MMO1604 - Later prehistoric ditched enclosure southwest of Tivington Farm (Monument)


A ditched enclosure of probable later prehistoric date is visible as a cropmark on aerial photographs. The enclosure is roughly D shaped or pentagonal in plan, measuring up to 80 metres across internally.

Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record .

Type and Period (2)

Protected Status

  • None recorded

Full Description

A ditched enclosure of probable later prehistoric date is visible as a cropmark on aerial photographs, approximately 200 metres to the southwest of Tivington Farm, at circa SS 929 454, Selworthy parish. The cropmark of the ditch is approximately four metres wide and defines an enclosure which is roughly D shaped or pentagonal in plan, measuring up to 80 metres across internally. It is not possible to identify an entrance with certainty but one may be apparent on the southern edge of the enclosure on 1946 photography. Hints of linear features abutting the enclosure to the north and south may indicate the remains of associated field systems but these cropmarks are unclear and may be caused by modern agricultural activity or agricultural improvements, such as the narrow ridge and furrow ploughing also visible on the 1946 photography. [1-5] It is possible that the Mesolithic / Neolithic flint scatter recorded as MSO8020 is associated with this site. [6]

Sources/Archives (6)

  • <1> Aerial photograph: Various. Various. Oblique Aerial Photograph. NMR SS 9245/1-3 (DAP 6901 1-3) (6 July 1990).
  • <2> Aerial photograph: Various. Various. Vertical Aerial Photograph. RAF 106G/UK/1655 3104-5 (11 July 1946).
  • <3> Aerial photograph: Various. Various. Vertical Aerial Photograph. MAL 76046 192-3 (15 June 1976).
  • <4> Aerial photograph: Various. Various. Oblique Aerial Photograph. NMR DAP SM2 7/90 (1990).
  • <5>XY Archive: 2007-2009. Exmoor National Park NMP: SS 94 NW. MD002167. [Mapped feature: #32550 ]
  • <6> Verbal communication: Various. 1993-. Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Team staff comments. Catherine Dove, 6 March 2013.

External Links (1)

Other Statuses/References

  • Exmoor National Park Authority HER number: MS08020
  • Exmoor National Park HER Number (now deleted): MEM15174
  • Local List Status (Unassessed)
  • National Monuments Record reference: SS 94 NW209
  • Pastscape HOBID (was Monarch UID): 1459959
  • Somerset SMR PRN: 35236



Grid reference Centred SS 9290 4544 (86m by 198m) (Aerial Survey)
Map sheet SS94NW

Finds (0)

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Dec 15 2020 12:54PM


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