Source/Archive record SEM8520 - Vertical Aerial Photography of Exmoor National Park

Type Aerial photograph
Title Vertical Aerial Photography of Exmoor National Park
Date/Year 2017
Miscelleneous outside body Getmapping

Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record .


Aerial photographs flown on behalf of ENPA in June 2017.

External Links (0)

Referenced Monuments (30)

  • 19th Century water meadow east of South Radsbury (Monument)
  • 20th Century gravestone to John Coleman Cooke in St Luke's Churchyard (Monument)
  • Comer's Adit (Monument)
  • Finger post west of Combe Cross (Building)
  • Lower Holworthy Farm, Brompton Regis (Building)
  • Lower Linhay, south of Raleigh Manor (Monument)
  • Market House, Porlock (Building)
  • Medieval or post-medieval hollow way north of Luckworthy Farm (Monument)
  • Possible World War Two bomb crater on Almsworthy Common (Monument)
  • Post-medieval building at Enterwell (Monument)
  • Post-medieval farm building at Burrow Farm (Building)
  • Post-medieval mining activity in The Chains Valley (Monument)
  • Post-medieval pillow mound on Dry Hill (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry in Culbone Wood (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry south of Wydon (Monument)
  • Post-medieval quarry southeast of Sunnyside Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval water meadow northeast of Ash Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval yew tree in All Saints' Churchyard, Wootton Courtenay (Tree)
  • Roberts Number 1 Shaft (Monument)
  • Signpost north of Bratton Court (Building)
  • Signpost on A39 at Bratton West (Building)
  • The Old Parlour and Hanny Cottage, Wootton Courtenay (Building)
  • Undated bank and ditch southwest of Kipscombe Farm (Monument)
  • Undated earthwork feature southeast of Furzemoor (Monument)
  • Undated earthwork feature southeast of Shilstone Farm (Monument)
  • Undated earthwork on Kedworthy Down (Monument)
  • Undated mound at Thorn Gate (Monument)
  • Undated square enclosure at North Hill (Monument)
  • World War Two military camp on North Hill (Monument)
  • World War Two Nissen hut above Triss Combe (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Feb 3 2022 11:04AM