Thesaurus Term/Concept: PLANTATION

Identifier 78191
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A group of planted trees or shrubs, generally of uniform age and of a single species.

Broader Terms/Concepts (2)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

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Instances/Examples (30)

Context Record
Monument Type MEM24084 19th Century garden plantation east of Emmett's Grange Farmhouse (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24096 19th Century plantation adjacent to driveway at Emmett's Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24097 19th Century plantation adjacent to driveway at Emmett's Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24079 19th Century plantation at Emmett's Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24080 19th Century plantation at Emmett's Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24081 19th Century plantation at Emmett's Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24082 19th Century plantation at Emmett's Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24083 19th Century plantation at Emmett's Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24088 19th Century plantation at Emmett's Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24089 19th Century plantation at Emmett's Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24090 19th Century plantation at Emmett's Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24091 19th Century plantation at Emmett's Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24092 19th Century plantation at Emmett's Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24093 19th Century plantation at Emmett's Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24140 19th Century plantation at Emmett's Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24086 19th Century plantation southwest of Emmett's Grange Farmhouse (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24087 19th Century plantation southwest of Emmett's Grange Farmhouse (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23137 Ashton Farm, Countisbury (Building)
Monument Type MEM25030 Birchcleave Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MMO660 Brittania's Shield [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8380 Brittania's Shield [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24352 Court Linhay and Plantation (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11925 Hospital Plantation, Countisbury (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24278 Lidyates Plantation (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15199 Old Barrow Plantation, Hawkridge (Monument)
Monument Type MMO518 Post-medieval agricultural and plantation earthworks on Cloggs Down (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24406 Post-medieval building and plantation northwest of Honeywell (Monument)
Monument Type MEM25023 Post-medieval designed landscape at Venne House (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3528 Post-medieval ridge and furrow on Coarse Moor [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3438 Post-medieval tree banks north of Smallacombe Hill [outside Park boundary] (Monument)