Thesaurus Term/Concept: EXCAVATION

Identifier 145129
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note Controlled intrusive fieldwork which examines, records and interprets archaeological deposits, features and structures and, as appropriate, retrieves artefacts and ecofact remains within a specified area or site on land or within the inter-tidal zone.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (6)

Instances/Examples (59)

Context Record
Event Type EMO12650 1869: AE - Porlock Weir (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO4965 1905: AE - Chapman Barrows (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO4963 1912: AE - Bronze Age barrow southeast of Down Linhay (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO12651 1928: AE - Porlock Stone Circle (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO12654 1940: AE - Burgundy Chapel (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO4975 1960: AE - Martinhoe Beacon (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO4964 1974: AE - Regis Common stone setting (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO12653 1977: AE - Hurscombe Farm (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO4944 1977: AE - Shallowmead (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO12652 1982: AE - Westermill Stone Setting (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM14917 2007: GS; AE - Lanacombe I and III (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM14004 2011: AE - Hawkcombe Head, Undergrounding of Electricity Cables (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM14729 2016-2017: AE - Farley Hill (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO4942 5 WEST EXE NORTH/PROSPECT PLACE (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM13948 Archaeological Sampling of Two Intertidal Palaeochannels in Porlock Bay (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM13955 Assessment Excavation (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO12657 BARROW (HUISH CHAMPFLOWER 2) (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO12658 BARROW (HUISH CHAMPFLOWER 3) (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO12685 BATTLEGORE, (BARROW,WILLITON 1) (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO12688 BATTLEGORE(LONG BARROW,WILLITON 1) (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO4980 BOLHAM ROMAN FORT (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO4973 BROCKENBURROW LANE (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO13252 BURGUNDY CHAPEL (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO5005 CHALLACOMBE (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO5006 CHALLACOMBE (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO13245 CLEEVE ABBEY (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO13256 CLEEVE ABBEY (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO13257 CLEEVE ABBEY (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO12668 CLEEVE ABBEY,WASHFORD (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO13237 CLEEVE ABBEY,WASHFORD (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO13238 CLEEVE ABBEY,WASHFORD (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO13239 CLEEVE ABBEY,WASHFORD (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM13943 Croydon House (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO12671 DAW'S CASTLE (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO12678 DAW'S CASTLE (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO13689 DUNSTER DOVECOTE (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO5001 EASTER NEW MOOR (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM13947 Excavation of a Medieval Wooden Structure, Porlock Marsh (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO13877 Excavations at Chargot Wood (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO13878 Excavations at Langham Hill (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM13966 Exmoor Iron (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO13258 GOVIER'S LANE (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM13945 Hawkcombe Head Excavations (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO6723 Holwell Castle (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO12660 HUISH CHAMPFLOWER BARROW (HUISH CHAMP'1) (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO5009 LOWMAN VALLEY (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO13251 Minehead Foreshore. (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO4984 OLD BURROW CASTLE (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO4983 OLD BURROW ROMAN FORTLET (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO12665 OLD CLEEVE (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM13946 Porlock Bay Aurochs Excavation (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM13956 Post Excavation (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO12655 Pound Field Road. (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO4992 SHOULSBARROW CASTLE (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO13250 Smallcombe Bottom (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO13248 Smoky Bottom Mine (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO5783 TIVERTON LONG BARROW, UPLOWMAN ROAD (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO5393 TIVERTON LONG BURROW, UPLOWMAN ROAD (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EMO4994 WRECK OF HMS WEAZLE OFF BAGGY POINT (Event - Intervention)