Thesaurus Term/Concept: FIELD BARN

Identifier 71384
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note An isolated barn, cow house or shelter shed with a hayloft. Typically found in areas where farmsteads and fields were sited at a long distance from each other.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (10)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (57)

Context Record
Monument Type MEM24843 19th Century barn east of Combe Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24872 19th Century building south of Shoulsbarrow Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM24163 19th Century field barn and associated enclosure southwest of Gupworthy Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24265 19th Century field barn east of Brinsworthy Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24160 19th Century field barn north of Bentwitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24168 19th Century field barn north of Gratton Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23973 19th Century field barn north of Lower Leigh Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24624 19th Century field barn south of West Challacombe Manor (Building)
Monument Type MEM24075 19th Century field barn west of Pitleigh Plantation (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24271 19th or early 20th Century field barns south of East Ilkerton (Building)
Monument Type MEM22144 Abington Barn, Bossington (Building)
Monument Type MDE20420 Barham (Building)
Monument Type MEM23153 Brendon Barton Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23867 Buildings shown on Tithe Map (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10447 Bushclose Barn (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20878 Cranscombe Farm, Brendon (Building)
Monument Type MEM22407 Demolished building southeast of Renford Cottages (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24633 Field barn southwest of Ebshill Lodge (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23152 Hallslake Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO11189 Hill Barn, Cutcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23118 Hollacombe Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM24263 Late 19th or early 20th Century barn southeast of Pinspit (Building)
Monument Type MSO7572 Late 19th or early 20th Century building south of Culver Cliff Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1986 Medieval or post-medieval structure northwest of West Lyn (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22930 Newland Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MEM23818 Pippin's Barn, Exford (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1587 Post-medieval agricultural building northeast of Bowden Wood [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1588 Post-medieval agricultural building northeast of Bowden Wood [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24583 Post-medieval building at Combe Gate (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24295 Post-medieval building east of Elworthy (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24070 Post-medieval building east of Kentisbury (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21857 Post-medieval building north of Kipscombe Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24323 Post-medieval building north of Little Mines Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24073 Post-medieval building north of Newpark Pond (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24619 Post-medieval building south of Riscombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24351 Post-medieval building southwest of Blagdon Barn (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24324 Post-medieval building southwest of Higher Mines Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23879 Post-medieval building west of East Nethercote (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24930 Post-medieval building west of Knaplock Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20432 Post-medieval buildings north of Muxworthy Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24248 Post-medieval field barn and enclosure west of North Radworthy (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24113 Post-medieval field barn at Lower Eastcott Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24249 Post-medieval field barn north of South Radworthy (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24112 Post-medieval field barn north of Swansea Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23885 Post-medieval field barn northwest of Skillaton Bridge (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1979 Post-medieval field barn or linhay east of Woody Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23882 Post-medieval field barn south of West Middleton Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM24268 Post-medieval field barn southwest of Lower North Radworthy Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23883 Post-medieval field barn southwest of West Middleton Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM24239 Post-medieval field barns on Fyldon Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22459 Post-medieval pond or reservoir structure west of Higher Thorne (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23110 Rockley Farm, Brayford (Building)
Monument Type MDE20868 Rowley Barton (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22702 Ruined building to east of Stagshead Farmhouse (Building)
Monument Type MEM24288 Stockwater Barn (Building)
Monument Type MEM15398 Worth Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM23222 Zeal Farm, Hawkridge (Building)