Thesaurus Term/Concept: STRUCTURE

Identifier 70420
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A construction of unknown function, either extant or implied by archaeological evidence. If known, use more specific type.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (1)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (1)

Instances/Examples (23)

Context Record
Monument Type MEM22892 20th Century post at Porlock Weir (Monument)
Monument Type MDE12868 A post medieval boundary stone lies at this refere... (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24680 Early 20th Century structures at Henstey Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15516 Medieval or post-medieval structure in Dibble Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2677 Modern rectangular structure on northeast side of Dunkery Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1626 Possible circular structure on Lester Point (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15264 Possible fish trap on Porlock Beach (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23533 Possible limekilns to the north of Porlockford (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1978 Possible oval earthwork enclosure on the southern crest of Wind Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7092 Possible post-medieval mine shaft at Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1295 Possible post-medieval peat cuttings or modern structure west of Warcombe Water (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15569 Possible post-medieval structural remains in Yearnor Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15454 Possible post-medieval structure in Little Comfort Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24584 Possible post-medieval structure northeast of Knighton Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15480 Possible Structure, Ashway Hat Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2055 Post-medieval or modern mining remains east of Friendship Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22852 Post-medieval posts on Embelle Wood Beach (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10413 Prehistoric settlement features on Codsend Moor (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11156 Stone structure at Dunkery Beacon (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15605 Undated ruined stone structure on Embelle Wood Beach (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2964 World War Two military training activity north of Honeymead Two Gates (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8087 World War Two structure west of target railway on North Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3747 World War Two structures south of Old Holcombe Water Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)