Thesaurus Term/Concept: FOOTPATH

Identifier 70273
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A path for pedestrians only.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (4)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (16)

Context Record
Monument Type MEM15507 Medieval or post-medieval footpath in Mounsey Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15501 Medieval or post-medieval leat in Ashwick Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15514 Mediveal or post-medieval footpath in Dibble Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11702 Modern drainage system on Butter Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7807 Monks Path [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM21982 Pixton Park House Gardens, Dulverton (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15566 Possible post-medieval footpath in Culbone Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3026 Possible post-medieval trackways south of Pennycombe Water (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3016 Post-medieval field system on Riscombe Down (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21872 Post-medieval footpath south of Barna Barrow (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2112 Post-medieval leat north of Sunnyside (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2975 Post-medieval quarries west of Withycombe Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2296 Post-medieval water meadow south of Tarr Ball Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15653 Routeways at Ley Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15610 Undated footpaths and trackways in Culbone Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15609 Undated footpaths and trackways in Embelle Wood (Monument)