Thesaurus Term/Concept: BUILDING SURVEY

Identifier 145118
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A descriptive survey involving the systematic measurement and recording of the dimensions or features of a building. Where the survey is accompanied by systematic investigation and analysis, use Architectural Survey.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (2)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (70)

Context Record
Event Type EEM14800 1992: HBS (VBS) - West Challacombe Farmhouse (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14136 1995: HBR (VBS) - Butlers Cottage (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14697 1995: HBR (VBS) - East Lynch Cottage (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14165 1996-8: HBI+R - Holy Trinity Church (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14301 1999: HBR - Barton Town Farm (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14129 1999: HBS - Cloggs Farm (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14936 2000: HBR - New Barn (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14703 2001-2002: HBI+R - Simonsbath Sawmill water turbine (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM14894 2002: DBA, HBA - Higher Cowley Farm (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14779 2006: DBA; HBA - Burrow Farm (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14597 2006: HBR - Great Nurcott (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14168 2007/2008: WB - Dovery Manor (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM14145 2010: DBA and HBR - Hoar Oak Cottage (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14148 2011: BS - Shelley's Hotel (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14537 2011: HBA - Greenaleigh Farm (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14665 2011: HBI+R - Oare Bridge (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM14296 2011: HBR - Blackpits Barn (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14096 2011: HBS - Rothwell and Dunworth's Bookshop (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14730 2011: WS- Emmett's Grange (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14085 2012: CS - Lynmouth Lime Kilns (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14086 2012: DBA & HBR - White Rocks Cottage, Simonsbath (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14608 2012: HBA - South Haddon Farmhouse (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14620 2012: HBR - Cottages at Higher Thorne (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14275 2012: HBR - Lynmouth Pavilion (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14273 2013: HBA - Lynton Cottage Hospital (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14146 2013: HBR - North Hill radar station (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14149 2013: HBR - Wilsden (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14622 2014-5: HBA - Shircombe Farmhouse (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14541 2014: HBA - Northern section of the Luttrell Arms (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14158 2014: HBI+R; WB - Butler's Cottage (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM14546 2014: HBR - Little Hiccombe (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14538 2014: HBR - Manor Mills, Roadwater (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14297 2014: HBR - Withycombe Cottage (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14540 2015: DBA, HBA - The East Barn, Shircombe Farm (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14545 2015: HBR - Beasley Weir, Battleton (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14544 2015: HBR - Dulverton Weir (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14806 2016: HBA - Ashcombe Grotto (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14656 2016: HBA - Blenheim, 26 High Street (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14617 2016: HBA - Throat Farmhouse (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14751 2017: HBA - Duredon Farm (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14750 2017: HBR - Barns at Coombe Farm (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14722 2017: HBR; WB - The Workshop, Manor Mills (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM14731 2017/2018: HBA - Driver Farm (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14753 2018: HBR - The Shippon and Birch Cottage (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14787 2019: HBA - Glasses Farmhouse (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14931 2020: DBA; HBR - Ivy Cottage (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM14817 2020: HBR - Little Stamborough (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14933 2021: HBR(L2) - Lyncombe Farm (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14009 Building survey of St Nicholas Priory Wall, Barlynch Farm (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14073 Cornham Ford Bridge survey (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14028 Vernacular Building Survey of 1-2, Knap Cottages, Luccombe (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14017 Vernacular Building Survey of Church Gate Cottage and Reading Room, Luccombe (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14014 Vernacular Building Survey of Church View, Luccombe (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14019 Vernacular Building Survey of Coombe and Post Cottages, Luccombe (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14029 Vernacular Building Survey of Culver Cottage, Luccombe (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14015 Vernacular Building Survey of Glebe Cottage and School Cottage, Luccombe (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14010 Vernacular Building Survey of Goulds Cottage and Myrtle Cottage, 109-111, Stoney Street, Luccombe (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14018 Vernacular Building Survey of Hales Cottage and Oakapple Cottage, Luccombe. (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14022 Vernacular Building Survey of Hillgate Cottage, Stoney Street, Luccombe. (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14027 Vernacular Building Survey of Hillgate, Luccombe (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14013 Vernacular Building Survey of Holt Ball Farm Cottage and Gilhams, Luccombe (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14025 Vernacular Building Survey of Luccombe Knap, Luccombe (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14024 Vernacular Building Survey of Luccombe Mill, Luccombe (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14011 Vernacular Building Survey of Porch Cottage, Stoney Street, Luccombe (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14020 Vernacular Building Survey of Rose Cottage, Stoney Street, Luccombe (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14012 Vernacular Building Survey of Stables Cottage, Blackford Road, Luccombe (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14021 Vernacular Building Survey of The Cottage, Stoney Street, Luccombe (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14016 Vernacular Building Survey of the Post Office, Luccombe (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14023 Vernacular Building Survey of Wychanger Cottage, Luccombe (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14026 Vernacular Building Survey of Wychanger, Luccombe (Event - Survey)