Source/Archive record SEM340901 - An archaeological watching brief on Blanket Mire at Long Holcombe, Exmoor, Somerset
Type | Report |
Title | An archaeological watching brief on Blanket Mire at Long Holcombe, Exmoor, Somerset |
Author/Originator | Farnell, A. |
Date/Year | 2009 |
Publisher | Exeter Archaeology |
Historic England Archive Reference | 1578499 |
ENPA project name | MIRES |
Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record caveat document.
Monitoring of groundworks as part of the Exmoor Mire Restoration Project recorded no archaeological activity.
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Referenced Monuments (0)
Referenced Events (1)
- EEM14952 2009: WB - Long Holcombe
Record last edited
Nov 23 2021 3:28PM