Source/Archive record SEM340794 - MasterMap data

Type Map
Title MasterMap data
Date/Year 2021
Scale 1:2,500
Ordnance Survey

Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record .


External Links (0)

Referenced Monuments (320)

  • 1 and 2, Blackford Cottage, Blackford (Building)
  • 19th Century agricultural remains northwest of West Nethercote (Monument)
  • 19th Century building east of Hollam Lane (Monument)
  • 19th Century building southwest of Holnicote House (Building)
  • 19th Century building, well and pond west of Heleball Lane (Monument)
  • 19th Century carrion pit north of Simonsbath (Monument)
  • 19th Century magazine at New Florence Iron Mine (Monument)
  • 19th Century seat northeast of Woodcombe Brake (Monument)
  • 19th Century sheepfold at East Pinford (Monument)
  • 19th Century smithy at Twitchen Mill (Monument)
  • 19th Century tomb of Frederic Winn Knight and family in Simonsbath Churchyard (Building)
  • 19th or 20th Century linhay on Fullaford Down (Building)
  • 20th Century bridge at Longcombe (Monument)
  • 20th Century building in Knighton Combe (Monument)
  • 20th Century memorial stone south of Cloud Farm (Building)
  • 20th Century quarry north of Holywell Bridge (Monument)
  • 20th Century road bridge southeast of Moorland Way (Monument)
  • 20th Century water tanks at Hadborough (Monument)
  • Ash Ford (Monument)
  • Ashwick House, Dulverton (Building)
  • Birchcleave Wood (Monument)
  • Bird Pond, Hadborough (Monument)
  • Blackford (Place)
  • Bradley Pond and dam, Bradley (Monument)
  • Bratton (Place)
  • Breakneck Hole Quarry (Monument)
  • Bridge Cottage, Brendon (Building)
  • Bridge House, Parracombe Lane, Parracombe (Building)
  • Broadford Linhay, Dulverton (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrow and cairn, Rowbarrow Group (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrow on Great Tom's Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrow on Horsen Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrow or cairn on Hoccombe Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow on Farley Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow on Great Buscombe Ridge (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow on Withypool Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Hoccombe Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Ruckham Combe (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn north of Hoccombe Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Badgworthy Lees (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Brendon Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Brendon Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on East Pinford (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on East Pinford (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on East Pinford (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Great Buscombe (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Ilkerton Ridge (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Ilkerton Ridge (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Long Holcombe (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Pig Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Pig Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on southern slopes of Badgworthy Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on the southern end of Trout Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Thornworthy Little Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age cairn on Ilkerton Ridge (Monument)
  • Bronze Age ring cairn on Cheriton Ridge (Monument)
  • Bronze Age round barrow north of Landacre Bridge, Withypool (Monument)
  • Bronze Age round barrow west of Elsworthy (Monument)
  • Bronze Age round cairn on Stent Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age round cairn on Thornworthy Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age Setta Barrow on Bray Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age Sherdon Barrows (Monument)
  • Burial Cairn at Clannon Ball (Monument)
  • Buscombe Beeches, Lanacombe (Monument)
  • Cavudus or Cewydd's Stone, Six Acre Farm (Monument)
  • Central Bronze Age cairn at Holdstone Barrows (Monument)
  • Chapel Cottage, Wheddon Cross (Building)
  • Combeshead Farm, Cutcombe (Building)
  • Cornham Hunting Gate, a post-medieval bridge south of Cornham Brake (Monument)
  • Countisbury Mill, Brendon (Building)
  • County Gate Boundary Stone (Monument)
  • Cow Castle, south of Winstitchen (Monument)
  • Cutcombe Church of England First School, Wheddon Cross (Building)
  • Eastern Bronze Age barrow on Outer Alcott (Monument)
  • Easternmost Bronze Age cairn at Holdstone Barrows (Monument)
