Thesaurus Term/Concept: WELL

Identifier 70202
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A shaft or pit dug in the ground over a supply of spring-water.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (11)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (4)

Instances/Examples (70)

Context Record
Monument Type MEM24966 19th Century building, well and pond west of Heleball Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8874 19th Century farmstead northwest of Smarmoor Barn (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23591 19th Century Hill Cottage northeast of Couple Cross (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23024 20th Century well on North Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23105 Beara, North Molton (Building)
Monument Type MSO11239 Blindman's Well, Grabbist Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23735 Buckworthy Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MDE21186 Chope's Well (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20878 Cranscombe Farm, Brendon (Building)
Monument Type MEM23087 Exmoor Angus Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24038 Forge Cottage, Yarde, Nettlecombe (Building)
Monument Type MSO11236 Gallox Well (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23736 Halsgrove Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM23743 Higher Broford (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23814 Higher Combe or Highercombe (Building)
Monument Type MSO8861 Higher Woolcotts Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23081 Holdstone Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO8011 Katherine's Well, Selworthy (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23267 King's Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM23147 Kinsford Farm, Exmoor (Building)
Monument Type MEM21984 Laundry at Pixton Stables, Dulverton (Building)
Monument Type MEM23247 Longstone Wells (Building)
Monument Type MEM22275 Lower Eastcott Farm, Withiel Florey (Building)
Monument Type MDE20421 Lower Fyldon Farm (Building)
Monument Type MDE14810 Lower Twitchen Ball Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23742 Lower Wick Farmstead (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23923 Luckyard Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM22145 Medieval or post-medieval well shaft to rear of 21, High Street (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24700 Melcombe Lodge, Barn and Bungalow, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MEM23090 Middle Dean Farm, Trentishoe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22013 Mutton Pie Well, Hartford (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23111 Natsley Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23263 Newland Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MDE21051 Ninney Well, Countisbury Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23748 North Ley Farm, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MEM23114 North Swincombe (Building)
Monument Type MSO7570 Pems Well [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24776 Possible post-medieval well west of Windrush (Monument)
Monument Type MEM21946 Post-medieval and modern water supply in Dulverton (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24836 Post-medieval house and well east of Hill Side (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22859 Post-medieval well at Broomstreet (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24029 Post-medieval well at Enterwell (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22757 Post-medieval well at South Dean (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22867 Post-medieval well at Yearnor (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22818 Post-medieval well in Countisbury (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22837 Post-medieval well in Glenthorne Plantations (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22762 Post-medieval well in Martinhoe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22882 Post-medieval well in Worthy Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21118 Post-medieval well located northwest of Girt Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22773 Post-medieval well near Six Acre Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22831 Post-medieval well north of Lypefoot Cottage (Building)
Monument Type MEM23674 Post-medieval well north of Perry Cottages (Building)
Monument Type MEM22764 Post-medieval well south of Martinhoe Manor (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24589 Post-medieval well south of South Haddon (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24264 Post-medieval well southeast of Holt (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23678 Post-medieval well southwest of Jury Lodge (Building)
Monument Type MEM23603 Post-medieval well to rear of Jasmine Cottage (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22761 Post-medieval well west of Martinhoe (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21119 Post-medieval well west of West Challacombe Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23701 Redcross Farmstead (Building)
Monument Type MEM23110 Rockley Farm, Brayford (Building)
Monument Type MSO9219 Rose Cottage, Cutcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23747 South Ley, Exford (Building)
Monument Type MSO8403 ST DECUMAN'S WELL [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23741 Week Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM22079 Well and Pump at West Ilkerton (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21162 Well at South Cheriton Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22397 Well or springhead at Lower East Lyn (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23259 Willingford Farm, Exmoor (Building)
Monument Type MSO12133 Zwan Antiques and Torre Cottage, 19 and 21 West Street, Dunster (Building)