Thesaurus Term/Concept: THEMATIC SURVEY

Identifier 147326
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note The investigation of heritage assets along thematic lines, usually to inform the production of a thematic study. Such studies bring specialist insights to bear on the particular area of study, but may not address other aspects of the site's significance.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (44)

Context Record
Event Type EEM14851 2016/2018: TS - Double stone row on Porlock Common (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14868 2018-9: SV - Madacombe (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14861 2018: SV - Culbone Stone Row (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14862 2018: SV - Furzehill Common II (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14864 2018: SV - Furzehill Common II (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14865 2018: SV - Lanacombe I (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14869 2018: SV - Stone row on Thornworthy Little Common (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14871 2018: SV - Stone row on Warcombe Water (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14872 2018: SV - Stone row on Wilmersham Common (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14873 2018: SV - Wilmersham Common Stone Row (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14832 2018: TS - Benjamy Stone Setting (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14860 2018: TS - Chains Valley Stone Setting (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14863 2018: TS - Chains Valley Stone Setting (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14853 2018: TS - Double stone row on Squallacombe (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14859 2018: TS - Double stone row or setting at Winnaway (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14840 2018: TS - Furzehill Common III (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14845 2018: TS - Hoccombe Hill stone setting (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14844 2018: TS - Kittuck Hill Stone Setting (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14866 2018: TS - Lanacombe II (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14867 2018: TS - Lanacombe III (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14846 2018: TS - Lanacombe V stone setting (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14847 2018: TS - North Regis Common stone setting (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14848 2018: TS - Pig Hill stone setting (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14849 2018: TS - Porlock Allotment I stone setting (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14870 2018: TS - Porlock Common Stone Row (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14835 2018: TS - Stone row below Cheriton Ridge (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14843 2018: TS - Stone setting above Hoccombe Coombe (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14836 2018: TS - Stone setting below Cheriton Ridge (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14834 2018: TS - Stone setting on east side of Cheriton Ridge (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14850 2018: TS - Stone setting on Porlock Allotment (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14854 2018: TS - Stone setting on Tom's Hill (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14855 2018: TS - Trout Hill III (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14856 2018: TS - Trout Hill IV (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14858 2018: TS - White Ladder Stone Row (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14830 2019: TS - Almsworthy Common Stone Setting (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14831 2019: TS - Beckham Hill Stone Setting (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14838 2019: TS - East Pinford Stone Alignment (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14839 2019: TS - Furzehill Common I (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14841 2019: TS - Halscombe Stone Setting (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14857 2019: TS - Stone row on West Pinford (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14842 2019: TS - Stone setting northwest of Hoaroak Cottage (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14852 2019: TS - Stone setting on Shoulsbury Common (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14833 2019: TS - Stone setting south of Black Barrow (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14837 2019: TS - Stone setting south of Coley Water (Event - Survey)