Source/Archive record SEM8278 - Exmoor National Park Scheduled Monument Condition Survey 2015

Type Report
Title Exmoor National Park Scheduled Monument Condition Survey 2015
Date/Year 2015
Publisher Archaedia
Archaedia 15.02
Archaedia 1148
ENPA project name HAR
Parent ENPHER Source Record reference SEM7402

Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record .


This report presents the results of a field survey of the condition of the Scheduled Monuments within the boundaries of Exmoor National Park. The survey was undertaken between February and July 2015, and comprised an assessment of 197 of the 200 monuments. The survey represents the third such study, the previous two having been carried out in 2004/5 and 2009.

External Links (0)

Referenced Monuments (245)

  • 'Five Barrows', or nine Bronze Age barrows on Five Barrows Hill (Monument)
  • 18th Century pottery kiln in Dunster Park (Building)
  • Agnes' Fountain, Allerford (Monument)
  • Alderman's Barrow, Almsworthy Common (Monument)
  • Anstey Barrow (Monument)
  • Bagley Farmstead, Luccombe (Monument)
  • Bagley Hillslope Enclosure (Monument)
  • Barle Bridge, Dulverton (Building)
  • Bat's Castle, in Dunster Park (Monument)
  • Beacon Castle, South Down (Monument)
  • Bearland Wood Ironstone Mine Ventilation Flue (Monument)
  • Beckham Hill Stone Setting (Monument)
  • Bendels Barrows, Exford Common (Monument)
  • Berry Castle, Luccombe (Monument)
  • Black Ball Camp, Gallox Hill (Monument)
  • Black Barrow (Monument)
  • Bowl barrow north of Elworthy Barrows (Monument)
  • Brewer's Castle, Hawkridge (Monument)
  • Brightworthy Barrows: Three Bronze Age barrows on Withypool Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrow and cairn, Rowbarrow Group (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrow on Bray Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrow on Challacombe Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrow on Great Tom's Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrow on Kipscombe Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrow on Parracombe Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrow on Shoulsbarrow Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrow on the southeast spur of The Chains (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrow south of Brockenbarrow Farm (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrow southeast of Down Linhay (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrows at Sminhays Corner (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrows on Fullaford Down (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow at Lype Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow at Ralegh's Cross (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow on Bray Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow on Bray Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow on Bray Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow on Farley Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow on King's Brompton Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow on Monkham Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow on Winsford Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow on Withypool Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn associated with Lanacombe I Stone Setting (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn associated with Lanacombe III stone setting (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn north of Hoccombe Combe (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn northeast of Joaney How (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn northeast of Kittuck Meads stone setting (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Badgworthy Lees (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Bossington Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Cheriton Ridge (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Cheriton Ridge (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Culbone Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age Burial Cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Luccombe Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Roosthitchen (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Twitchen Plain Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn south of Kit Barrows (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn south of Rex Stile Head (Monument)
  • Bronze Age cairn southeast of Dunkery Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age cairn west of Dunkery Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age cist burial in Langridge Wood (Monument)
