Thesaurus Term/Concept: ENCLOSURE

Identifier 70354
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note An area of land enclosed by a boundary ditch, bank, wall, palisade or other similar barrier. Use specific type where known.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (9)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (12)

Instances/Examples (229)

Context Record
Monument Type MDE21844 19th Century building southeast of Muxworthy (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24797 19th Century enclosure north of River Avill Bridge (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10131 19th Century enclosure southeast of Driver Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23853 19th century farm building south of Lyncombe Farmstead (Building)
Monument Type MSO8874 19th Century farmstead northwest of Smarmoor Barn (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24163 19th Century field barn and associated enclosure southwest of Gupworthy Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24160 19th Century field barn north of Bentwitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24117 19th Century linhay southeast of Emmetts Grange Farmhouse (Building)
Monument Type MEM24655 19th Century structures north of Knowle Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24271 19th or early 20th Century field barns south of East Ilkerton (Building)
Monument Type MSO7170 20th Century building remains north of Broad Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MMO323 A rectangular embanked ditch enclosure measuring 2... (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9258 Alledged enclosures north of Cutcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8331 Allers Farmstead, Timberscombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6995 An alleged rectangular enclosure, noted from aeria... (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21397 Arnold's Linhay and enclosures in Wester Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7964 Ash Farm, Porlock (Building)
Monument Type MEM24055 Banksdown (Building)
Monument Type MEM23105 Beara, North Molton (Building)
Monument Type MEM23153 Brendon Barton Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO7576 Burgundy Chapel (Building)
Monument Type MDE20574 Castle Close, Parracombe (Place)
Monument Type MSO8738 Castle Farm, Hawkridge (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23807 Chibbett Cottage, Exford (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23669 Crewes Cottages (Building)
Monument Type MSO12375 Cropmark enclosure north of Golsoncott (Monument)
Monument Type MMO921 Cropmark enclosures southeast of Barlynch Priory (Monument)
Monument Type MMO745 Curvilinear bank and ditch northeast of Leigh Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8936 Curvilinear enclosure on Blagdon Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8401 DAW'S CASTLE [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7175 Deserted farm of Lancecombe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO308 Deserted medieval settlement and field system at Holwell (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23541 Desolate Farmstead (Building)
Monument Type MDE10868 Disputed prehistoric hut circle southwest of Parracombe Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE10908 Earthwork enclosure at Kings Nympton [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8182 Earthwork enclosure west of Higher Vellow [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1218 Earthwork on Hill Near Bampfylde Cross [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23071 East Hill Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23070 East Middleton Farm, Parracombe (Building)
Monument Type MMO899 Embanked enclosure north of Ashill [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9382 Embanked enclosure north of Ashill [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21507 Enclosure around Lower House Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11403 Enclosure at Monkslade Common (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3620 Enclosure cropmark east of Silver Down Hill [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6932 Enclosure of unknown date near Emmett's Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22530 Enclosure of unknown date on Deer Park (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8844 Enclosure on southern bank of River Haddeo (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7700 Enclosure south of Woodadvent Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10965 Enclosure, Darlick Corner, Exmoor (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10067 Enclosures, Hele Bridge, Dulverton (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23087 Exmoor Angus Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23649 Fairfield, Winsford (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7486 Farm site at Chapmans Cottage (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23135 Fellingscott Farm, Brendon (Building)
Monument Type MMO683 Former farm or cottages west of Withiel Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23079 Girt Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM24241 Gutterhole Barn (Building)
Monument Type MSO8680 Hawkridge Castle (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23092 Higher Cowley Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23091 Higher Dean Farm, Trentishoe (Building)
Monument Type MEM22116 Higher Thorne and Cottages, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MDE20577 Highley Farm, Parracombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23081 Holdstone Farm (Building)
Monument Type MMO156 Holmoor deserted farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20576 Holworthy Farm, Parracombe (Building)
Monument Type MSO7445 Iron Age enclosure on Monkslade Common (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23645 Iron Age or Roman enclosure east of Vemplett's Cross (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21004 Kedworthy Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23127 Kemps Farm, Oare (Building)
Monument Type MDE21850 Kipscombe Farm, Countisbury (Building)
Monument Type MMO257 Large area of cropmarks south of Blue Anchor [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24263 Late 19th or early 20th Century barn southeast of Pinspit (Building)
Monument Type MEM24231 Late 19th or early 20th Century building west of Halscombe Cottage (Building)
Monument Type MDE20448 Late prehistoric settlement at North Twitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23094 Lower Cowley Farm (Building)
Monument Type MMO336 Lower Hollacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE10896 Lower Rowley (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23134 Malmsmead (Place)
Monument Type MSO8728 Marshclose Barn, Hawkridge (Building)
