Source/Archive record SEM8554 - Hangley Cleave – Two Barrows – Exmoor Mires

Type Report
Title Hangley Cleave – Two Barrows – Exmoor Mires
Date/Year 2018
ENPA project name MIRES

Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record .


A mapping exercise plotting the blocked ditches related to mires rewetting at Hangley Cleave was undertaken after there were concerns of increased erosion at the Scheduled Monument of Two Barrows. The work revealed that due to the distance from the ditches it was unlikely that mires restoration was responsible for the damage to the Scheduled Monument. This source consists of a report and map detailing the location and effect of the blocked ditches.

External Links (0)

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Two Barrows: A group of four Bronze Age barrows on a ridge at Hangley Cleave (Monument)

Referenced Events (2)

  • 2018: EIA - Two Barrows: A group of four Bronze Age barrows on a ridge at Hangley Cleave
  • 2018: EIA - Two Barrows: A group of four Bronze Age barrows on a ridge at Hangley Cleave

Record last edited

Nov 23 2021 9:41PM