument)
  • Hut circle north of Berry Castle Wood (Monument)
  • Iron Age crossridge outwork and field banks southeast of Bat's Castle (Monument)
  • Iron Age enclosure at Ley Hill (Monument)
  • Iron Age or Roman enclosure east of Vemplett's Cross (Monument)
  • Joaney How Burial Cairn, Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Joaney How Burial Cairn, Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Knowle Saw Mill, Timberscombe (Monument)
  • Langcombe, a 19th Century deserted farmstead (Monument)
  • Larkbarrow Cottage and associated structures (Monument)
  • Late prehistoric enclosure north of Hawkwell Farm (Monument)
  • Late prehistoric linear earthwork in Dunster Deer Park (Monument)
  • Late prehistoric linear earthwork in Dunster Deer Park (Monument)
  • Later prehistoric curvilinear enclosure southwest of Fair Cross (Monument)
  • Later prehistoric ditched enclosure southwest of Tivington Farm (Monument)
  • Later prehistoric ditched enclosure southwest of Tivington Farm (Monument)
  • Little Rowbarrow (Monument)
  • Little Staddon Farmstead (Monument)
  • Long Wood Enclosure (Monument)
  • Medieval and post-medieval field system at Stone Farm (Monument)
  • Medieval and post-medieval fishtraps or breakwaters at Culver Cliff [marine] (Monument)
  • Medieval farmstead at Grexy Combe (Monument)
  • Medieval field boundary northeast of Bredwick Cottages (Monument)
  • Medieval field boundary southwest of Selworthy plantation (Monument)
  • Medieval field system at Culver Lane (Monument)
  • Medieval field system in Mansley Combe (Monument)
  • Medieval field system north of Codsend (Monument)
  • Medieval field system northeast of Steart (Monument)
  • Medieval field system on North Hill (Monument)
  • Medieval field system on southeast side of Girt Down (Monument)
  • Medieval field system west of Church Farm (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval coastal fish weir at The Gore [marine] (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval coastal fish weir at The Gore [marine] (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval coastal fish weir at The Gore [marine] (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval coastal fish weir at The Gore [marine] (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval coastal fish weir at The Gore [marine] (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval coastal fish weir at The Gore [marine] (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval coastal fish weir at The Gore [marine] (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval coastal fish weir on Gore Point [marine] (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval deserted farmstead north of Lyshwell (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval deserted settlement in Mansley Combe (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval drove road or hollow way west of Yenworthy Farm (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval farm or cottages west of Withiel Farm (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval farmstead northeast of Lyshwell Farm (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval farmstead northeast of Lyshwell Farm (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field boundaries at Sweetworthy (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field boundaries at Sweetworthy (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field boundaries on Pentley Seat (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field boundaries on Pentley Seat (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field system east of North Lyshwell (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field system east of North Lyshwell (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field system east of North Lyshwell (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field system on Bossington Hill (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field system on Bossington Hill (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval rectangular enclosure in Mansley Combe (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval ridge and furrow in Porlock Bay (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval ridge and furrow south of Blindwell (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval settlement earthworks northeast of Netherton (Monument)
  • Medieval ridge and furrow north of Stetfold Rocks (Monument)
  • Medieval strip lynchets around North and South Swincombe (Monument)
  • Modern agricultural earthworks southwest of Twitchen Barrows (Non-antiquity)
  • Modern field boundary south of Selworthy (Monument)
  • Modern field boundary south of Selworthy (Monument)
  • North Lyshwell deserted farmstead (Monument)
  • North Lyshwell deserted farmstead (Monument)
  • North Twitchen Farm, Challacombe (Monument)
  • Old Barrow (Monument)
  • Oldberry (or Oldbury) Castle, Dulverton (Monument)
  • Porlock Golf Club Clubhouse (Building)
  • Porlock Golf Club Clubhouse (Building)
  • Possible Bronze Age barrows on Varle Hill (Monument)
  • Possible Bronze Age cairn on North Hill (Monument)
  • Possible Bronze Age hut circle northeast of Dunkery Beacon (Monument)
  • Possible hillslope enclosure northwest of Blackford (Monument)
  • Possible late prehistoric enclosure southwest of Dean Cross (Monument)
  • Possible medieval or later pillow mounds southeast of Blindwell (Monument)
  • Possible medieval settlement earthworks southwest of East Bredwick Farm (Monument)
  • Possible post-medieval earthwork northwest of Fernhill (Monument)
  • Possible post-medieval quarrying or prospecting southeast of Blindwell (Monument)
