Thesaurus Term/Concept: PLATFORM

Identifier 70401
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note Unspecified. Use specific type where known.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (4)

Instances/Examples (38)

Context Record
Monument Type MEM24945 19th Century rectangular platform northwest of Top Lodge (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15254 20th Century concrete structure on Bossington Beach (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7098 Medieval or post-medieval rectangular platform west of Brendon Two Gates (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24995 Medieval or post-medieval settlement platform southwest of Countisbury Church (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11247 Multi period field system at Lee Abbey (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20387 Possible medieval or post-medieval field system on Ilkerton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3729 Possible medieval platform or enclosure east of Brompton Ralph [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3728 Possible medieval platform or enclosure in Brompton Ralph [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1906 Possible medieval settlement earthworks southwest of East Bredwick Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21798 Possible medieval subcircular platform above Wild Pear Beach (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15549 Possible modern agricultural platform in Culbone Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22542 Possible platform of unknown date on Deer Park (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15451 Possible post-medieval platform in Little Comfort Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15442 Possible post-medieval prospecting pit and platform at Sherracombe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11725 Possible prehistoric hut circles or later charcoal burning platforms in Barton Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22635 Possible prehistoric platform on The Chains (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7764 Possible undated platform at Oldhay Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7600 Possible World War Two rectangular platform on North Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1896 Post-medieval garden feature at the Rectory [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22895 Post-medieval groynes and sluice on Porlock Beach (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15440 Post-medieval platform and path at Sherracombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7089 Post-medieval platform near Winstitchen Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21677 Post-medieval platform southeast of Moorlands Cottage (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15456 Post-medieval quarry and platform in Winsley Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22539 Prehistoric platform on Deer Park (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22537 Two prehistoric platforms on Deer Park (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2222 Undated bank on western side of Exe Plain (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1764 Undated earthworks west of Parsonage Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10354 Undated platform at West Pinford (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7556 Undated platform in Culver Cliff Wood [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24506 Undated platform near Tom's Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23370 Undated platform on East Pinford (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23371 Undated platform on East Pinford (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7785 Undated platform on Manor Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22650 Undated platform on The Chains (Non-antiquity)
Monument Type MEM15563 Undated ruined structure on earthwork platform in Culbone Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MDE13260 Undated subcircular platform at Darlick Moors (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20743 World War Two platform or enclosure on Brendon Common (Monument)