Thesaurus Term/Concept: BANK BARN

Identifier 71448
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A multi-purpose, two-storey barn, built on a hillside with entrances at both levels to a first floor threshing barn and ground floor animal housing.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (7)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (30)

Context Record
Monument Type MDE20312 19th Century bank barn with horse engine house at Barton Town Farm (Building)
Monument Type MDE20315 19th Century farmbuildings at Whitefield Farm, Challacombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM15194 19th Century west range of the main yard at Ashway Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO10506 Bank Barn and adjoining farmbuilding, Huish Barton (Building)
Monument Type MSO10266 Bank barn over byre at East Lynch Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO10730 Barn and adjoining outbuildings at Piles Mill (Building)
Monument Type MEM23744 Broford Farm (Building)
Monument Type MDE20413 Croscombe Barton Farm, Lynton (Building)
Monument Type MEM23170 Dean Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23071 East Hill Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23087 Exmoor Angus Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23695 Great Nurcott Farmstead (Building)
Monument Type MSO10004 Group of farm buildings at Colton Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO10814 Group of post-medieval farmbuildings at Gilclose Farm, Bury (Building)
Monument Type MEM23159 Higher Combe Park Farm or Lower Combe Park Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM22116 Higher Thorne and Cottages, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MDE21850 Kipscombe Farm, Countisbury (Building)
Monument Type MSO8728 Marshclose Barn, Hawkridge (Building)
Monument Type MSO11280 New Barn, Ashcott Barton (Building)
Monument Type MSO10665 Parsonage Farm House, Oare (Building)
Monument Type MEM23191 Pool Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM22418 Post-medieval bank barn at Cloggs Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO10333 Post-medieval bank barn at West Nethercote (Building)
Monument Type MDE20853 Shilstone Farm, Brendon (Building)
Monument Type MEM15404 Silcombe Farm, Oare (Building)
Monument Type MSO9237 Stetfold Rocks Farm (Building)
Monument Type MDE21884 The Homestead, East Ilkerton (Building)
Monument Type MEM23097 Voley Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23760 Westcott Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM22869 Withycombe Farmstead, Winsford (Building)