Monument Type MMO651 Medieval and post-medieval activity west of Red Door Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE8997 Medieval and post-medieval earthworks east of Girt Down Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2770 Medieval and/or post-medieval enclosures at Little Vintcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3334 Medieval field system north of Twelve Acre Post [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO480 Medieval field system on Clannon Ball and Holcombe Burrows (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20832 Medieval field system on south side of Badgeworthy Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2129 Medieval or post-medieval agricultural building or enclosure west of East Ridge Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO793 Medieval or post-medieval barn southwest of Toll Gate Cottages (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1211 Medieval or post-medieval building remains north of Exebridge [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO737 Medieval or post-medieval deserted settlement west of Leigh Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3150 Medieval or post-medieval earthwork banks south of Great Bradley (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10951 Medieval or post-medieval enclosure at Warren Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1832 Medieval or post-medieval enclosure east of Road Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11597 Medieval or post-medieval enclosure on Bossington Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11754 Medieval or post-medieval enclosure on Worth Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20539 Medieval or post-medieval enclosure west of Higher Mannacott (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2253 Medieval or post-medieval field boundaries south of Dunkery Bridge (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2614 Medieval or post-medieval field boundary north of Totterdown Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3255 Medieval or post-medieval field boundary or enclosure south of North Molton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2782 Medieval or post-medieval field system northwest of Kedworthy Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE9005 Medieval or post-medieval field system on Trentishoe Down (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8752 Medieval or post-medieval field system on Withypool Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11865 Medieval or post-medieval routeways on Hopcott Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE990 Mockham Down Camp [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE12830 Mortuary enclosure east of the Chapman Barrows (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20265 Most easterly circular enclosure in the Valley of Rocks (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20264 Most westerly circular enclosure in the Valley of Rocks (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1247 Myrtleberry North Camp (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20527 Neals Down (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23078 North Challacombe Farm, Combe Martin (Building)
Monument Type MDE12432 North Lyshwell deserted farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23106 North Whitefield, Whitefield (Building)
Monument Type MEM23128 Oareford Farm, Oare (Building)
Monument Type MSO9266 Possible deserted farmstead at Luckwell (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1445 Possible enclosure east of Blue Anchor Bay [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24122 Possible enclosures southwest of Clicket (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2679 Possible hut circle, enclosure and field system on eastern slopes of Dunkery Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20253 Possible Iron Age enclosure southeast of Bampfylde Cross [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1444 Possible Iron Age enclosure southeast of Carhampton [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3670 Possible late prehistoric bank enclosure northeast of Jews Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2672 Possible late prehistoric enclosure above Hanny Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO6 Possible late prehistoric enclosure northwest of Down Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11685 Possible late prehistoric enclosure on Room Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2091 Possible late prehistoric enclosure southwest of Dean Cross (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2092 Possible late prehistoric or medieval enclosure west of Hallsdown Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3773 Possible late prehistoric or Roman feature east of Vellow [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1607 Possible medieval earthworks west of Troytes Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2775 Possible medieval enclosure remains to northwest of Rockley (Monument)
Monument Type MMO583 Possible medieval farmstead and post-medieval linhay and barn, Knaphindham Rocks (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3754 Possible medieval farmstead overlooking Horse Parks Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1725 Possible medieval field southwest of Rockford (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3729 Possible medieval platform or enclosure east of Brompton Ralph [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3728 Possible medieval platform or enclosure in Brompton Ralph [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12319 Possible post-medieval clay pit and cropmark enclosures at Claypit Plantation (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6703 Possible post-medieval enclosures at Elworthy Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20727 Possible post-medieval linhay north of Twitchen Copse (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3671 Possible post-medieval stock enclosure on Cordings Ball [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO343 Possible prehistoric enclosure on Barham Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21616 Possible prehistoric enclosure on Shallowford Common (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24928 Possible prehistoric enclosure south of Girt Down Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3419 Possible prehistoric enclosure south of Home Barton [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1781 Possible prehistoric enclosure southeast of Trentishoe Down (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2204 Possible prehistoric enclosure west of Shallowford (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7945 Possible prehistoric hut circle or enclosure on Porlock Common (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2776 Possible prehistoric or medieval earthworks on Great Melcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8361 Possible semi-circular enclosure at Brown Cottage (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21586 Possible site of Warrenhouse Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8705 Possible South of South Batcham or Batsom, Withypool and Hawkridge (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11357 Possible undated circular enclosure on Wilmersham Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9336 Possible undated circular enclosures on Mounsey Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20707 Possible undated enclosure in Cowley Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20781 Possible undated enclosure northwest of Dogsworthy (Monument)
