Thesaurus Term/Concept: PEAT STACK

Identifier -23
Status Candidate
Index? Yes
Scope Note A pile of cut peat which is mounded up and left to dry, prior to its being collected for storage and use.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (10)

Context Record
Monument Type MEM23333 Post-medieval peat stacks on Sherdon (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23892 Post-Medieval Peat Stand on Horsen Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24192 Post-medieval peat stand on Old Barrow Down (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23331 Post-medieval turf stack on Challacombe Common (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7019 Post-medieval turf stack on Swap Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22675 Post-medieval turf stack on The Chains (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22677 Post-medieval turf stack on The Chains (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22678 Post-medieval turf stack on The Chains (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23332 Post-medieval turf stack south of the Chapman Barows (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22592 Undated mound on The Chains (Monument)