Source/Archive record SMO5467 - Somerset Barrows. Part I: West and South

Type Article in serial
Title Somerset Barrows. Part I: West and South
Date/Year 1969
Serial Title Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society
Volume 113
BAB Number 70/779
Collection reference 616389

Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record .


Survey of barrows in West and South Somerset.

External Links (0)

Referenced Monuments (74)

  • Alderman's Barrow, Almsworthy Common (Monument)
  • Bendels Barrows, Exford Common (Monument)
  • Black Barrow (Monument)
  • Bowl barrow north of Elworthy Barrows (Monument)
  • Brightworthy Barrows: Three Bronze Age barrows on Withypool Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrow on Great Tom's Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrow on Honeycombe Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrow on the southeast spur of The Chains (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrow or cairn at Monkham Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrow sites at unknown location on Brendon Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow at Lype Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow at Monkham Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow northeast of Emmett's Grange (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow on Great Buscombe Ridge (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow on King's Brompton Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow on Monkham Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow on Winsford Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age bowl barrow on Withypool Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn at Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn northeast of Joaney How (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn northeast of Porlock Stone Circle (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Bossington Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Culbone Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Long Holcombe (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Luccombe Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Roosthitchen (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Tarr Ball Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn on Twitchen Plain Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age burial cairn south of Kit Barrows (Monument)
  • Bronze Age cairn on Porlock Allotment (Monument)
  • Bronze Age cist burial in Langridge Wood (Monument)
  • Bronze Age embanked platform cairn or disturbed bowl barrow on Monkham Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age round barrow at Lype Hill (Monument)
  • Bronze Age Setta Barrow on Bray Common (Monument)
  • Bronze Age Sherdon Barrows (Monument)
  • Cutcombe Barrow (Monument)
  • Disputed Bronze Age barrow on Wilmersham Common (Non-antiquity)
  • Green Barrow (Monument)
  • Joaney How Burial Cairn, Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Kit Barrows (Monument)
  • Kittuck Barrow, or site of Kite Oak boundary marker (Monument)
  • Lark Barrow (Monument)
  • Leather Barrow (Monument)
  • Modern and possibly prehistoric cairn at Bossington Hill (Monument)
  • Modern mound on Trout Hill (Monument)
  • Old Barrow (Monument)
  • Porlock Stone Circle (Monument)
  • Possible destroyed Bronze Age barrow on Babe Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval peat stacks on Sherdon (Monument)
  • Post-medieval tree-ring enclosure northeast of Frogwell Lodge (Monument)
  • Quarter Barrow (Monument)
  • Rexy Barrow (Monument)
  • Selworthy Beacon (Monument)
  • Two Barrows: A group of four Bronze Age barrows on a ridge at Hangley Cleave (Monument)
  • Two Bowl Barrows, Doverhay Down (Monument)
  • Two Bronze Age burial cairns on Dunkery Hill (Monument)
  • Two modern spoil heaps south and southeast of Twitchin Plain (Non-antiquity)
  • Undated mound south of Comer's Cross (Monument)
  • Undated mound south of Comer's Cross (Monument)
  • Wambarrows, Winsford Hill (Monument)
  • Whit Stones (Monument)
  • Wiveliscombe Barrow (Monument)
  • Wood Barrow on the Devon/Somerset County Boundary (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Apr 13 2022 12:07PM