Listed Building: SCHOOL HOUSE (1221217)

Grade II
Authority Historic England
Volume/Map/Item 858-1, 4, 38
Date assigned 03 September 1973
Date last amended
Date revoked
LYNTON AND LYNMOUTH SS7149 MARKET STREET, Lynton 858-1/4/38 (South side) 03/09/73 School House - GV II Detached cottage. Mid C19. Painted rubble, roof in graded Delabole slate. A small L-plan building with central staircase to rear. 2 storeys; 1+2-window front, all casements to stone cills, and with some horizontal bars; to the left is a plank door, and to the right, in a gabled wing brought forward, a 2-light window at each floor, all these to flat voussoir heads. The return gable to the left has a 3-light above 2-light, and the back has 6- and 4-light casements grouped at west end. A lateral slate-hung eaves stack, and a similar stack to the W wall of the wing. The 2 gables have decorative barge-boards. INTERIOR appears to have been stripped, but there are remains of a stick balustrade staircase. The building appeared to be unused at the time of survey. Used in the C19 as the school house to the neighbouring school (not included). Listing NGR: SS7202949304

This Exmoor HER designation record includes a list entry description which is Crown Copyright and was provided by Historic England on 15/08/2005 licensed under the Open Government Licence. See link below for up to date list entry data on the National Heritage List for England.

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Grid reference Centred SS 72031 49303 (14m by 11m)
Map sheet SS74NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)