Thesaurus Term/Concept: LYNCHET

Identifier 68626
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A bank formed at the end of a field by soil which, loosened by the plough, gradually moves down slope through a combination of gravity and erosion.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (1)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (1)

Instances/Examples (88)

Context Record
Monument Type MSO9200 Area of prehistoric field system on Codsend and Hoar Moors (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22455 Bronze Age field system on Cheriton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7102 Bronze Age field system on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1236 Countisbury Castle or Wind Hill Promontory Fort (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23713 Cultivation remains on Wind Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO308 Deserted medieval settlement and field system at Holwell (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8554 Earthworks east of Upcott Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1215 Extensive medieval field system in Challacombe parish (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1871 Field boundary to the south of Radsbury (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9404 Four possible post-medieval parallel scarps or ter... (Monument)
Monument Type MMO10 Kipscombe deserted medieval village [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9113 Late prehistoric or medieval field system north of Withies Brake (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15663 Linear features of unknown date at Long Holcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7590 Medieval and earlier field systems near Greenaleigh Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE8997 Medieval and post-medieval earthworks east of Girt Down Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3492 Medieval field boundaries or lynchets northwest of Bommertown Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO312 Medieval field system around Barton Town (Monument)
Monument Type MMO441 Medieval field system at Culver Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3789 Medieval field system east of Challacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3788 Medieval field system east of Shoulsbarrow (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9246 Medieval field system in Mansley Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3794 Medieval field system north, east and west of Bodley (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20513 Medieval field system on southeast side of Girt Down (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3787 Medieval field system southeast of Barton Gate (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3792 Medieval field system southwest of Parracombe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11665 Medieval lynchet north of Lower Lane Cottage (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2007 Medieval lynchet south of Countisbury Village (Monument)
Monument Type MDE8691 Medieval lynchets and post-medieval banks on The Foreland, Countisbury (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1958 Medieval lynchets east of Stock Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1768 Medieval lynchets northeast of County Gate (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1813 Medieval lynchets northwest of Woody Bay Station (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8641 Medieval lynchets south of Moor Barn (Monument)
Monument Type MMO327 Medieval lynchets viewed during field investigatio... (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11452 Medieval lynchets west of Rowley Barton (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1836 Medieval lynchets west of Westcott Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9254 Medieval or post-medieval deserted settlement in Mansley Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3559 Medieval or post-medieval field boundaries or lynchets north of West Molland Barton [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3527 Medieval or post-medieval field boundaries or lynchets west of Bridgheyne Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2001 Medieval or post-medieval field boundary bank or lynchet on Wind Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1996 Medieval or post-medieval field boundary or lynchet above the West Lyn River (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1783 Medieval or post-medieval field boundary or lynchet west of Wilsham Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO766 Medieval or post-medieval field lynchets northwest of Swansea Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE12507 Medieval or post-medieval field system east of North Lyshwell (Monument)
Monument Type MDE10890 Medieval or post-medieval field system east of Parracombe School (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2782 Medieval or post-medieval field system northwest of Kedworthy Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8092 Medieval or post-medieval field system southwest of Henners Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1975 Medieval or post-medieval linear earthworks to the north of Higher East Lyn (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3322 Medieval or post-medieval lynchet east of Popham Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1867 Medieval or post-medieval lynchet or boundary bank west of Thornworthy (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3187 Medieval or post-medieval lynchet south of North Batsom (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2214 Medieval or post-medieval lynchet south of North Regis Common (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2233 Medieval or post-medieval lynchet south of Old Close Bottom (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2790 Medieval or post-medieval lynchet west of Beara Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1449 Medieval or post-medieval lynchets or field boundaries west of Toll Gate Cottages (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2624 Medieval or post-medieval lynchets west of Kitswall Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE8289 Medieval or post-medieval settlement earthworks northeast of Netherton (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2683 Medieval or post-medieval strip lynchets northeast of Ford Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3785 Medieval strip field system around Whitefield Barton (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3795 Medieval strip field system west of Newground Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3790 Medieval strip fields northeast of Challacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2483 Medieval strip lynchet south of Battle Row [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2042 Medieval strip lynchets south of Westland Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9202 Multi-phased field system on Codsend Moor (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11285 Natural features south of Court Plantation (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MDE8269 Natural rock shelves east of Little Hangman (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MMO2177 North Twitchen Farm, Challacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12258 Possible lynchet at Embercombe Head (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3793 Possible medieval field system southeast of Parracombe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2463 Possible medieval lynchets north and south of Oak Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2224 Possible medieval or post-medieval lynchet and field boundary south of North Regis Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE8270 Possible medieval or post-medieval lynchets above Blackstone Beach (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MMO1827 Possible medieval or post-medieval lynchets west of Bonhill Top (Monument)
Monument Type MMO648 Post-medieval field system at Woodcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7680 Post-medieval field system at Wydon Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7544 Post-medieval lynchet in Moor Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7594 Post-medieval lynchets in Moor Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11840 Post-medieval lynchets on Church Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1920 Post-medieval lynchets or field boundaries above Lawn Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1113 Post-medieval scarps southeast of Clayford Mill [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1571 Post-medieval settlement south of Ruggaton Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE10889 Prehistoric hillslope enclosure above Holworthy, Parracombe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1296 Prehistoric hut circles and field system on Thorn Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO316 Prehistoric settlement and field system southeast of Martinhoe Common (Monument)
Monument Type MMO313 Two possible Bronze Age hut circles on Challacombe Common (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2056 Undated field system northeast of Holworthy (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1097 Undated lynchet on Kentisbury Down (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1207 Undated lynchet or natural terrace on Shoulsbarrow Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21502 Undated lynchets on Kentisbury Down (Monument)