Monument Type MDE13268 Possible undated enclosure on North Molton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7944 Possible undated enclosure on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20225 Possible undated enclosure southeast of Silkenworthy Knap (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20818 Possible undated enclosure west of Warcombe Water (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24475 Post Medieval Enclosure on Verney's Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9047 Post-medieval and undated features south of Ford Plantation (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11691 Post-medieval barn north of West Nethercote (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20502 Post-medieval building and enclosure south of Ragstone (possibly North Sparhanger) (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20700 Post-medieval building east of Barton Town (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11678 Post-medieval building north of Spire Cross (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21843 Post-medieval building northwest of Broad Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24828 Post-medieval building northwest of Furzehill Lane (Building)
Monument Type MDE21808 Post-medieval building south of Lynbridge (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24162 Post-medieval building southwest of Gupworthy (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24638 Post-medieval buildings west of Brakeley Steps (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9218 Post-medieval cottage southwest of Codsend Moors (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24307 Post-medieval cropmarks and enclosure northwest of Hereliving (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7788 Post-medieval enclosure and ruined building in Embelle Wood (Building)
Monument Type MDE12431 Post-medieval enclosure at The Tors (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7030 Post-medieval enclosure on Elsworthy (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6305 Post-medieval enclosure on Wootton Common (Monument)
Monument Type MMO924 Post-medieval enclosure southwest of South Wheddon Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8051 Post-medieval enclosures on Hurlstone Point (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24549 Post-medieval enclosures southeast of Glenthorne House (Monument)
Monument Type MMO913 Post-medieval features at Luckwell Bridge (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24248 Post-medieval field barn and enclosure west of North Radworthy (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24268 Post-medieval field barn southwest of Lower North Radworthy Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24239 Post-medieval field barns on Fyldon Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2913 Post-medieval field boundaries north of Simonsbath Barton (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2663 Post-medieval field boundary and plantation enclosure on Stile Down (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3346 Post-medieval field boundary north of Bornacott Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1063 Post-medieval field system on Summerway and The Allotments (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6289 Post-medieval field system west of Elsworthy Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24022 Post-medieval house east of Ditch Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE9014 Post-medieval inclosure allotment on Holdstone Down (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24238 Post-medieval linhay east of Lyddicombe Bottom (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24341 Post-medieval linhay northeast of Lypefoot Cottage (Monument)
Monument Type MMO585 Post-medieval linhay with associated water meadow at Howtown Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1885 Post-medieval or modern enclosure north of Moorlyn Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6983 Post-medieval peat cuttings northwest of Driver Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22459 Post-medieval pond or reservoir structure west of Higher Thorne (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7770 Post-medieval quarry at Clannel Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2096 Post-medieval settlement south of Arlington [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22113 Post-medieval structure south of Bonniton Gate (Monument)
Monument Type MDE12857 Post-medieval turf cutting at Hoaroak Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7420 Prehistoric enclosure at Ley Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22538 Prehistoric enclosure on Deer Park (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6736 Prehistoric hut circle on Almsworthy Common (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23110 Rockley Farm, Brayford (Building)
Monument Type MDE11668 Romano-British farmstead on parish boundary of Combe Martin and Kentisbury (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1058 Semicircular enclosure at Kents Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8729 Slade Barn, northeast of Zeal Farm (Building)
Monument Type MDE21811 Small building platform above Lyn Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20477 Small rectangular banked enclosure with possible b... (Monument)
Monument Type MMO206 Smarmoor deserted medieval farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23691 South Hill Farmstead, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM23131 Southernwood Farm, Brendon (Building)
Monument Type MSO8941 Sub-circular enclosure south of Gupworthy Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8626 Sub-circular enclosure south of road to Ison Iron Mine (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9210 Sub-oval enclosure northwest of Trottsway Cross (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23093 Tattiscombe Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23112 Town Farm, Challacombe (Building)
Monument Type MDE8998 Unconfirmed undated enclosure south of Trentishoe Down (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6786 Undated circular cropmark on Wellshead Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11073 Undated circular cropmark south of Dyehouse corner (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2458 Undated cropmark northeast of Combe Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7499 Undated curvilinear enclosure at Washer's Plantation (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21840 Undated enclosure to the north of Holworthy Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1087 Undated features northwest of Broad Lane Head (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24342 Undated redundant field boundaries and enclosures on southeast side of Girt Down (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23097 Voley Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23099 Walner Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23096 West Hill Farm, Parracombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23103 West Middleton Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23126 Westcott Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO7453 Woodlands Deserted Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11926 World War Two features on Malmsmead Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20743 World War Two platform or enclosure on Brendon Common (Monument)