  • Possible post-medieval ridged cultivation east of Folly (Monument)
  • Possible prehistoric bank on Codsend Moor (Monument)
  • Possible prehistoric enclosure on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
  • Possible prehistoric or Roman field boundaries on Codsend Moors (Monument)
  • Possible prehistoric ring cairn on Codsend Moor (Monument)
  • Possible World War Two radio communication complex on Stent Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval breakwater in Porlock Bay [marine] (Monument)
  • Post-medieval breakwater in Porlock Bay [marine] (Monument)
  • Post-medieval catch water system south of Leys Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval duck decoy and fishponds northwest of Porlock (Monument)
  • Post-medieval enclosure at The Tors (Monument)
  • Post-medieval enclosure at The Tors (Monument)
  • Post-medieval enclosures on Hurlstone Point (Monument)
  • Post-medieval enclosures on Hurlstone Point (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field boundary north of Cussacombe Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field boundary south of Selworthy Rectory (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field system on Cosgate Hill and Old Barrow Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field system on Spangate Land (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field systems along the River Exe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval fields, trackway and quarry west of Langcombe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval fish weirs at Culver Cliff Sand (Monument)
  • Post-medieval footpaths or tracks south of Radsbury (Monument)
  • Post-medieval hard at The Gore (Monument)
  • Post-medieval land drainage system at Elsworthy (Monument)
  • Post-medieval leat and water meadow at Cloggs Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval leat and water meadow at Cloggs Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval lime kiln at Bossington Beach (Building)
  • Post-medieval lime kiln at Bossington Beach (Building)
  • Post-medieval lime kiln at Bossington Beach (Building)
  • Post-medieval lime kiln at Bossington Beach (Building)
  • Post-medieval lime kiln at Bossington Beach (Monument)
  • Post-medieval opencast haematite mine at Brockwell (Monument)
  • Post-medieval or modern drainage channels at Barcombe and Litton (Non-antiquity)
  • Post-medieval or modern excavation spoil heap west of burial cairn (Monument)
  • Post-medieval or modern excavation spoil heap west of burial cairn (Monument)
  • Post-medieval peat cutting on Black Mires (Monument)
  • Post-medieval peat cuttings at Litton (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarries on Broom Ball (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry on eastern slopes of Winsford Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry on eastern slopes of Winsford Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval road or hollow way northwest of Stetfold Rocks (Monument)
  • Post-medieval trackway north and east of Blindwell (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water management at Ashott Barton (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow at East Myne (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow south of West Challacombe Farm (Monument)
  • Prehistoric earthworks on Tom's Hill (Monument)
  • Prehistoric enclosure at the head of Weir Water (Monument)
  • Prehistoric enclosure at the head of Weir Water (Monument)
  • Prehistoric field system and settlement in Mansley Combe (Monument)
  • Prehistoric field system and settlement in Mansley Combe (Monument)
  • Prehistoric field system and settlement in Mansley Combe (Monument)
  • Prehistoric field system and settlement on Great Hill (Monument)
  • Prehistoric hillslope enclosure above Holworthy, Parracombe (Monument)
  • Prehistoric hillslope enclosures southwest of Sweetworthy (Monument)
  • Prehistoric hut circles and enclosures on South Common (Monument)
  • Prehistoric hut circles and enclosures on South Common (Monument)
  • Prehistoric remains on Holdstone Down (Monument)
  • Prehistoric settlement and field system at Codsend Moor (Monument)
  • Prehistoric settlement and field system southeast of Martinhoe Common (Monument)
  • Raleigh's Cross Mine (Monument)
  • Raleigh's Cross Mine (Monument)
  • Road Castle, Winsford (Monument)
  • Romano-British farmstead on parish boundary of Combe Martin and Kentisbury (Monument)
  • Sharcott deserted farmstead, Exford (Monument)
  • Shoulsbarrow Castle (or Shoulsbury Castle) on Shoulsbarrow Common (Monument)
  • Shoulsbarrow Castle (or Shoulsbury Castle) on Shoulsbarrow Common (Monument)
  • Sweetworthy deserted farmstead (Monument)
  • Sweetworthy deserted farmstead (Monument)
  • Sweetworthy deserted farmstead (Monument)
  • Sweetworthy Enclosure (Monument)
  • Sweetworthy Enclosure (Monument)
  • Sweetworthy Enclosure (Monument)
  • Tank training circuit A on North Hill (Monument)
  • Tank training circuit B on Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Tank training circuit C on Bossington Hill (Monument)
  • The Beacon Roman Fortlet, Martinhoe (Monument)
  • The Beacon Roman Fortlet, Martinhoe (Monument)
  • Three fish weirs to the east of Porlock Weir Harbour [marine] (Monument)
  • Timberscombe Hillslope Enclosure (Monument)
  • Timberscombe Hillslope Enclosure (Monument)
  • Trackway, Old Bury, Dulverton (Monument)
  • Twitchen Barrows (Monument)
  • Twitchen Barrows (Monument)
  • Twitchen Farmstead, Oare (Monument)
  • Two Barrows: A group of four Bronze Age barrows on a ridge at Hangley Cleave (Monument)
