Thesaurus Term/Concept: HORSE ENGINE HOUSE

Identifier 71546
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A round or polygonal building containing a HORSE ENGINE. Commonly found on farms next to the threshing barn, where it is used to power the machinery.

Broader Terms/Concepts (2)

Related Terms/Concepts (7)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (29)

Context Record
Monument Type MDE20312 19th Century bank barn with horse engine house at Barton Town Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23105 Beara, North Molton (Building)
Monument Type MEM23171 Caffyns Heanton Farm, Lynton (Building)
Monument Type MEM23241 Crangs Heasleigh Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO10570 Group of 19th Century farmbuildings at Church Farm, Stoke Pero (Building)
Monument Type MSO10004 Group of farm buildings at Colton Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23270 Higher Blackland Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM23159 Higher Combe Park Farm or Lower Combe Park Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23100 Higher Heale Farm, Parracombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23081 Holdstone Farm (Building)
Monument Type MDE11723 Lower East Lyn Farm granary / mill and water course (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23244 Lower South Radworthy Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM15399 North Batsom Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM22569 Old Shute Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23668 Perry Farm, Dulverton (Building)
Monument Type MMO1895 Post-medieval agricultural building and banks east of Hall Lane [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10333 Post-medieval bank barn at West Nethercote (Building)
Monument Type MEM22504 Post-medieval barn at Wellshead Farm (Building)
Monument Type MSO11592 Post-medieval pig sty or horse engine house at Brandish Street Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM22694 Quarryhead, Withypool (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23250 Sherdon Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23168 Six Acre Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23123 Town Farm, Martinhoe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23097 Voley Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23262 Waterhouse Farm, Withypool (Building)
Monument Type MEM23224 West Yard Farm (Building)
Monument Type MEM23139 Wilsham Farm, Countisbury (Building)
Monument Type MEM23064 Withycombe Farm, Challacombe (Building)
Monument Type MEM23750 Yealscombe Farm, Exford (Building)