Thesaurus Term/Concept: LIME KILN

Identifier 69063
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A kiln in which lime is made by calcining limestone or in some areas chalk.

Broader Terms/Concepts (2)

Related Terms/Concepts (9)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (3)

Instances/Examples (94)

Context Record
Monument Type MSO8052 19th Century lime kiln at Bossington Beach (Building)
Monument Type MSO7930 19th Century lime kiln at Porlock Weir (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8157 19th Century lime kiln south of Lower Vellow [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12345 19th Century lime kilns at East Pit, Newland Quarry (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8164 19th Century limekiln at Stogumber [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10250 Disputed post-medieval lime kiln site north of Well Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8423 Lime kiln [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8424 Lime kiln [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11172 Lime kiln and quarry east of Kersham (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9223 Lime kiln and quarry west of Kersham (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8355 Lime kiln at Brown Cottage (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8205 Lime kiln at Kinswood [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9462 Lime kiln at Sea Lane [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9283 Lime kiln at Stowey Plantation (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9107 Lime kiln Marshwood Cottage [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7479 Lime kiln north of Chargot House (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7481 Lime Kiln Quarry (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8867 Lime Kilns at Brendon Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11676 Lime kilns east of Watersmeet House (Building)
Monument Type MSO11514 Limekiln and limestone quarry, Lower Roadwater (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11714 Limekiln and quarry east of Higher Rodhuish Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7857 Limekiln at Blue Anchor [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8207 Limekiln at Castlake Quarry copse [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7856 Limekiln at Coblers Steps [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8213 Limekiln at Coleford Water [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8208 Limekiln at Higher Vexford Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8650 Limekiln at Hill Bridge [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7860 Limekiln at Hungerford [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8209 Limekiln at Lower Vexford [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8191 Limekiln at The Knoll [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8190 Limekiln at Vellow Quarry [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7859 Limekiln east of Whitley Brake [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8192 Limekiln north of Stogumber [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10415 Limekiln north of Woodadvent Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8645 Limekiln northeast of Rodhuish [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11513 Limekiln northwest of Roadwater Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8206 Limekiln south of Kingswood [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8651 Limekiln south of Sandhill Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8193 Limekiln south of Springfield Maltings [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11462 Limekiln, Beggearn Huish (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11457 Limekilns and quarry on Harpers Lane, Nettlecombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11641 Limekilns at Treborough quarry (Building)
Monument Type MSO7866 Limekilns west of Daws Castle [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9269 Lower and Higher Kiln Fields (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7480 Nurcott Quarries and lime kilns (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10522 Original farmhouse at Higher Golsoncott (Building)
Monument Type MSO12273 Pinn's Quarry, Winsford (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11174 Possible lime kiln in Oaktrow Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23533 Possible limekilns to the north of Porlockford (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15235 Post-medieval building above Bossington Beach (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7779 Post-medieval lime kiln above Embelle Wood Beach (Building)
Monument Type MDE8267 Post-medieval lime kiln and possible counting house above Wild Pear Beach (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22297 Post-medieval lime kiln and quarry north of Harper's Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24060 Post-medieval lime kiln and quarry southeast of Monkham House (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11770 Post-medieval lime kiln and quarry west of Quarry Field (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8337 Post-medieval lime kiln at Allercott Quarry (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11618 Post-medieval lime kiln at Ball Copse (Monument)
Monument Type MMO442 Post-medieval lime kiln at Blue Anchor [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8056 Post-medieval lime kiln at Bossington Beach (Building)
Monument Type MSO8057 Post-medieval lime kiln at Bossington Beach (Building)
Monument Type MSO8058 Post-medieval lime kiln at Bossington Beach (Building)
Monument Type MSO7928 Post-medieval lime kiln at Bossington Beach (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8059 Post-medieval lime kiln at Bossington Beach (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22983 Post-medieval lime kiln at Heddon's Mouth (Building)
Monument Type MDE1026 Post-medieval lime kiln at Heddon's Mouth Cleave (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21710 Post-medieval lime kiln at Old Close Quarry (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7478 Post-medieval lime kiln at Orchard Quarry (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11617 Post-medieval lime kiln east of East Harwood (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1028 Post-medieval lime kiln in Lee Bay (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7985 Post-medieval lime kiln on Worthy Beach (Building)
Monument Type MEM24290 Post-medieval lime kiln south of Well Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24291 Post-medieval lime kiln south of Well Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6704 Post-medieval lime kiln west of Coleford Water [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7767 Post-medieval lime kilns above Glenthorne Beach (Building)
Monument Type MSO8338 Post-medieval lime kilns at Allercott Quarries (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11675 Post-medieval lime kilns at Countisbury Cove (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7562 Post-medieval lime kilns on Minehead Quay [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11616 Post-medieval lime kilns south of Well Lane (Building)
Monument Type MEM22414 Post-medieval limekiln and quarry at Court Mill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21684 Post-medieval limekiln at Southground Quarries (Building)
Monument Type MSO7441 Post-medieval limekiln at West Luccombe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1027 Post-medieval limekiln in Woody Bay (Building)
Monument Type MDE11756 Post-medieval limekiln on the east side of the River Lyn at Lynmouth (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24325 Post-medieval quarries and lime kilns at Golsoncott (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8649 Post-medieval quarry and lime kiln southwest of Sandhill Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24332 Post-medieval quarry and lime kiln southwest of Wootton Knowle (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24234 Post-medieval quarry and limekiln southeast of Treborough Quarries (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24845 Post-medieval quarry southeast of Venniford Cross (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21496 Post-medieval wall at Countisbury Cove (Building)
Monument Type MEM22292 Post-mediveal lime kiln southwest of Huish Barton (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7929 The Kiln on Porlock Weir (Building)
Monument Type MDE1252 Two limekilns on The Esplanade, Lynmouth (Building)
Monument Type MSO6750 West Pit, Newland Quarry (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7471 Westcott Quarry and Lime Kiln (Monument)