Thesaurus Term/Concept: BOWL BARROW

Identifier 70012
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A round barrow featuring a mound surrounded by a ditch, with no intervening berm. The ditch may be accompanied by an external bank.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (99)

Context Record
Monument Type MDE1191 'Five Barrows', or nine Bronze Age barrows on Five Barrows Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6730 Alderman's Barrow, Almsworthy Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1216 Barrow at Bampfylde Hill [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1212 Barrow Group, Bampfylde Hill [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO120 Barrow south of Easter New Moor [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8368 Barrow southwest of Redgate [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6692 Bowl barrow north of Elworthy Barrows (Monument)
Monument Type MMO4 Bowl Barrow northeast of Kipscombe [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO40 Bowl Barrow on Long Lane [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1226 Bronze Age barrow on Bampfylde Hill [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1227 Bronze Age barrow on Bampfylde Hill [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO5 Bronze Age barrow on Bratton Down [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1201 Bronze Age barrow on Bray Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1226 Bronze Age barrow on Countisbury Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1200 Bronze Age barrow on Fyldon Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6798 Bronze Age barrow on Horsen Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1227 Bronze Age barrow on Kipscombe Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1063 Bronze Age barrow on Parracombe Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1284 Bronze Age Barrow on Shoulsbarrow Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6837 Bronze Age barrow on the southeast spur of The Chains (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1197 Bronze Age barrow on Whitefield Down (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1261 Bronze Age barrow or cairn on Hoccombe Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1240 Bronze Age barrow southeast of Down Linhay (Monument)
Monument Type MMO7 Bronze Age barrow west of Cape of Good Hope Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8855 Bronze Age barrows at Sminhays Corner (Monument)
Monument Type MMO24 Bronze Age barrows east of Friendship Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO247 Bronze Age bowl barrow [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO249 Bronze Age bowl barrow [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8371 Bronze Age bowl barrow [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9125 Bronze Age bowl barrow [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9204 Bronze Age bowl barrow at Lype Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7705 Bronze Age bowl barrow at Ralegh's Cross (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8556 Bronze Age bowl barrow east of Room Hill Road (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6800 Bronze Age bowl barrow northeast of Emmett's Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1193 Bronze Age bowl barrow on Bray Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1194 Bronze Age bowl barrow on Bray Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1195 Bronze Age bowl barrow on Bray Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1225 Bronze Age bowl barrow on Brendon Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1224 Bronze Age bowl barrow on Farley Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20284 Bronze Age bowl barrow on Farley Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6825 Bronze Age bowl barrow on Great Buscombe Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8856 Bronze Age bowl barrow on King's Brompton Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7443 Bronze Age bowl barrow on Monkham Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8535 Bronze Age bowl barrow on Winsford Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8667 Bronze Age bowl barrow on Withypool Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8683 Bronze Age bowl barrow on Withypool Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20283 Bronze Age bowl barrows on Cosgate Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12281 Bronze Age bowl barrows on Periton Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7660 Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1308 Bronze Age burial cairn on Cheriton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1309 Bronze Age burial cairn on Cheriton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1294 Bronze Age burial cairn on Furzehill Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6838 Bronze Age burial cairn on Roosthitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1286 Bronze Age burial cairn on Thornworthy Little Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9213 Bronze Age burial cairn south of Kit Barrows (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1244 Bronze Age burial cairn southeast of Roborough Castle (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20332 Bronze Age cairn on Furzehill Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1314 Bronze Age cairn on Ilkerton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7442 Bronze Age embanked platform cairn or disturbed bowl barrow on Monkham Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1199 Bronze Age ring cairn at Kinsford Gate Cross (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6806 Bronze Age Setta Barrow on Bray Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6799 Bronze Age Sherdon Barrows (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6836 Chains Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8845 Cutcombe Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1196 Four Bronze Age barrows on Bray Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1287 Four Bronze Age burial cairns on Ilkerton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8684 Green Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11248 Hernes Barrow, Court Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12272 Hurdle Down Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6880 Lanacombe Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7757 LANACOMBE BARROW (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8344 Leather Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1281 Longstone Barrow, Challacombe Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11487 Natural mound at Outer Alcott (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MMO3333 Possible Bronze Age barrow on Bampfylde Hill [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3335 Possible Bronze Age barrow on Bampfylde Hill [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2642 Possible Bronze Age barrow or cairn south of Butter Hill Plantation (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20300 Possible Bronze Age barrow or natural mound on Ilkerton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1591 Possible Bronze Age bowl barrow east of Great Field Wood [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2053 Possible Bronze Age bowl barrow northwest of South Stowford [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1439 Prehistoric barrow southeast of Bussel's Moor Cottage [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1222 Probable Bronze Age barrows on Cosgate Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6824 Rexy Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1021 Seven Bronze Age barrows on Martinhoe Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1282 Three barrows and a possible cairn on Challacombe Common (Monument)
Monument Type MMO20 Three barrows east of Stowford Cross [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1037 Trentishoe Barrows on Trentishoe Down (Monument)
Monument Type MMO246 Tripp Barrow [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9122 Tripp Barrow [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6807 Two Barrows: A group of four Bronze Age barrows on a ridge at Hangley Cleave (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7317 Two Bowl Barrows, Doverhay Down (Monument)
Monument Type MMO65 Two Bronze Age barrows on Bampfylde Hill [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3 Two Bronze Age barrows on Bratton Down [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7730 Two Bronze Age barrows on Yenworthy Common (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1290 Two Bronze Age bowl barrows overlooking Warcombe Water (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7744 Two modern spoil heaps south and southeast of Twitchin Plain (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MSO8533 Wambarrows (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8854 Wiveliscombe Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1283 Wood Barrow on the Devon/Somerset County Boundary (Monument)