  • Bronze Age embanked platform cairn or disturbed bowl barrow on Monkham Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age ring cairn on Cheriton Ridge (Monument)
  • Bronze Age round barrow at Lype Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age round barrow on Higher Down (Monument)
  • Bronze Age Setta Barrow on Bray Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age subcircular burial cairn northeast of Lanacombe 1 (Monument)
  • Burrow Farm Mine (Monument)
  • Bury Bridge (Building)
  • Bury Castle, Brompton Regis (Monument)
  • Bury Castle, Selworthy (Monument)
  • Butter Cross, Dunster (Building)
  • Caratacus Stone, Winsford Hill (Monument)
  • Carnarvon Mine New Pit (Monument)
  • Cavudus or Cewydd's Stone, Six Acre Farm (Monument)
  • Chains Barrow (Monument)
  • Chapman Barrows on the Parracombe/Challacombe Parish Boundary (Monument)
  • Comberow Station (Monument)
  • Countisbury Castle or Wind Hill Promontory Fort (Monument)
  • Cow Castle, south of Winstitchen (Monument)
  • Culbone Stone, Culbone Hill (Monument)
  • Deserted medieval settlement at Badgworthy Water (Monument)
  • Dunkery Beacon (Monument)
  • East Pinford Stone Alignment (Monument)
  • Eastern of two prehistoric standing stones on Badgworthy Lees (Monument)
  • Edgerley Stone, Bill Hill (Monument)
  • Four Barrows, The Allotment (Monument)
  • Four Bronze Age barrows on Bray Common (Monument)
  • Four Bronze Age burial cairns on Ilkerton Ridge (Monument)
  • Furzebury Brake/ East Myne Camp, Selworthy (Monument)
  • Furzehill Common I: Prehistoric stone setting above Warcombe Water (Monument)
  • Furzehill Common II: Prehistoric stone setting on Furzehill Common (Monument)
  • Furzehill Common III: Prehistoric stone alignment and associated burial cairn (Monument)
  • Gallox Packhorse Bridge, Dunster (Building)
  • Grabbist Hillfort (Monument)
  • Green Barrow (Monument)
  • Group of Bronze Age barrows on Challacombe Common (Monument)
  • Group of Bronze Age cairns at Dunkery Beacon (Monument)
  • Group of stones east of the Whit Stones on Porlock Hill (Monument)
  • Halscombe Stone Setting (Monument)
  • Holwell Barrow, Challacombe Common (Monument)
  • Holwell Castle Motte and Bailey, Parracombe (Monument)
  • Horner Bridge (Building)
  • Incline Retaining Wall (Monument)
  • Iron Age crossridge outwork and field banks southeast of Bat's Castle (Monument)
  • Iron Age oval enclosure on Rodhuish Common (Monument)
  • Joaney How Burial Cairn, Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Katherine's Well, Selworthy (Monument)
  • Kit Barrows (Monument)
  • Kittuck Hill Stone Setting (Monument)
  • Lanacombe I: Large stone setting at Lanacombe (Monument)
  • Lanacombe II: Stone setting at the east end of Lanacombe (Monument)
  • Lanacombe III, a prehistoric stone setting at Lanacombe (Monument)
  • Lanacombe IV: Triangular stone setting at Lanacombe (Monument)
  • Lanacombe V, a stone setting at Lanacombe (Monument)
  • Landacre Bridge (Building)
  • Late medieval cross shaft in St Peter's Churchyard, Twitchen (Building)
  • Late medieval dovecote at Blackford Farm (Building)
  • Leather Barrow (Monument)
  • Linear group of Bronze Age barrows at Black Hill (Monument)
  • Little Rowbarrow (Monument)
  • Long Wood Enclosure (Monument)
  • Longstone Barrow, Challacombe Common (Monument)
  • Lyn Long Stones (Monument)
  • Malmsmead Bridge (Building)
  • Medieval churchyard cross at St Mary's Church (Building)
  • Medieval churchyard cross at St Peter's Churchyard, Exton (Building)
  • Medieval churchyard cross in St George's Churchyard (Building)
  • Medieval churchyard cross, St Mary's Churchyard, Nettlecombe (Building)
  • Medieval cross in All Saints' Churchyard (Building)
  • Medieval cross in St Mary's Churchyard, Luccombe (Building)
  • Medieval cross in St Peter's Churchyard, Treborough (Building)
  • Medieval dovecote at Dunster Priory Farm (Building)
  • Medieval farmstead at Grexy Combe (Monument)
  • Medieval or post-medieval rectangular enclosure on Winsford Hill (Monument)
  • Medieval packhorse bridge at Allerford (Building)
  • Medieval packhorse bridge near Vicarage Bridge, Winsford (Building)
  • Modern mound to northeast of Joaney How (Monument)
  • Mounsey Castle, Dulverton (Monument)
  • Myrtleberry North Camp (Monument)
  • Myrtleberry South Camp (Monument)
  • New Bridge, Allerford (Building)
  • Oare Bridge, Oare (Building)
  • Old Barrow (Monument)
  • Old Burrow Roman Fortlet, Countisbury (Monument)
  • Oldberry (or Oldbury) Castle, Dulverton (Monument)
  • Packhorse Bridge, West Luccombe (Building)
  • Porlock Allotment I: Prehistoric stone setting southsoutheast of Black Barrow (Monument)
  • Porlock Stone Circle (Monument)
  • Possible Bronze Age barrows on Cosgate Hill (Monument)
