Thesaurus Term/Concept: CHAPEL

Identifier 69967
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A freestanding building, or a room or recess serving as a place of Christian worship in a church or other building. Use more specific type where known.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (4)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (22)

Instances/Examples (27)

Context Record
Monument Type MSO7576 Burgundy Chapel (Building)
Monument Type MDE1590 Burston [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8159 Chapel at Hartrow [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE10950 Chapel at Waddington [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9431 Chapel of St Thomas, Dunster (Monument)
Monument Type MSO10433 Chapple Farm, Skilgate (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22358 Demolished Chapel on Lee Road, Lynton (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1258 Deserted medieval settlement at Badgworthy Water (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8969 Gupworthy Village (Monument)
Monument Type MDE807 Lady of the Thorn Chapel, Ilfracombe [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1213 Medieval or post-medieval chapel at Bentwitchen (Monument)
Monument Type MEM22449 Medieval or post-medieval church house at Church Gate, Exford (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8839 Post-medieval chapel at Little Pixton (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1214 Post-medieval chapel at South Radworthy (Monument)
Monument Type MDE1028 Post-medieval lime kiln in Lee Bay (Monument)
Monument Type MDE14812 Reputed site of Chapel at Holy Well (Monument)
Monument Type MDE993 Site of a Chapel at Lydcott Barton [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE10493 South Molton Cemetery Chapel [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7401 St Andrew's Chapel, West of Luccombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO12157 St Leonard's Chapel, Tivington (Building)
Monument Type MSO7816 St Mary's Chapel [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7814 ST MARY'S CHAPEL [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7793 St Pancras's Chapel [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11308 St Peter's Chapel, Horner (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8147 The Chantry [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21695 The site of a chapel at holy well. All the buildin... (Monument)
Monument Type MDE959 Trinity Chapel, Honiton Barton, Near South Molton [outside Park boundary] (Monument)