Source/Archive record SEM8734 - Vermacular Building Survey: West Challacombe Farmhouse

Type Report
Title Vermacular Building Survey: West Challacombe Farmhouse
Date/Year 1992
National Trust reference H1/12

Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record .


The site was surveyed in 1992. A slate and stone farmhouse with a traditional courtyard of buildings below, probably dating to the 15th Century. It was described as "an exceptional small manor house with a unique hammer beam roof structure" and with outbuildings also of an early date.
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Referenced Monuments (1)

  • West Challacombe Farm (Building)

Referenced Events (1)

  • 1992: HBS (VBS) - West Challacombe Farmhouse (Ref: H1/12)

Record last edited

Oct 29 2019 3:34PM