Thesaurus Term/Concept: BOUNDARY STONE

Identifier 70331
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A stone that indicates the limit of an area or piece of land.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (4)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (135)

Context Record
Monument Type MSO10219 19th Century boundary stone at Outer Alscott Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10214 19th Century boundary stone on Mill Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7771 19th Century boundary stones at Outer Alscott (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6963 19th Century boundary stones on lower slopes of Benjamy (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21579 19th Century field system and boundary stones on Holdstone Down (Monument)
Monument Type MDE10849 A boundary stone roughly rectangular in shape meas... (Monument)
Monument Type MDE12870 A fallen post medieval boundary stone of quartz me... (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7434 A post medieval boundary stone at Rex Stile Head m... (Monument)
Monument Type MDE12872 A post medieval boundary stone is recorded at this... (Monument)
Monument Type MDE12868 A post medieval boundary stone lies at this refere... (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6285 A post medieval boundary stone on Dunkery Hill mea... (Monument)
Monument Type MDE12869 A rectangular stone measuring 0.6m high, 0.5m N/S ... (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1041 Alleged stone row on Holdstone Hill, Holdstone Down (Monument)
Monument Type MDE12871 An upright rectangular quartz stone measuring 0.5m... (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6984 Bill Hill Stone (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11985 Boundary stone northeast of Bendels Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12245 Boundary stone on Hoar Moor (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11986 Boundary stones north of Bendels Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10896 Broadbarrow stone at Roosthitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6958 Bronze Age ring cairn with later boundary marker on Benjamy (Monument)
Monument Type MDE8968 BUTTERY STONE (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6940 Buttery Stone, southwest of Long Holcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8534 Caratacus Stone, Winsford Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21597 County Gate Boundary Stone (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1322 EDGERLEY STONE (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6842 Edgerley Stone, Bill Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7882 Group of stones east of the Whit Stones on Porlock Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20566 Henny boundary stone or barrow northeast of Higher Westland (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7122 Hoar Oak Boundary Stone (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11950 Hooked Stone (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7145 Hore Stone at the Head of Lew Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9215 Long Stone, a possible post-medieval parish boundary marker (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10326 Marker stone, West Somerset Mineral Railway, Brompton Regis (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20910 Medieval Exmoor Forest boundary stone on Twitchen Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10993 Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone at Coles Cross (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20564 Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone east of Higher Westland Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15364 Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone east of Meads (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15375 Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone east of Meads (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15376 Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone east of Meads (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15377 Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone east of Meads (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15360 Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone north of Alderman's Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15362 Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone north of Alderman's Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15374 Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone north of Alderman's Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15368 Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone south of Black Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15381 Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone south of Black Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15382 Medieval or post-medieval boundary stone south of Black Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20907 Medieval or post-medieval boundary stones north of Winaway, Thorn Hill and Benjamy (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10343 Medieval or post-medieval Parish boundary stones on Almsworthy Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11681 Modern stone row at Myrtleberry North Camp (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8857 Naked Boy Stone (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12389 Possibel post-medieval boundary stone at Broad Mead (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7772 Possible 19th Century boundary stones on Stowey Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22620 Possible post-medieval boundary stone at Bin Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20609 Possible post-medieval boundary stone at Brendon Two Gates (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12246 Possible post-medieval boundary stones in or near Benjamy (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MEM24030 Possible post-medieval turbary marker stone on Lyn Down (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20562 Possible prehistoric stone setting east of Higher Westland Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24468 Possible Undated Boundary Stone on Roosthichen (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7415 Post medieval boundary stone on Luccombe Hill meas... (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23918 Post-medieval boundary marker west of Dean House (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23919 Post-medieval boundary marker west of Dean House (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7131 Post-medieval boundary stone at Broad Mead (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7132 Post-medieval boundary stone at Broad Mead (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12173 Post-medieval boundary stone at Cloud Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12174 Post-medieval