Source/Archive record SEM340937 - ENPHER Input Form: Archaeological monitoring during the installation of a water pipe at Lorna Doone Farm, Malmsmead, Brendon, Exmoor

Type Report
Title ENPHER Input Form: Archaeological monitoring during the installation of a water pipe at Lorna Doone Farm, Malmsmead, Brendon, Exmoor
Date/Year 2020
Publisher South West Archaeology Ltd.
South West Archaeology report
Digital Object Identifier Unassigned

Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record .


Archaeological monitoring was undertaken by South West Archaeology Ltd. (SWARCH) at the request of the National Trust. The works consisted of monitoring during the installation of a water pipe for a water treatment plant at Lorna Doone Farm, Malmsmead, Brendon, Exmoor. The trench being monitored was a total of approx. 50m from a bore hole created 6.3m west of the building corner and ending at the front of the barn in the north-east, it measured 0.5m wide and up to 0.7m deep. A garden waste midden (103) was revealed approx. 6.6m north-east of the bore hole and 1.5m away from the building, which was a very dark grey-brown friable-soft silt. In total 6 service pipes and wires were encountered along the length of the trench, although no archaeological features were visible/ noted. A small assemblage of finds including several sherds of pottery, some of which may have come from local sources, such as Dunster; modern glass sherds; a modern ceramic tile fragment; a small brick fragment; two iron nails; and five fragments of animal bone, including a jaw with a single tooth.

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Record last edited

Jan 24 2022 9:52PM