  • Exe Head Bridge, Blackpitts Gate (Monument)
  • Exmoor House, Wheddon Cross (Monument)
  • Folly, Lynton (Monument)
  • Four Bronze Age burial cairns on Ilkerton Ridge (Monument)
  • Goscombe or Coscombe Linhay, Oare (Monument)
  • Great Rowbarrow (Monument)
  • Green Barrow (Monument)
  • Group of Bronze Age barrows on Challacombe Common (Monument)
  • Hangman's Stone, Knap Down (Monument)
  • Headon Cottage(s), Bratton (Building)
  • Helebridge Weir (Monument)
  • Hernes Barrow, Court Hill (Monument)
  • Higher and Lower Cowlings, Brompton Regis (Monument)
  • Higher Barn, Nettlecombe (Building)
  • Higher Kemps Farm, Winsford (Monument)
  • Higher Marsh, Dulverton (Building)
  • Hill Barn, Cutcombe (Building)
  • Hollam House, Dulverton (Monument)
  • Holwell Barrow, Challacombe Common (Monument)
  • Holy Well, North Molton (Monument)
  • Holywell Reservoir (Monument)
  • Hooked Stone (Monument)
  • Horner (Place)
  • Horse Pond, Ellicombe Common (Monument)
  • Hospital Plantation, Countisbury (Monument)
  • Hunts Barn, south of Port Lane (Building)
  • Huntscott (Place)
  • Jasmine Cottage, Allerford (Building)
  • Kemps Farm, Winsford (Building)
  • Kentisbury Barton (Building)
  • Kittuck Meads Sheepfold (Monument)
  • Larkbarrow Cottage and associated structures (Monument)
  • Late 19th or 20th Century dog kennels at Frogwell Lodge (Monument)
  • Late prehistoric clearance cairn on Shallowford Common (Monument)
  • Late prehistoric hut circle at Ruckham Combe (Monument)
  • Late prehistoric hut circle on Cheriton Ridge (Monument)
  • Late prehistoric hut circle on Thorn Hill Ridge (Monument)
  • Leighland Chapel (Place)
  • Leighland Farm, Leighland Chapel (Building)
  • Longmeadow Linhay, Leeford (Building)
  • Maclaren memorial stone on Hoccombe Hill (Monument)
  • Medieval and post-medieval deserted farmstead in Pit Wood (Monument)
  • Medieval boundary stone south of Black Barrow (Monument)
  • Medieval cross in St Andrew's Churchyard (Building)
  • Medieval granary at West Lynch Farm (Building)
  • Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone east of Meads (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone east of Meads (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone east of Meads (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone north of Alderman's Barrow (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone north of Alderman's Barrow (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone north of Alderman's Barrow (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone south of Black Barrow (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone south of Black Barrow (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone south of Black Barrow (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval enclosure at Warren Farm (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field at the head of Lank Combe (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval field system on Cheriton Ridge (Monument)
  • Medieval shrunken hamlet of Codsend (Monument)
  • Middle Bronze Age barrow at Outer Alcott (Monument)
  • Middlepiece Linhay, Brendon (Monument)
  • Modern sheepwash on Bye Hill (Monument)
  • Moorland Hall, Wheddon Cross (Building)
  • Moorland Way, Exmoor (Building)
  • Natural outcrop on Cheriton Ridge (Monument)
  • New Dyke Farmstead, Twitchen Mill (Monument)
  • New Mill, north of West Anstey Common (Monument)
  • Newham Linhay, north of Ballpark Copse (Monument)
  • Nursery Plantation, Simonsbath (Monument)
  • Oak Farmstead, Withycombe (Building)
  • Old Chapel, Withypool (Building)
  • Old Close, Challacombe (Monument)
  • Old Stowey Farm, Cutcombe (Building)
  • Parracombe Mill (Building)
  • Pinkworthy (or Pinkery) Pond (Monument)
  • Pitt Cottages, north of Pitt Bridge (Monument)
  • Ponds Cottage (Building)
  • Possible Bronze Age barrow on Cosgate Hill (Monument)
  • Possible Bronze Age cairn or modern enclosure southeast of Alderman's Barrow Allotment (Monument)
  • Possible hut circle adjacent to Farley Water (Monument)
  • Possible medieval square enclosure or prehistoric hillslope enclosure on Doverhay Down (Monument)
  • Possible natural stone on Kentisbury Down (Non-antiquity)
  • Possible post-medieval mill in Mill Wood (Monument)
  • Possible post-medieval tree ring enclosure on Stone Down (Monument)
  • Possible prehistoric cairn on Brendon Common (Monument)
  • Possible prehistoric cairn west of Badgworthy Hill (Monument)
  • Possible prehistoric enclosure on Badgworthy Hill (Monument)
  • Possible prehistoric standing stone north of Ruckham Combe (Monument)
  • Possible rubbing stone on Kentisbury Down (Monument)
  • Post-medieval adit north of Stone (Monument)
