Thesaurus Term/Concept: BANK (EARTHWORK)

Identifier 91126
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note Linear or curvilinear construction of earth, turf and stone, often, but not always accompanied by a ditch. Use specific type where known.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (2)

Instances/Examples (136)

Context Record
Monument Type MEM23345 19th Century enclosure banks near Pinkery Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22523 Bank of unknown date on Deer Park (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22526 Banks of unknown date on Deer Park (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15424 Boundary Bank, Sherracombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12204 Earth bank on Nutscale (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15625 Earthwork bank and ditch at Cloutsham Ball (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7466 Earthworks in Parson's Close Plantation (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11606 Goodleys deserted farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8895 Higher Eastcott deserted farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9083 Iron Age crossridge outwork and field banks southeast of Bat's Castle (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20474 Length of very broad ploughed out field bank. Good... (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15228 Linear earthworks to the northwest of Porlock Village (Monument)
Monument Type MDE8997 Medieval and post-medieval earthworks east of Girt Down Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO720 Medieval and post-medieval settlement remains at Brompton Regis (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3272 Medieval field boundaries south of Withygate Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3086 Medieval field boundary east of Benton Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO480 Medieval field system on Clannon Ball and Holcombe Burrows (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23037 Medieval or post-medieval bank and terraced track, Ashcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21792 Medieval or post-medieval bank east of Little Hangman (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10455 Medieval or post-medieval bank northeast of Driver Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21541 Medieval or post-medieval banks and hollow way east of Twitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20578 Medieval or post-medieval banks on Castle Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20539 Medieval or post-medieval enclosure west of Higher Mannacott (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2082 Medieval or post-medieval field bank south of Patchole Manor [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2039 Medieval or post-medieval field boundaries north of West Ridge Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2093 Medieval or post-medieval field boundaries north of Wodrick Down plantation [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3098 Medieval or post-medieval field boundaries northeast of Middle Kipscombe [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3094 Medieval or post-medieval field boundaries on Silkwood Top (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2036 Medieval or post-medieval field boundaries west of Barton Lane [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1914 Medieval or post-medieval field boundaries west of Wistlandpound [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3399 Medieval or post-medieval field boundary east of Knackershole [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2793 Medieval or post-medieval field boundary east of Sherracombe Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3081 Medieval or post-medieval field boundary north of Botany Bay Plantation [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2791 Medieval or post-medieval field boundary north of Sherracombe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3412 Medieval or post-medieval field boundary northeast of Little Rapscott Wood [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2043 Medieval or post-medieval field boundary south of Westland Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3103 Medieval or post-medieval field boundary southeast of Buscombe Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3104 Medieval or post-medieval field system and leats west of Fullaford [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3184 Medieval or post-medieval ridge and furrow on Old Barrow Down (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15515 Medieval or post-medieval trackway in Dibble Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11555 Medieval shrunken village at Yearnor (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11728 Possible banks and house platform on Cheriton Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11727 Possible banks on Scob Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11867 Possible Iron Age hillfort in Whits Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10464 Possible late prehistoric standing stone south of Pinkworthy Pond (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2423 Possible medieval field boundaries west of Pitsworthy Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2792 Possible medieval or post-medieval field boundaries north of Sherracombe Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2443 Possible medieval parish boundary earthworks at north of Almsworthy Common (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1906 Possible medieval settlement earthworks southwest of East Bredwick Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11233 Possible modern sheep track south of Hill Brook Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2920 Possible post-medieval bank on Long Holcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2654 Possible post-medieval banks south of Bougham Ball (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15448 Possible post-medieval earthworks near Winsley Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15430 Possible post-medieval enclosure north of Little Comfort Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12195 Possible post-medieval house platform on Tarr Ball Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23789 Possible post-medieval mining activity north of Chibbet's Post (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2192 Possible post-medieval or modern drainage feature southwest of Exe Head (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10116 Possible post-medieval peat cutting baulk northwest of The Mound (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15659 Possible post-medieval prospecting remains south of Kinsford (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20433 Possible post-medieval semicircular earthwork west of Muxworthy (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2221 Possible post-medieval sheepfold east of Hoaroak Water (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15450 Possible post-medieval structure or pound in Little Comfort Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22613 Possible prehistoric bank on The Chains (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22438 Possible prehistoric field boundary