Thesaurus Term/Concept: OPEN AREA EXCAVATION

Identifier 145151
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note Controlled investigation, recording and removal of archaeological deposits according to the principles of strategraphic excavation. The size of an open area can range from holes to examine pile foundations to extensive trenches of 100 square meters.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (8)

Context Record
Event Type EMO4966 1905: AE, Roe Barrow (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM13992 1998-2000: AE - Excavation at Ley Hill (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM14082 2004 Excavation of a hillslope enclosure at Holworthy Farm, Parracombe (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM14083 2005 Excavation of a hillslope enclosure at Holworthy Farm, Parracombe (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM14914 2010: AE - Lanacombe I and IV (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM14590 2013: AE - Burial cairn adjacent to Porlock Stone Circle (Event - Survey)
Event Type EEM14588 2013: AE - Porlock Stone Circle, Dig Porlock (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EEM14701 2016: AE - The Luttrell Arms Hotel (Event - Intervention)