Thesaurus Term/Concept: NARROW RIDGE AND FURROW

Identifier 68630
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note Long parallel soil ridges less than 5 metres across separated by furrows, formed by using a heavy plough capable of turning the soil.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (44)

Context Record
Monument Type MMO2552 19th Century ridge and furrow west of Larkbarrow Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2771 20th Century rig ploughing remains at Great Vintcombe (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7003 Alleged ridge and furrow east of Kinsford Cottages (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3757 Field boundaries and narrow ridge and furrow south of Elworthy Combe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3369 Medieval and post-medieval field system around East Anstey Common (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1778 Medieval enclosure south of Brendon (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3182 Medieval or post-medieval field system on Hawkridge Plain (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3185 Medieval or post-medieval field system on Old Barrow Down (Monument)
Monument Type MSO11670 Medieval or post-medieval field system on Staddon Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1919 Medieval or post-medieval reclamation on Cheriton Ridge (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3184 Medieval or post-medieval ridge and furrow on Old Barrow Down (Monument)
Monument Type MDE11657 Medieval or post-medival field system on Wallover Down (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3481 Medieval to post-medieval field system southeast of Kipscott Barton [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO9202 Multi-phased field system on Codsend Moor (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8957 Narrow ridge and furrow system on Withiel Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MDE21866 Possible post-medieval access track northeast of Kipscombe Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3435 Possible post-medieval field system on Wester New Moor [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MEM23172 Post-medieval cultivation marks south of Folly Corner (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2970 Post-medieval enclosure earthworks north of Honeymead Two Gates (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3623 Post-medieval field boundaries and narrow ridge cultivation northeast of Parsonage Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3755 Post-medieval field system east of Holcombe Water Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MMO440 Post-medieval field system northwest of Holcombe Water Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8575 Post-medieval field system on Bye Common (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3437 Post-medieval field system on Easter New Moor [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3517 Post-medieval field system on Easter North Down and Great Moor [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO529 Post-medieval field system on Spangate Land (Monument)
Monument Type MMO448 Post-medieval field system on west and southwest of Southern Ball (Monument)
Monument Type MDE8253 Post-medieval field system on West Anstey Common (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3421 Post-medieval field system on Wester Bullaford Moor and Pauls Moor [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3536 Post-medieval field system on Whitechapel Moors [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO8622 Post-medieval field system on Winsford Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO394 Post-medieval field systems along the River Exe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3493 Post-medieval fields at Kipscott Holms [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MSO7007 Post-medieval plantation on Woolcombe Allotment (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1575 Post-medieval ridge and furrow adjacent to Chisland Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1578 Post-medieval ridge and furrow east of Lower Horridge Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3383 Post-medieval ridge and furrow north of Five Cross Ways (Monument)
Monument Type MMO1577 Post-medieval ridge and furrow north of Luccombe (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3528 Post-medieval ridge and furrow on Coarse Moor [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3381 Post-medieval ridge and furrow on Great Common (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3535 Post-medieval ridge and furrow on Long Moor [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3515 Post-medieval ridge and furrow on South Moor [outside Park boundary] (Monument)
Monument Type MMO2496 Post-medieval ridge and furrow on Swap Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MMO3382 Relict field boundaries and narrow ridge and furrow north of Five Cross Ways (Monument)