on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22439 Possible prehistoric field boundary on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2776 Possible prehistoric or medieval earthworks on Great Melcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15633 Possible reservoir enclosure at Cloutsham Ball (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11205 Possible undated bank west of Caffyns Cross (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11700 Possible undated earthworks west of Barham Hill summit (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1820 Possible World War Two anti glider obstruction on Martinhoe Common (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1819 Possible World War Two anti glider obstructions on Martinhoe Common (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1821 Possible World War Two defence earthwork on Martinhoe Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21795 Posssible mining activity east of Little Hangman (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1895 Post-medieval agricultural building and banks east of Hall Lane [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1852 Post-medieval bank and ditch south of Crawter Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10115 Post-medieval bank and ditch southeast of The Mound (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20569 Post-medieval bank crossing Rowley Down (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10129 Post-medieval bank north of Driver Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20798 Post-medieval bank north of Old Close (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23937 Post-Medieval Bank on the Eastern Edge of Burcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23938 Post-Medieval Bank on the Eastern Edge of Burcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23939 Post-Medieval Bank on the Eastern Edge of Burcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2227 Post-medieval banks northeast of Pinkery Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2772 Post-medieval earthwork bank on Great Vintcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21797 Post-medieval enclosure bank on southwest side of Little Hangman (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2045 Post-medieval field boundaries east of Friendship Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3339 Post-medieval field boundaries east of Furze Ball [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3132 Post-medieval field boundary north of Ashway (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3348 Post-medieval field boundary north of Venn Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2401 Post-medieval field boundary on Prayway Meads (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3502 Post-medieval field boundary southeast of Smallacombe Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3277 Post-medieval field boundary west of Bentwitchen [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3095 Post-medieval field boundary west of Knightacrott Cross [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3311 Post-medieval field system northwest of Newpark Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20638 Post-medieval or modern gateway and bank between West and North Challacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2577 Post-medieval orchard ridging at Timberscombe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3508 Post-medieval ridge and furrow north of Garlifield Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3438 Post-medieval tree banks north of Smallacombe Hill [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22579 Prehistoric bank on Halscombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7356 Prehistoric defended settlement southwest of Sweetworthy (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7337 Prehistoric hut circle and field system on Honeycombe Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE9001 Prehistoric or medieval stony banks on Trentishoe Down (Monument)
Monument Type MMO316 Prehistoric settlement and field system southeast of Martinhoe Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7333 Sweetworthy Enclosure (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21876 Undated bank and ditch at Holden Head (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21870 Undated bank and ditch southwest of Kipscombe Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20519 Undated bank near Red Cleave (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21008 Undated bank near Trentishoe Barrows (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24300 Undated bank northeast of Picked Stones mine (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20450 Undated bank on North Twitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2222 Undated bank on western side of Exe Plain (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24166 Undated bank on Withycombe Common (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24164 Undated bank or wall on Withycombe Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21793 Undated bank southwest of Yes Tor (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24333 Undated bank west of Wootton Knowle (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24312 Undated bank with quarried depression north of Cow Castle (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24329 Undated banks and ditches west of East Lynch (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20724 Undated banks on Parracombe Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10060 Undated banks southeast of Northcombe Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1581 Undated building platform west of Old Coast Road [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24293 Undated ditches and bank on Blagdon Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15532 Undated earthwork bank in Nine Acre Copse (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24042 Undated earthwork bank on Butter Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2378 Undated earthwork bank on Hoccombe Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20697 Undated earthwork bank southeast of Six Acre Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24256 Undated earthwork on Kedworthy Down (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20484 Undated earthwork on North Molton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24254 Undated earthworks on Kedworthy Down (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20516 Undated field boundary east of Holdstone Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11053 Undated grassmarks at Birch Cleave (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24693 Undated linear feature west of Herne's Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24301 Undated linear features east of Thornmead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24311 Undated rectangular enclosures with associated banks north of Cow Castle (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22521 Unlikely bank of unknown date on Deer Park (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20760 World War Two earthworks on Shilstone Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE13236 World War two mound and bank on Molland Common (Monument)