  • Post-medieval adit northwest of Newland (Monument)
  • Post-medieval and 20th Century quarries south and west of The Tower (Monument)
  • Post-medieval and modern quarries at Bradley Hams (Monument)
  • Post-medieval barn northwest of Torre Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval boundary post northeast of Kensall Cross (Monument)
  • Post-medieval boundary post southwest of West Twitchen Ball (Monument)
  • Post-medieval boundary stone at Cloud Allotment (Monument)
  • Post-medieval boundary stone at Cloud Allotment (Monument)
  • Post-medieval boundary stone on Cloud Allotment (Monument)
  • Post-medieval boundary stone on Cloud Allotment (Monument)
  • Post-medieval boundary stone on Cloud Allotment (Monument)
  • Post-medieval boundary stone on Cloud Allotment (Monument)
  • Post-medieval boundary stone on Cloud Allotment (Monument)
  • Post-medieval boundary stone on Turf Allotment (Monument)
  • Post-medieval boundary stone on Turf Allotment (Monument)
  • Post-medieval building above Hoccombe Water (Monument)
  • Post-medieval building southeast of Hollam House (Monument)
  • Post-medieval building southeast of Shircombe Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval building southwest of Lyn Bridge (Monument)
  • Post-medieval buildings on Hollam Lane (Monument)
  • Post-medieval cottage at Larcombe Foot (Monument)
  • Post-medieval designed landscape at Venne House (Monument)
  • Post-medieval drainage ditches on South Regis Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval estate yard at Holnicote House (Building)
  • Post-medieval farmstead south of Higher Hawkington (Monument)
  • Post-medieval ford at Hoccombe Water (Monument)
  • Post-medieval formal garden south of Holnicote House (Monument)
  • Post-medieval garden in Tuck Mead (Monument)
  • Post-medieval gardens at Hollam House (Monument)
  • Post-medieval gravel pit in Barn Plantation (Monument)
  • Post-medieval gravel pit on Alderman's Barrow Allotment (Monument)
  • Post-medieval gravel pit on Ellicombe Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval gravel pit on Upton Cleave (Monument)
  • Post-medieval gravel pit southwest of Black Ball Camp (Monument)
  • Post-medieval gravel pit southwest of Horse Road (Monument)
  • Post-medieval gravel pit west of Horse Pond (Monument)
  • Post-medieval gravel pits on Ellicombe Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval gravel pits on Upton Cleave (Monument)
  • Post-medieval Hill Farm, Hawkridge (Monument)
  • Post-medieval kennels southwest of Lyn Bridge (Building)
  • Post-medieval lime kiln at Old Close Quarry (Monument)
  • Post-medieval mill leat at Bridgetown (Monument)
  • Post-medieval or modern pond on East Pinford (Monument)
  • Post-medieval outbuildings at Hollam House (Monument)
  • Post-medieval outbuildings at Horlock House (Building)
  • Post-medieval outbuildings at Venne Farm (Building)
  • Post-medieval pond south of West Pinford (Monument)
  • Post-medieval pond southwest of Old Gateway Cottage (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarries in Storridge Woods (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry above Ashcombe Bottom (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry above Ashcombe Bottom (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry at Carhampton Gate (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry at Hiccombe Cleeve (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry at Middle Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry at Old Brake (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry east of Cross Lane (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry east of Folly (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry east of Kinsford (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry east of Shilstone (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry in Barn Plantation (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry in Exe Cleeve (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry in Little Headon Plantation (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry in Southern Wood (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry north of Bury Lodge (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry north of Cloud Wood (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry north of Huntscott (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry north of Milltown (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry north of Weatherslade Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry north of Whitecross Plantation (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry northeast of Cloud Wood (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry northeast of Fellingscott Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry northeast of Hollam Cross (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry northeast of Hunter's Inn (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry northeast of Huntscott (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry northwest of Tippacott (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry on Minehead Lane (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry on Swap Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry south of New Road Gate (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry south of Ninney Well (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry southeast of Hallsalke Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry southwest of Alderford Cottage (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry southwest of Horse Pond (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry southwest of the Punch Bowl (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry west of Alder Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry west of Ludslade Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry west of the Hoar Oak Tree (Monument)
  • Post-medieval reservoir northeast of Holnicote House (Monument)
  • Post-medieval road north of Holnicote House and Estate Yard (Monument)
  • Post-medieval road north of Holnicote House and Estate Yard (Monument)
  • Post-medieval sawmill at Oaklands (Monument)
  • Post-medieval shed and pond in Stockham Wood (Monument)
  • Post-medieval sheds in Dunster Deer Park (Monument)
  • Post-medieval shippon north of Twitchen Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval shooting boxes in Dunster Park (Monument)
  • Post-medieval stables at Ashley Combe (Building)
  • Post-medieval weir at Ash Ford (Monument)
  • Post-medieval weir on Dane's Brook (Monument)
  • Post-medieval workings on Hawkridge Common (Monument)
  • Prehistoic quincunx at Brendon Two Gates (Monument)
  • Prehistoric clearance cairns on Cheriton Ridge (Monument)
  • Prehistoric hillslope enclosure on Kentisbury Down (Monument)
  • Prehistoric hut circle at Ruckham Combe (Monument)
  • Prehistoric hut circle on East Pinford (Monument)
  • Prehistoric hut circles and field system on Thorn Hill (Monument)
  • Prehistoric standing stone on Ilkerton Ridge (Monument)
  • Probable stable and cart shed, Mill Lane, Dunster (Building)
  • Rawcombe Quarry (Monument)
  • Rectangular earthwork and Bronze Age barrow on Challacombe Common (Monument)
  • Red Stone, Red Stone Gate (Monument)
  • Rexy Barrow (Monument)
  • Road Castle, Winsford (Monument)
  • Saddle Stone (Monument)
  • School House, Withiel Florey (Building)
  • Shaft B, New Florence Iron Mine (Monument)
  • Shaft D, New Florence Iron Mine (Monument)
  • Shaft E, Florence Mine (Monument)
  • Shetter's Pool and post-medieval weir north of Bridgetown (Monument)
  • Simonsbath House (Building)
  • Slade Farm, Dulverton (Building)
  • South Furzehill Farmstead, Lynton (Monument)
  • Southwestern Bronze Age barrow at Outer Alcott (Monument)
  • St Andrew's Churchyard, Withypool (Monument)
  • St Brendan's Church, Brendon (Building)
  • St Brendan's Churchyard (Monument)
  • St Giles Church, Hawkridge (Building)
  • St Giles Churchyard, Hawkridge (Monument)
  • St Mary's Church, Lynton (Building)
  • St Mary's Church, Oare (Building)
  • St Mary's Churchyard, Lynton (Monument)
  • St Mary's Churchyard, Oare (Monument)
  • St Peter's Church, Twitchen (Building)
  • St Peter's Churchyard, Twitchen (Monument)
  • St Thomas's Churchyard, Kentisbury (Monument)
  • Staddon Hill Camp, Winsford (Monument)
  • Stag Hunter's Inn (Hotel) (Building)
  • Stetfold Rocks Farm (Building)
  • The Old Rectory, Challacombe (Building)
  • Three Bronze Age barrows on Kentisbury Down (Monument)
  • Tivington (Place)
  • Tivington Farm (Building)
  • Torre or Torr Farm, Winsford (Building)
  • Twitchen Mill (Building)
  • Two Barrows on Rowley Down (Monument)
  • Undated circular enclosure on Hoccombe Hill (Monument)
  • Undated oval pit east of Horse Wood (Monument)
  • Venne House, Upton (Monument)
  • Waterlet Linhey (Building)
  • Wesleyan House, Parracombe (Building)
  • West Lodge, Holnicote (Building)
  • Westernmost Bronze Age cairn at Holdstone Barrows (Monument)
  • Westwater Linhay, north of West Water (Monument)
  • Wimbleball Lake (Monument)
  • Wood Advent Farm, Nettlecombe (Building)
  • Wood Advent Farmhouse (Building)
  • World War Two Royal Ordnance Corps observation post west of Chibbet Post (Building)
  • Worthy Manor (Building)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Mar 17 2022 2:06PM