Thesaurus Term/Concept: DAM

Identifier 70440
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A barrier of concrete or earth, etc, built across a river to create a reservoir of water for domestic and/or industrial usage.

Broader Terms/Concepts (2)

Related Terms/Concepts (4)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (6)

Instances/Examples (10)

Context Record
Monument Type MSO12354 Bradley Pond and dam, Bradley (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7484 Electricity generating mill south of Chargot House (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22834 Goscombe or Coscombe Linhay, Oare (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21851 Post-medieval bridge north of Kipscombe Farm (Building)
Monument Type MMO1127 Post-medieval dam and ponds east of Buckland Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22686 Post-medieval dam on Pinkworthy (Pinkery) Pond (Building)
Monument Type MMO3349 Post-medieval or modern water management feature east of Ridlers Farm [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7333 Sweetworthy Enclosure (Monument)
Monument Type MDE9012 Wheal Vervale or Combmartin Consols (Monument)
Monument Type MEM24258 Wimbleball Lake (Monument)