Identifier 68544
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A building used for an agricultural and/or subsistence purpose. Use more specific type where known.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (20)

Instances/Examples (32)

Context Record
Monument Type MEM24741 19th Century agricultural outbuilding west of Stables Cottage (Building)
Monument Type MSO11690 19th Century agricultural remains northwest of West Nethercote (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21841 19th Century building northeast of Holworthy Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24339 19th Century building southeast of Rock Cottage (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24695 19th Century building southwest of West Twitchen Ball (Monument)
Monument Type MSO6903 19th Century circular tower at Great Ashcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20725 19th Century farm buildings south of Challacombe Bridge (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23056 19th Century stables and pigsty at Barton Town Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO8589 20th Century agricultural building remains northeast of Higher Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23867 Buildings shown on Tithe Map (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22102 Greenaleigh Farm, Minehead (Building)
Monument Type MEM24057 Hill Barn (Building)
Monument Type MEM15400 Liscombe Farm, Dulverton (Building)
Monument Type MEM15644 Possible shelter structure in Stoke Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23088 Post-medieval agricultural building at Dean (Building)
Monument Type MDE21862 Post-medieval agricultural building north of Kipscombe Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM25045 Post-medieval building at Milltown (Monument)
Monument Type MDE8250 Post-medieval building east of Moor Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24828 Post-medieval building northwest of Furzehill Lane (Building)
Monument Type MEM23679 Post-medieval building northwest of Weir House (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23680 Post-medieval building northwest of Weir House (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21832 Post-medieval building southwest of Withycombe Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23516 Post-medieval building to the north of Windgate (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23517 Post-medieval building to the northwest of Windgate (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23681 Post-medieval building west of Weir House (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24281 Post-medieval buildings west of Station Cottage (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8737 Post-medieval earthworks east of Brewer's Castle (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24764 Post-medieval farm building at Burrow Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM24620 Post-medieval structure on Stone Lane (Building)
Monument Type MEM23847 Weatherham Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23738 Weatherslade Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM24825 West Howe Barn (Building)