MMO2611 - 19th Century water meadow east of Langham Farm (Monument)


A water meadow of probable 19th Century date is visible in aerial photographs taken in 1947, 1964 and 1979.

Please read the Exmoor National Park Historic Environment Record .

Type and Period (1)

Protected Status

  • None recorded

Full Description

A water meadow of probable 19th Century date, of a type known as a catchwork or field gutter system, is visible on aerial photographs as earthworks to the east of Langham Farm, centred on circa SS 9060 4005. The water meadow is of a type known as a catchwork or field gutter system found on combe or hill slopes and designed to irrigate pasture usually by diverting water from a spring or stream along the valley sides via one or more channels or gutters. When irrigation was required the gutters were blocked, causing water to overflow, thereby irrigating the slopes. This film of water prevented the ground freezing during the winter and raised the temperature of the grass in the spring, thereby encouraging early growth, particularly important during the hungry gap of March and April. Any excess water then returned to the feeder stream at the valley bottom or was removed by a tail drain. This system is relatively small, covering an area of approximately 3 hectares, with gutters visible on either side of the a tributary to the River Avill, both north and south facing slopes. However, water can be seen on aerial photographs of the 1940s flowing downslope from gutters not visible on the available aerial photographs, perhaps cut too close to field boundaries to be seen. From this it can be inferred that gutters additional to those transcribed are also present. [1-4]

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <1> Aerial photograph: Various. Various. Vertical Aerial Photograph. NMR RAF CPE/UK/1980 (F20) 3270-1 (11 April 1947).
  • <2> Aerial photograph: Various. Various. Vertical Aerial Photograph. NMR RAF 543/2821 (F63) 0149 (27 April 1964).
  • <3> Aerial photograph: Various. Various. Vertical Aerial Photograph. NMR OS/79014 059-60 (17 April 1979).
  • <4>XY Archive: 2007-2009. Exmoor National Park NMP: SS 94 SW. MD002186. [Mapped feature: #32475 ]

External Links (1)

Other Statuses/References

  • Local List Status (Unassessed)
  • National Monuments Record reference: SS 94 SW120
  • Pastscape HOBID (was Monarch UID): 1479639



Grid reference Centred SS 9055 4000 (404m by 220m) (Aerial Survey)
Map sheet SS94SW

Finds (0)

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Aug 18 2020 9:41AM


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