boundary stone at Cloud Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21624 Post-medieval boundary stone at Dean Water (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7490 Post-medieval boundary stone at Druids Combe Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6276 Post-medieval boundary stone at Rex Stile Head (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21743 Post-medieval boundary stone at Two Gates (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21721 Post-medieval boundary stone between Venford Moor and East Anstey Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20643 Post-medieval boundary stone east of Beacon Down Quarry (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21361 Post-medieval boundary stone east of Heatherdown Cottage (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21355 Post-medieval boundary stone east of Moorland View (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21359 Post-medieval boundary stone east of The Glass Box (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23914 Post-medieval boundary stone north of Dean Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21363 Post-medieval boundary stone north of Trentishoe Road (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21365 Post-medieval boundary stone north of Trentishoe Road (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22753 Post-medieval boundary stone north of Trentishoe Road (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22754 Post-medieval boundary stone north of Trentishoe Road (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21353 Post-medieval boundary stone northeast of Wolverson (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21313 Post-medieval boundary stone northwest of Trentishoe Down (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21315 Post-medieval boundary stone northwest of Trentishoe Down (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7128 Post-medieval boundary stone on Broad Mead (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7129 Post-medieval boundary stone on Broad Mead (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7137 Post-medieval boundary stone on Broad Mead (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12172 Post-medieval boundary stone on Cloud Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12175 Post-medieval boundary stone on Cloud Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12176 Post-medieval boundary stone on Cloud Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12177 Post-medieval boundary stone on Cloud Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12178 Post-medieval boundary stone on Cloud Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21158 Post-medieval boundary stone on Coulsworthy Lane [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9244 Post-medieval boundary stone on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6277 Post-medieval boundary stone on Luccombe Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21311 Post-medieval boundary stone on northwest side of Trentishoe Down (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21244 Post-medieval boundary stone on the Molland and Twitchen Parish Boundary (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12179 Post-medieval boundary stone on Turf Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12180 Post-medieval boundary stone on Turf Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23913 Post-medieval boundary stone on western side of Dean Common (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23915 Post-medieval boundary stone on western side of Dean Common (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23916 Post-medieval boundary stone on western side of Dean Common (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23917 Post-medieval boundary stone on western side of Dean Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7950 Post-medieval boundary stone south of Black Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21357 Post-medieval boundary stone south of The Glass Box (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11677 Post-medieval boundary stones in Myrtleberry Woods (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12392 Post-medieval boundary stones on Broad Mead (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1306 Post-medieval boundary stones on Furzehill Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21626 Post-medieval parish boundary stone north of Dean Cross (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11705 Post-medieval turbary marker stones on Lyn Down (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21211 Post-medieveal boundary stone at Red Gate [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6745 Prehistoric standing stone used as parish boundary marker on Hoar Moor (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11959 Red Stone, Red Stone Gate (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6845 Saddle Stone (Monument)
Monument Type MDE12876 Site of a post medieval stone marking the boundary... (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1211 Site of Sandy Way Stone (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6808 Sloley (or Slowly) Stone at Mole's Chamber (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8694 Stonecist or Stonchiste, a Bronze Age barrow or cist used as a Royal Forest boundary marker (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8673 Tarr Steps clapper bridge over the River Barle (Building)
Monument Type MSO6844 Twizzle Mark Stone (Monument)
Monument Type MDE12874 Two post medieval boundary stones defining the Dev... (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22417 Two post-medieval boundary stones on Holdstone Down (Monument)
Monument Type MDE8972 Two upright stones in the Valley of Rocks (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20561 Undated rock or stone on boundary of Little Rowley (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22642 Undated standing stone on Goosemoor Common (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22416 Undated stone on Hopcott Common (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24473 Undated stone on Roosthichen (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24466 Undated Stone on Roosthitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24461 Undated Stone on Roostitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20902 Undated stone southeast of Rowley Down (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21258 Unnamed (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21259 Unnamed (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21260 Unnamed (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21261 Unnamed (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20861 Venford boundary stone on Anstey Money Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE8255 West Anstey Stone, north of East Ringcombe Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7881 Whit Stones (Monument)