Thesaurus Term/Concept: RESERVOIR

Identifier 70457
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A large natural or artificial body of water, sometimes covered, used to collect and store water for a particular function, eg. industrial or public use.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (7)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (2)

Instances/Examples (23)

Context Record
Monument Type MSO10036 19th Century reservoir at Dunster Castle (Building)
Monument Type MEM24137 19th Century water management features southeast of Emmett's Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23033 20th Century reservoir in Culver Cliff Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21073 20th Century reservoir on Holiday Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7549 Camp Reservoir (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21753 Early hydroelectric power turbine site at Lynmouth (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23014 Grexy Combe Reservoir on North Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO459 Possible prehistoric hillfort or 19th Century reservoir on Birchcleave (Monument)
Monument Type MEM15633 Possible reservoir enclosure at Cloutsham Ball (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22839 Post-medieval pond or reservoir in Manor Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24670 Post-medieval quarry and pond or reservoir east of Victoria Cottage (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24911 Post-medieval reservoir northeast of Holnicote House (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23654 Post-medieval reservoir on Ash Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23018 Post-medieval reservoir on North Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23019 Post-medieval reservoir on North Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22777 Post-medieval reservoir on Sinai Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21070 Post-medieval reservoir west of Rock Lodge (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22005 Reservoir in the Hollam Valley, Dulverton (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21591 Reservoir northeast of The Tors (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21064 Reservoir on Summer House Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE20670 Unnamed (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24258 Wimbleball Lake (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7611 Woodcombe Higher Reservoir (Monument)