  • Possible Bronze Age burial cairn southeast of Joaney How (Monument)
  • Possible Bronze Age burial cairn southeast of Joaney How (Monument)
  • Possible Iron Age hillslope enclosure at Monkslade Common (Monument)
  • Possible prehistoric stone setting southwest of Black Barrow (Monument)
  • Post-medieval leat serving the hydroelectric generating station on the East Lyn River (Monument)
  • Post-medieval pound and lock up, Brompton Regis (Building)
  • Prehistoric burial cairn northwest of Furzehill Common Stone Row (Monument)
  • Prehistoric hillslope enclosure on Kentisbury Down (Monument)
  • Prehistoric hillslope enclosures southwest of Sweetworthy (Monument)
  • Prehistoric hut circles and enclosures on South Common (Monument)
  • Prehistoric stone setting northwest of Hoaroak Cottage (Monument)
  • Prehistoric stone setting on Almsworthy Common (Monument)
  • Prehistoric stone setting on Badgworthy Lees (Monument)
  • Prehistoric stone setting on Exe Plain (Monument)
  • Prehistoric stone setting on Furzehill Common (Monument)
  • Prehistoric stone setting on Hoaroak Hill (Monument)
  • Prehistoric stone setting on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
  • Prehistoric stone setting on Tom's Hill (Monument)
  • Prehistoric stone setting on Wilmersham Common (Monument)
  • Probable Bronze Age barrows on Cosgate Hill (Monument)
  • Rectangular earthwork and Bronze Age barrow on Challacombe Common (Monument)
  • Rexy Barrow (Monument)
  • Road Castle, Winsford (Monument)
  • Robin How Cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Roborough Castle (Monument)
  • Second World War pillbox, Vale House, Roadwater (Monument)
  • Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Seven Bronze Age barrows on Martinhoe Common (Monument)
  • Shoulsbarrow Castle (or Shoulsbury Castle) on Shoulsbarrow Common (Monument)
  • St Andrew's Chapel, West of Luccombe (Monument)
  • St Brendan's Church, Cheriton (Monument)
  • St Leonard's Well (Building)
  • St Nicholas Priory or Barlynch Priory or Barlinch Priory, Brompton Regis (Building)
  • Staddon Hill Camp, Winsford (Monument)
  • Stock Castle (Monument)
  • Swap Hill Standing Stone (Monument)
  • Swap Hill Stone Setting (Monument)
  • Sweetworthy deserted farmstead (Monument)
  • Sweetworthy Enclosure (Monument)
  • Tarr Steps clapper bridge over the River Barle (Building)
  • The Beacon Roman Fortlet, Martinhoe (Monument)
  • The Chains Valley Stone Setting (Monument)
  • The Incline Winding House, West Somerset Mineral Railway (Building)
  • The Incline, West Somerset Mineral Railway (Monument)
  • The Long Stone, Challacombe Common (Monument)
  • The Mound, Stoke Pero Common (Monument)
  • The Yarn Market, High Street, Dunster (Building)
  • Three barrows and a possible cairn on Challacombe Common (Monument)
  • Three Bronze Age barrows northeast of Brockenbarrow Farm (Monument)
  • Three Bronze Age barrows on Kentisbury Down (Monument)
  • Trentishoe Barrows on Trentishoe Down (Monument)
  • Trout Hill I: Prehistoric stone setting on the northeast end of Trout Hill (Monument)
  • Trout Hill II: Prehistoric stone setting at the north end of Trout Hill (Monument)
  • Trout Hill III: Prehistoric stone setting on the east side of Trout Hill (Monument)
  • Twitchen Barrows (Monument)
  • Two Barrows on Rowley Down (Monument)
  • Two Barrows: A group of four Bronze Age barrows on a ridge at Hangley Cleave (Monument)
  • Two Bowl Barrows, Doverhay Down (Monument)
  • Two Bronze Age barrows on North Molton Ridge (Monument)
  • Two Bronze Age barrows southeast of Wambarrows (Monument)
  • Two Bronze Age bowl barrows overlooking Warcombe Water (Monument)
  • Two Bronze Age burial cairns on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Two Bronze Age burial cairns southwest of Dunkery Beacon (Monument)
  • Two prehistoric standing stones at Long Chains Combe (Monument)
  • Undated circular earthwork on Parracombe Common (Monument)
  • Undated parallel stone rows at West Middleton (Monument)
  • Underbridge 13, at bottom of The Incline (Monument)
  • Underbridge 14, The Incline (Monument)
  • Voley Castle, Heale Down (Monument)
  • Wambarrows, Winsford Hill (Monument)
  • West Anstey Barrows (Monument)
  • Western of two prehistoric standing stones on Badgworthy Lees (Monument)
  • Whit Stones (Monument)
  • White Ladder Stone Row (Monument)
  • Wilmersham Common Stone Row (Monument)
  • Winsford Smithy Bridge (Building)
  • Withypool Stone Circle, Withypool Hill (Monument)
  • Wiveliscombe Barrow (Monument)
  • Wood Barrow on the Devon/Somerset County Boundary (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • 2015: SV - Scheduled Monument Condition Survey 2015

Record last edited

May 8 2022 9:55PM