  • Undated rectilinear enclosure south of Dunster Castle (Monument)
  • West Anstey Barrows (Monument)
  • West Myne (Monument)
  • West Myne Rotor Station (Monument)
  • Wheal Gregory Iron and Copper Mine (Monument)
  • Withypool Stone Circle, Withypool Hill (Monument)
  • Withypool Stone Circle, Withypool Hill (Monument)
  • Withypool Stone Circle, Withypool Hill (Monument)
  • Wiveliscombe Barrow (Monument)
  • World War Two barbed wire obstruction along Porlock and Bossington Beaches (Monument)
  • World War Two barbed wire obstruction along Porlock and Bossington Beaches (Monument)
  • World War Two barbed wire obstruction along Porlock and Bossington Beaches (Monument)
  • World War Two barbed wire obstruction along Porlock and Bossington Beaches (Monument)
  • World War Two barbed wire obstruction at Porlock Weir (Monument)
  • World War Two bomb craters on Bossington Hill (Monument)
  • World War Two construction quarry on North Hill (Monument)
  • World War Two construction spoil mound on North Hill (Monument)
  • World War Two earthwork on North Hill (Monument)
  • World War Two infantry section post at Porlock Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two infantry section post at Porlock Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two infantry section post at Porlock Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two infantry section post at Porlock Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two infantry section post at Porlock Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two infantry section post at Porlock Weir (Monument)
  • World War Two infantry section post east of Horner Water (Monument)
  • World War Two infantry section post east of Horner Water (Monument)
  • World War Two infantry section post on Bossington Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two infantry section post on Bossington Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two infantry section post on Bossington Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two infantry section post on Bossington Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two infantry section post on Porlock/Bossington Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two infantry section post on Porlock/Bossington Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two infantry section post on Porlock/Bossington Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two infantry section post on Porlock/Bossington Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two infantry section post on Porlock/Bossington Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two infantry section post on Porlock/Bossington Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two linear barbed wire obstruction at Porlock Weir (Monument)
  • World War Two linear barbed wire obstruction at Porlock Weir (Monument)
  • World War Two mortar position on North Hill (Monument)
  • World War Two observation post above Henners Combe (Monument)
  • World War Two observation post northwest of Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • World War Two pillbox at Porlock Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two pillbox at Porlock Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two pillbox at Porlock Weir (Monument)
  • World War Two pillbox on Bossington Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two pillbox on Bossington Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two pillbox on Bossington Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two pillbox overlooking Bossington Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two pillbox overlooking Bossington Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two pillbox overlooking Porlock Beach (Building)
  • World War Two pillbox overlooking Porlock Beach (Building)
  • World War Two radar station military complex southwest of Greenaleigh Farm (Monument)
  • World War Two radar station Tx\Rx building at North Hill (Building)
  • World War Two radar station Tx\Rx building at North Hill (Building)
  • World War Two searchlight site at Stent Hill (Monument)
  • World War Two slit trench, Porlock Weir (Monument)
  • World War Two slit trenches at North Hill (Monument)
  • World War Two slit trenches east of the radar station on North Hill (Monument)
  • World War Two tank marshalling area in Moor Wood (Monument)
  • World War Two tank training range at Bossington and North Hill and Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • World War Two tank training range at Bossington and North Hill and Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • World War Two tank washing platform on North Hill (Monument)
  • World War Two type 24 pillbox at Porlock Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two type 24 pillbox at Porlock Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two type 24 pillbox east of Porlockford Plantation (Monument)
  • World War Two type 24 pillbox east of Porlockford Plantation (Monument)
  • World War Two type 24 pillbox northeast of Gapperies (Monument)
  • World War Two type 24 pillbox northeast of Gapperies (Monument)
  • World War Two type 24 pillbox northeast of Mariners Lodge (Monument)
  • World War Two type 24 pillbox northeast of Mariners Lodge (Monument)
  • World War Two type 24 pillbox on Porlock Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two type 24 pillbox on Porlock Beach (Monument)
  • World War Two weapons pit west of Hill Road (Monument)
  • Wreck on Porlock Beach (Maritime)
  • Wreck on Porlock Beach (Maritime)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

May 4 2022 4:22PM