Scheduled Monument: Deserted medieval village 630m north-west of Clannacombe Plantation
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Other Ref
DV 51
Date assigned
26 March 1934
Date last amended
Date revoked
The monument includes a deserted medieval village situated in a valley at the confluence between Hoccombe Combe and Badgworthy Water on a south facing slope. The deserted medieval settlement survives as a series of banked enclosures, building platforms and structures with drystone walls. The enclosures are mainly rectangular in plan, although one is subcircular and these define gardens or paddocks of varying sizes. The remains of approximately 14 separate buildings with drystone walls standing up to 1.2m high are scattered throughout the valley location. Some of these buildings are single-celled structures, several have at least two cells and one has up to five rectangular rooms. A chapel and hermitage are recorded here. The village is bisected by a probably contemporary track that crosses the Hoccombe Combe and Badgworthy Water at natural fords. Ridge and furrow, a field system and trackways are present. The foundation of the village is recorded in a charter of c. 1170. It is also noted in the Domesday Book as 'Lacoma'. The final mention of the village was in 1430 suggesting it was already becoming ruinous. The village has also been associated with the fictional novel 'Lorna Doone ' by R D Blackmore (1869) as the supposed home of the murderous Doone clan and was recorded as 'Doone Valley' on the 1890 Ordnance Survey map. The Doones were not fictitious and were exiled from Scotland to Exmoor from 1616 to 1699 but there is no direct evidence for their occupation.
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