Thesaurus Term/Concept: LINEAR CLEARANCE CAIRN

Identifier 94018
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A long, narrow, irregularly constructed and generally unstructured mound of stones. Normally a by-product of field clearance for agricultural purposes, though prehistoric examples may include burials and other deposits.

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Instances/Examples (6)

Context Record
Monument Type MDE9013 Possible prehistoric linear clearance banks on Holdstone Down (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23195 Prehistoric clearance cairn on Lanacombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11003 Prehistoric field clearance or boundary on Beckham (Monument)
Monument Type MDE9001 Prehistoric or medieval stony banks on Trentishoe Down (Monument)
Monument Type MDE8574 Prehistoric remains on Holdstone Down (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9203 Prehistoric settlement and field system on Codsend Moor (Monument)