Source/Archive record SEM6705 - County Series; 1st Edition 6 Inch Map

Type Map
Title County Series; 1st Edition 6 Inch Map
Date/Year 1846-1899
Scale 1:10560
Ordnance Survey

Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record .


Landmark Epoch 1. Ordnance Survey mapping dating from the late 19th Century. HER copy georeferenced and held on corporate GIS.

External Links (0)

Referenced Monuments (109)

  • 19th Century adit at Withiel Hill Pit (Monument)
  • 19th Century field barn south of West Challacombe Manor (Building)
  • 19th Century iron working shaft near Moor Lane (Monument)
  • 19th Century stone quarrying on Wallover Down (Monument)
  • 19th Century water meadow along Badgeworthy Water (Monument)
  • 20th Century sheepfold on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
  • Blindwell Quarry (Monument)
  • Broadbarrow stone at Roosthitchen (Monument)
  • Broadmoor or Broad Moor (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Thornworthy Little Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age ring cairn with later boundary marker on Benjamy (Monument)
  • Bronze Age round cairn at Bat's Castle on Croydon Hill (Monument)
  • Challacombe Mill and cottages (Monument)
  • Coles Cross Farm, Exmoor (Monument)
  • Dean Wood Cottage (Building)
  • Disputed prehistoric hut circle next to the West Lyn River (Non-antiquity)
  • Edgerley Stone, Bill Hill (Monument)
  • Greenburrow, Exmoor (Monument)
  • Hoar Oak Cottage; 19th Century house and yard at entrance to Long Chains Combe (Monument)
  • Hole Combe Mine, Winsford (Monument)
  • Huntercombe, Hawkridge (Monument)
  • Langcombe, a 19th Century deserted farmstead (Monument)
  • Langham Station / Luxborough Road Station / Northbrook Station (Monument)
  • Late prehistoric hut circle on Thorn Hill Ridge (Monument)
  • Lower and Higher Kiln Fields, Cutcombe (Monument)
  • Lower Hollacombe, Kentisbury (Monument)
  • Medieval and / or post-medieval trackway on western boundary of Exmoor Forest (Monument)
  • Medieval and post-medieval routeway between Driver Cottages and Exe Head (Monument)
  • Medieval cross in St Beuno's Churchyard (Building)
  • Medieval field boundaries on Black Hill (Monument)
  • Medieval field system and building remains above Hoccombe Water (Monument)
  • Medieval lynchet north of Lower Lane Cottage (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone at Coles Cross (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval boundary stones north of Winaway, Thorn Hill and Benjamy (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval bridge in Pooltown (Building)
  • Medieval or post-medieval enclosure west of Higher Mannacott (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field boundary east of Oldhay Ridge (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field boundary or trackway west of Barton Wood (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field system above Blindwell Combe (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field system at South Radworthy (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field system west of Chalk Water (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval quarry north of Lanacombe (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval quarry on Trout Hill (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval rubbing stone or waymarker on Thornworthy Common (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval trackway north of Comerslade (Monument)
  • Medieval routeway crossing Countisbury Common (Monument)
  • Mount Whistle, Kentisbury (Monument)
  • Natural stoneheap on Thorn Hill (Non-antiquity)
  • Natural stones northwest of Broadbarrow Stone (Non-antiquity)
  • Neals Down (Monument)
  • North Colly Hill Farmstead (Monument)
  • Porlock Parks (Monument)
  • Possible 19th Century stone quarry on Trout Hill (Monument)
  • Possible medieval field southwest of Rockford (Monument)
  • Possible post-medieval charcoal burners' shelters in Embelle Wood (Building)
  • Possible post-medieval peat cuttings or modern structure west of Warcombe Water (Monument)
  • Possible post-medieval quarry remains east of Farley Water (Monument)
  • Possible prehistoric hillfort or 19th Century reservoir on Birchcleave (Monument)
  • Post-medieval adit on Hangley Cleave (Monument)
  • Post-medieval building above Hoccombe Water (Monument)
  • Post-medieval buildings on Holdstone Down (Monument)
  • Post-medieval enclosure and field boundaries on Countisbury Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval extraction sites west of West Woodybay Wood (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field boundary on Badgworthy Lees (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field system above Deddy Combe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field system at Chalk Water (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field system at Inner Alscott (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field system at Mill Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field system on Oare House Allotment (Monument)
  • Post-medieval field system on Yenworthy Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval gravel pits at Bat's Castle on Croydon Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval inclosure allotment on Holdstone Down (Monument)
  • Post-medieval ironstone workings east of Sherrycombe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval limekiln at Southground Quarries (Building)
  • Post-medieval linhay southeast of Emmett's Grange (Monument)
  • Post-medieval or modern extractive pit west of West Woodybay Wood (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry and spoil heap southwest of Squallacombe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry at Middle Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry on Almsworthy Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry on Shoulsbarrow Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry or extractive pit on southern edge of Squallacombe (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry south of Nutscale Reservoir (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry southwest of Mousehanger (Monument)
  • Post-medieval stone quarry on Furzehill Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval stone quarrying and/or iron mining remains on Kentisbury Down (Monument)
  • Post-medieval stone quarrying and/or iron mining remains on Kentisbury Down (Monument)
  • Post-medieval trackway across Trentishoe Down (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow at Halsgrove Farm (Monument)
  • Poult House on Molland Common (Monument)
  • Prehistoric hut circles and field system on Thorn Hill (Monument)
  • Prehistoric stone setting below Cheriton Ridge (Monument)
  • Radworthy deserted settlement and field system (Monument)
  • Saddle Stone (Monument)
  • Sandy Way boundary stone (Monument)
  • Smallacombe Quarry (Monument)
  • South Colly Hill Farmstead, Luxborough (Monument)
  • St Brendan's Church, Cheriton (Monument)
  • Sunnyside Farm, Parracombe (Building)
  • The Old School House, Heasley Mill (Monument)
  • Throat Farm, Luxborough (Monument)
  • Twizzle Mark Stone (Monument)
  • Two probable 19th Century spoil heaps east of Holdstone Down (Monument)
  • Weirwood deserted medieval farmstead (Monument)
  • West Anstey Stone, north of East Ringcombe Farm (Monument)
  • West Weir, Lynmouth Western Beach (Monument)
  • Woodlands Farmstead, Luxborough (Monument)
  • Woolpit / Walpit deserted settlement (Monument)
  • World War Two trackway on Brendon Common (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

May 4 2022 10:41AM