Thesaurus Term/Concept: WALL

Identifier 70426
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note An enclosing structure composed of bricks, stones or similar materials, laid in courses. Use specific type where known.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (4)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (14)

Instances/Examples (25)

Context Record
Monument Type MEM23494 19th Century kitchen garden at Heddon Hall (Building)
Monument Type MEM15544 19th Century landscaping wall in Yearnor Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12117 19th Century stone wall running into Priory Green (Building)
Monument Type MSO12114 19th Century wall on south side of Priory Green (Building)
Monument Type MEM23171 Caffyns Heanton Farm, Lynton (Building)
Monument Type MEM22089 Forest Wall (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15515 Medieval or post-medieval trackway in Dibble Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21807 Possible ford site south of Lynbridge (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15568 Post-medieval boundary wall in Yearnor Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15527 Post-medieval or modern boundary in Slade Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12071 Post-medieval southern wall of Dunster Churchyard (Building)
Monument Type MDE20634 Post-medieval trackway at West Challacombe Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21496 Post-medieval wall at Countisbury Cove (Building)
Monument Type MEM22104 Post-medieval wall at Dunster Deer Park (Building)
Monument Type MEM15225 Post-medieval wall northwest of Villes Lane (Building)
Monument Type MSO12067 Post-medieval wall on north side of Church Street, Dunster (Building)
Monument Type MEM15226 Post-medieval wall to the northeast of Decoy Linhay (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22107 Post-medieval walls at Dunster Deer Park (Building)
Monument Type MDE1290 Two Bronze Age bowl barrows overlooking Warcombe Water (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9225 Two standing stones on south facing slope of Codsend Moor (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24164 Undated bank or wall on Withycombe Common (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15552 Undated drystone wall in Culbone Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15574 Undated wall in Embelle Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15243 Wall northeast of Decoy Linhay (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20391 West Challacombe Farm (Building)